Tag Archives: Washington

The Math of US Debt!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

The following email was sent to us… an interesting exercise in math:

A million dollars?

Just save $500 every week for the next 40 years.

To get to a billion dollars

You would have to save $500,000 dollars per week for 40 years.

And a trillion?

That would require $500 million every week for 40 years.

The sheer enormity is hard to grasp.

If the total cost of the “bailouts” are $12.8 Trillion, and the government added no new debt from now on —

that would mean 6.4BM – $6,150,000,000 a week would have to be “paid back” for 40 years in order to pay it all the debt, and

without paying any compounded interest: principle only.


Then I found out that during FY 2010, the federal government collected $2.16 trillion in tax revenue. (80% income &SS tax, 10% corporate. 10% other).

So if the US government closed down all services and spent every penny it brings in from our taxes,  just to service the debt of the one bailout,  it works out to about 1 billion a week for 40 years. oh, at ZERO interest.

and that will never add up.

they spent 10X what they bring in a year, just in the one bailout.

Ironic we can all see the economic bomb sitting there, but cannot hear the ticking,

or know when it will blow – but the numbers dictate it must, and soon.

please respond if you can explain how these conclusions are mis-calculated —

I want to be very very wrong.

….and a final point:

US GDP is reported to be about $15,000,000,000,000/yr — that’s $288 billion a week.

We live in the wealthiest country the world has ever known, by a large margin.

(Next is China at 5.8 tr, over 50% smaller)

But the government has had almost endless debt spending since 1953 — even with the huge amount of actual wealth generated, they will not stop overspending – will not keep a balanced budget,  ever.

We must have a balanced budget amendment, as many states do, or even if this is impossibly solved, it will be forever repeated.

They never will if we don’t force them – so it must be a constitutional amendment.

Keeping a balanced budget is common sense, practical, and common.

Only the reckless don’t.

It will take a year or two to come to pass once we all insist, but first we the people must constantly insist!

Finally, savings can and must be done immediately.

Trimming waste sounds like a good place to start.

Annual US government waste is now at an all-time high —

just our WASTE each year is now equal to the entire economy of Canada:

  1. The federal government made at least $72 billion in improper payments in 2008.[1]
  2. Washington spends $92 billion on corporate welfare (excluding TARP) versus $71 billion on homeland security.[2]
  3. Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties.[3]
  4. Government auditors spent the past five years examining all federal programs and found that 22 percent of them — costing taxpayers a total of $123 billion annually — fail to show any positive impact on the populations they serve.[4]
  5. The Congressional Budget Office published a “Budget Options” series identifying more than $100 billion in potential spending cuts.[5]
  6. Examples from multiple Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports of wasteful duplication include 342 economic development programs; 130 programs serving the disabled; 130 programs serving at-risk youth; 90 early childhood development programs;75 programs funding international education, cultural, and training exchange activities; and72 safe water programs.[6]
  7. Washington will spend $2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job.[7]
  8. A GAO audit classified nearly half of all purchases on government credit cards as improper, fraudulent, or embezzled. Examples of taxpayer-funded purchases include gambling, mortgage payments, liquor, lingerie, iPods, Xboxes, jewelry, Internet dating services, and Hawaiian vacations. In one extraordinary example, the Postal Service spent$13,500 on one dinner at a Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, including “over 200 appetizers and over $3,000 of alcohol, including more than 40 bottles of wine costing more than $50 each and brand-name liquor such as Courvoisier, Belvedere and Johnny Walker Gold.” The 81 guests consumed an average of $167 worth of food and drink apiece.[8]
  9. Federal agencies are delinquent on nearly 20 percent of employee travel charge cards, costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars annually.[9]
  10. The Securities and Exchange Commission spent $3.9 million rearranging desks and offices at its Washington, D.C., headquarters.[10]
  11. The Pentagon recently spent $998,798 shipping two 19-cent washers from South Carolina to Texas and $293,451 sending an 89-cent washer from South Carolina to Florida.[11]
  12. Over half of all farm subsidies go to commercial farms, which report average household incomes of $200,000.[12]
  13. Health care fraud is estimated to cost taxpayers more than $60 billion annually.[13]
  14. A GAO audit found that 95 Pentagon weapons systems suffered from a combined $295 billion in cost overruns.[14]
  15. The refusal of many federal employees to fly coach costs taxpayers $146 million annually in flight upgrades.[15]
  16. Washington will spend $126 million in 2009 to enhance the Kennedy family legacy in Massachusetts. Additionally, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) diverted $20 million from the 2010 defense budget to subsidize a new Edward M. Kennedy Institute.[16]
  17. Federal investigators have launched more than 20 criminal fraud investigations related to the TARP financial bailout.[17]
  18. Despite trillion-dollar deficits, last year’s 10,160 earmarks included $200,000 for a tattoo removal program in Mission Hills, California; $190,000 for the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming; and $75,000 for the Totally Teen Zone in Albany, Georgia.[18]
  19. The federal government owns more than 50,000 vacant homes.[19]
  20. .The Federal Communications Commission spent $350,000 to sponsor NASCAR driver David Gilliland.[20]
  21. Members of Congress have spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars supplying their offices with popcorn machines, plasma televisions, DVD equipment, ionic air fresheners, camcorders, and signature machines — plus $24,730 leasing a Lexus, $1,434on a digital camera, and $84,000 on personalized calendars.[21]
  22. More than $13 billion in Iraq aid has been classified as wasted or stolen. Another $7.8 billion cannot be accounted for.[22]
  23. Fraud related to Hurricane Katrina spending is estimated to top $2 billion. In addition, debit cards provided to hurricane victims were used to pay for Caribbean vacations, NFL tickets, Dom Perignon champagne, “Girls Gone Wild” videos, and at least one sex change operation.[23]
  24. Auditors discovered that 900,000 of the 2.5 million recipients of emergency Katrina assistance provided false names, addresses, or Social Security numbers or submitted multiple applications.[24]
  25. Congress recently gave Alaska Airlines $500,000 to paint a Chinook salmon on a Boeing 737.[25]
  26. The Transportation Department will subsidize up to $2,000 per flight for direct flights between Washington, D.C., and the small hometown of Congressman Hal Rogers (R-KY) — but only on Monday mornings and Friday evenings, when lawmakers, staff, and lobbyists usually fly. Rogers is a member of the Appropriations Committee, which writes the Transportation Department’s budget.[26]
  27. Washington has spent $3 billion re-sanding beaches — even as this new sand washes back into the ocean.[27]
  28. A Department of Agriculture report concedes that much of the $2.5 billion in “stimulus” funding for broadband Internet will be wasted.[28]
  29. The Defense Department wasted $100 million on unused flight tickets and never bothered to collect refunds even though the tickets were refundable.[29]
  30. Washington spends $60,000 per hour shooting Air Force One photo-ops in front of national landmarks.[30]
  31. Over one recent 18-month period, Air Force and Navy personnel used government-funded credit cards to charge at least $102,400 on admission to entertainment events, $48,250 on gambling, $69,300 on cruises, and $73,950 on exotic dance clubs and prostitutes.[31]
  32. Members of Congress are set to pay themselves $90 million to increase their franked mailings for the 2010 election year.[32]
  33. Congress has ignored efficiency recommendations from the Department of Health and Human Services that would save $9 billion annually.[33]
  34. Taxpayers are funding paintings of high-ranking government officials at a cost of up to$50,000 apiece.[34]
  35. The state of Washington sent $1 food stamp checks to 250,000 households in order to raise state caseload figures and trigger $43 million in additional federal funds.[35]
  36. Suburban families are receiving large farm subsidies for the grass in their backyards — subsidies that many of these families never requested and do not want. [36]
  37. Congress appropriated $20 million for “commemoration of success” celebrations related to Iraq and Afghanistan.[37]
  38. Homeland Security employee purchases include 63-inch plasma TVs, iPods, and $230 for a beer brewing kit.[38]
  39. Two drafting errors in the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act resulted in a $2 billion taxpayer cost.[39]
  40. North Ridgeville, Ohio, received $800,000 in “stimulus” funds for a project that its mayor described as “a long way from the top priority.”[40]
  41. The National Institutes of Health spends $1.3 million per month to rent a lab that it cannot use.[41]
  42. Congress recently spent $2.4 billion on 10 new jets that the Pentagon insists it does not need and will not use.[42]
  43. Lawmakers diverted $13 million from Hurricane Katrina relief spending to build a museum celebrating the Army Corps of Engineers — the agency partially responsible for the failed levees that flooded New Orleans.[43]
  44. Medicare officials recently mailed $50 million in erroneous refunds to 230,000 Medicare recipients.[44]
  45. Audits showed $34 billion worth of Department of Homeland Security contracts contained significant waste, fraud, and abuse.[45]
  46. Washington recently spent $1.8 million to help build a private golf course in Atlanta, Georgia.[46]
  47. The Advanced Technology Program spends $150 million annually subsidizing private businesses; 40 percent of this funding goes to Fortune 500 companies.[47]
  48. Congressional investigators were able to receive $55,000 in federal student loan funding for a fictional college they created to test the Department of Education.[48]
  49. The Conservation Reserve program pays farmers $2 billion annually not to farm their land.[49]
  50. The Commerce Department has lost 1,137 computers since 2001, many containing Americans’ personal data.[50]


Pick the Low-Hanging Fruit


Because many of these examples of waste overlap, it is not possible to determine their exact total cost.

Yet it is evident that our government loses hundreds of billions of dollars annually on spending that most Americans would certainly call wasteful.

Lawmakers seeking to rein in spending and budget deficits should begin by eliminating this least justifiable spending.


Hurricane Irene

Saturday 27th August saw the first hurricane to hit the American mainland since September 2008, when Hurricane Ike hit the US. Hurricane Irene was billed by politicians and the media as a potential monster, at one point being forecast as a possible category 4 hurricane. Much was made of the projected path through Manhattan and New York city. Major Bloomberg called a state of emergency and urged residents to leave the city, as the media hyped the situation and fear took hold. However, ICOTG Manhattan opted to stay in the city and protect their region, property and local people. The church met together, shared communion and prayed over the city; prophesying that the forecast destruction would not hit.

As the storm raged through North Carolina, Maryland and Baltimore causing extensive damage and loss of life (48 people were killed by the hurricane), forecasters were still predicting a direct hit for Manhattan New York. However, as the storm approached, the path suddenly turned to the west, and the the hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm. The ICOTG New York gateway reported heavy rain, which caused a little flooding, but the major destruction and potential loss of life within the city never happened, for which we thank God, and honor our church in Manhattan, for their faithful intercession. Especially at this time when the financial markets are so fragile.

However, the now ‘tropical storm’ continued to travel north to Massachusetts and Vermont. Vermont suffered record breaking flooding, and power cuts; the people left bewildered by the force of nature asking, “Why Vermont?”

Prophet TV’s gateways have a long track record of deflecting storms. ICOTG Florida have seen many hurricanes change course and not hit their area. Prophet TV seeks to raise up warriors who can stand in their regions to protect them against these destructive influences – “when the enemy comes in like a flood, God raises up a standard.”

Hurricane Irene’s power may have been curtailed, and the important Manhattan region was protected, however Vermont was not. Vermont could have been protected against the devastation, had sons of God stood in the authority of Jesus to protect their region.

Current estimates predict Hurricane Irene will cost America over $10 billion to repair the damage, with the Fed to provide $7 billion of this, making Hurricane Irene one of the top ten worst natural disasters in America’s history. This is money America can ill afford at this time; money the average American will have to pay. But it is money we need not be spending, if the church walked in the authority available to us through Jesus Christ, and we stood to protect our regions against the demonic being released throughout this nation by the worship of other gods and witchcraft.

It takes years for God to purge, test and temper you, so He can put a permanent heavy mantle on you to resist this level of demonic destruction.

This process is not easy, in fact it is the “Great Tribulation” the bible speaks of, though it has been mis-taught in the popular Christian sub-culture.

Most Christians, including the leaders of the body, do not have this level of authority and have not gone through this process or even understand it, even though they teach the bible, and raise up more that do not have the authority to stop destruction in their regions.

NOTE:  Jesus was not half way around the world praying to stop the storm,  He was on the boat IN THE STORM, and broke the power !

It is the same with us.

We must have boots on the ground.

NOTE:  Because the ICOTG gatekeepers in New York chose to submit to the process of God and his prophet, (and it has been hell for them, going through “great tribulation” for over a year, as God continues to do a quick work), when the prophet told them to leave NY, they responded “We will not, we are here to represent God and protect our city”,

This too, was God testing their hearts and conviction…

God spoke through the prophet, “because of your heart, I am temporarily putting a 10 fold mantle upon you, and even as you raise your hand and face the storm, it will dissipate around your position, even as you saw the woman stand and the water be deflected in the x-men”.

This is exactly what happened and the news media in NY is now being accused of hyping the storm and they cannot explain what happened to deflect and dissipate it’s destruction as it hit Manhattan.

Note: 10,000 praying a miss, cannot compare to one obedient servant going through God’s process so God can put an anointing or gift on you.  It is God’s anointing or specific gifts and mantles, that break the yoke, not the preaching or teaching or even the praying of the religious.

Note: these gifts are never taken from you, but you will go through “Great Tribulation” before God can trust you with this level of power.

Because many popular leaders themselves, have not submitted to God’s process, God cannot trust the leaders of the body with this level of power.

A leader can and will never teach what he doesn’t know, but instead will turn the gospel message away from the process and power of God, to a constant focus on your behavior and your sin nature.

Hence the problems we see in the world today, No sons of God to meet Him in the clouds and rule and reign.

Submit to God’s process, let God have His way with you.

Listen to the BTW’S (Building The Warrior) as they will give great insight to God’s process.

Do not mock or blaspheme the Holy Spirit on God’s prophet, a fallible man yes, but one who has gone through God’s process and God Himself has poured out gifts upon him and confirms him with signs and wonders as He is the servant of the most high God.

Support Prophet.tv

Raising you up with a clear revelation of the power of God!

Obama Meets With the Dalai Lama in the White House

The following article was taken from the BBC website:

US President Barack Obama has held private talks with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, despite strong criticism from China.

Mr Obama told the Dalai Lama of his “strong support” for human rights in Tibet, a White House statement said.

Beijing released an angry statement saying the meeting had damaged relations between the two countries.

Mr Obama’s last meeting with the Dalai Lama in February 2010 also drew strong condemnation from Beijing.

The talks – which lasted about 45 minutes – were held in the Map Room rather than the Oval Office, which is traditionally reserved for visiting heads of state.

“The president reiterated his strong support for the preservation of the unique religious, cultural and linguistic traditions of Tibet and the Tibetan people throughout the world,” the White House statement said.

“He underscored the importance of the protection of human rights of Tibetans in China.”

Mr Obama also reiterated that the US considers Tibet to be part of China, and said that he encouraged “direct dialogue to resolve long-standing differences”.

The closed-door meeting came just hours before the Dalai Lama was scheduled to leave Washington at the end of an 11-day Buddhist ritual.

China had earlier warned the US not to receive the Dalai Lama.

“Such an act has grossly interfered in China’s internal affairs, hurt the feelings of Chinese people and damaged the Sino-American relations,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said in a written statement following the meeting.

“We demand the US side to seriously consider China’s stance, immediately adopt measures to wipe out the baneful impact, stop interfering in China’s internal affairs and cease to connive and support anti-China separatist forces that seek ‘Tibet independence’,” Mr Ma said.

The White House has not commented on Beijing’s displeasure.

The Chinese authorities have long vilified the Dalai Lama as a “splittist”, although he has repeatedly stated that his goal is for meaningful Tibetan autonomy rather than independence.


A Crucial Week for America in Washington

This week has seen the President recall the Senate to Washington early from the Independence Day week break. Democrats and Republicans urgently need to reach a deal on deficit reduction, with politicians from both sides of the debate calling the next few days crucial for the future of America.

The Government has reached the borrowing ceiling, and if the ceiling is to be lifted Congress must agree to raise the limit, beyond the current level of $14.3 trillion.

Presently talks have reached stalemate with both sides unable to agree: the Democrats insist that with spending cuts taxes must also increase; however Republicans refuse to vote for a deal which includes tax rises and point to the the expensive entitlement programs as the problem.  If a deal is not reached by August 2nd there is real prospect that America could default on debt repayments. The rating agencies, which determine the creditworthiness of nations have already warned that failure to reach a speedy deal will result in the American rating being cut.

The stakes are indeed high in Washington this week, as Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnel said, ”if democrats agree to change their ways- so we don’t end up with the kind of situation here that we’re witnessing in Greece. And make no mistake that is exactly where we’re headed if we don’t do something significant now.”

President Obama has even made the choice to discuss Medicare as a possible place for spending cuts, only if the republicans talk tax increases.

The importance of this week for America and the world as a whole cannot be mistaken. This is a week Americans needs to pray for the wisdom of it’s leaders, a mistake will cost the nation dear….

Remember who is creating the spiritual atmosphere over the capital this week? Preaching from the US Capitol grounds to our government officials – a foreign god – The Dalai Lama!

Support Prophet TV as we run an intercessory mission trip into Washington DC, so God can raise a standard to protect this nation.



This week saw the arrest of the Mobster James “Whitney” Bulger in Santa Monica. The gangster, with Mafia connections, had been on the FBI’s most wanted list for 16 years. FBI agents were amazed to find the gangster so far from his home city of Boston.

Just days before this event, Dali Lama was doing one of his signature rituals for taking over the hearts and minds of the nation (as was done in Nazi Germany), right in Washington D.C., in the Senate, White House, etc.





So important was it to get in the “zone”, the Boston gatekeeper as well the New York gatekeeper joined this important and strategic mission in D.C.

Our Prophet, under a heavy mantle during the Protect D.C. mission, where the Dali lama continued Rituals in the Senate, House of Representatives, White House and the Mandola at Verizon Center, later pouring into the Potomac River to invite in “wrathful deities” to bring destruction against the USA, was in the Zone with the Prophet from Boston, Whitey’s home town. Now, Pay attention.

The mantle on the Prophet was to protect D.C., and once the monks knew ICOTG was in the zone, the millions of dollars they raised at their Mandola ceremony at the Verizon Center, enabled the monks to do a sustained presence in D.C., however the Prophet was forced to cut the mission short due to lack of support.

Again, the monks literally stayed across the hall in the same hotel as the ICOTG team, and would do rituals against the team, in the hotel, outside the door at night.

They knew ICOTG was there to attempt to block the demonic destruction they would call down upon the USA and the East Coast.

Prophet.TV broadcast live all during the Dali Lama’s speeches from the Senate, and during the Mandola evocation being performed in the Verizon center.

But to no avail, as the religious television networks, hard at work hiring creative people to come up with yet another money making event to distract the intercessors, was very effective in diverting the attention of Gods people. You have heard of the CALL to hollywood, and now the CRY for hollywood, maybe we should have thrown a Whine for hollywood but spelled it wine, and included some excellent vintages from France, no?

The results of a botched mission due to yet another successful religious distraction is as follows:

The resulting earthquake was the 1st to hit Washington D.C. since the Phallic symbol known as the Washington Monument was installed, as was felt all up and down the east coast, only to be followed by the most devastating hurricane along the exact same route, with damages further destroying America’s fragile economy. It was only our faithful NY gatekeeper that stood in the gap, and the hurricane dissipated around her position.














The mantle was intended for Washington D.C., including a sustained presence.

Our prophet lamented and lamented as he knew he needed to stay to protect the Head of America and the east coast, but no funds forced the mantle back into Santa Monica, and that which was hidden in Santa Monica (instead of Washington D.C.) came to the light…

The Whitney Bouldger arrest came as the Mantle re-entered Santa Monica.

Whitney had been hidden for 15 years, but the increased D.C. anointing surfaced his hiding place, only blocks from the Santa Monica PTV location.

Whitey was not the target, protecting Washington D.C., and the East Coast, and our nation from bleeding money due to all the ritual created un-natural disasters, was the target.

Congratulations again to the “beast” the “666” religious media/marketing for stealing money in the name of what God was doing calling it, what god is doing, and keeping the body successfully off, yet another key time and target that God wanted conquered ! ! !

Which is EXACTLY why Jesus, who knew you, 666 religious beasts, said it would get worse…
are you listening John, founder of “the countdown to destruction”?

Well now we know there is not a snowball’s chance in Hell, to avert destruction… when the very intercessors meant to stand in the gap are “hooked” and led into confusion by the incredibly powerful money machine known as the religious media… hmm.. we need more money this week, hey I got it, lets go to Israel for yet another boat tour…

Good luck everyone else…
