Third Presidential Debate: Lynn University, Boca Raton, Florida

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President Obama and Republican hopeful Mitt Romney are preparing for the final of the Presidential election debate in Florida. This final debate will take place on Monday 22nd, October. No Presidential election is unimportant, but this year is arguably the most important election we have had for many years. Obama and Romney have very different ideological stand points, and America is clearly facing many challenges.

After the first two debates Romney has made gains in the polls and is now ahead of the President in some polls, with others have the result tied.

The third debate will focus mainly on foreign policy. Libya was a major clashing point for the second debate. President Obama is in Camp David preparing of the debate, and Romney is preparing in Florida.

10 thoughts on “Third Presidential Debate: Lynn University, Boca Raton, Florida”

  1. Something to think about for Christians who will be voting. According to a CNN article, Obama was exposed to all kinds of faiths growing up. Which means he has a mixture of spirits on him.

    Here is the link to the article:-

    I have posted the key points down here:-

    The suspicion about Obama’s faith may seem odd at first because he’s written and spoken so much about his spiritual evolution in his two autobiographies, “Dreams of my Father” and “The Audacity of Hope.” Other books, like “The Faith of Obama” by Stephen Mansfield, also explore Obama’s beliefs.

    Mansfield says Obama is the first president who wasn’t raised in a Christian home. Obama’s mother was an atheist and his grandparents were religious skeptics (Obama’s family has challenged the description of his mother as an atheist. Obama called her “the most spiritually awakened” person he’d ever known, and his sister called their mother an agnostic).

    Mansfield called Obama’s boyhood a “religious swirl. He was exposed to Catholicism, Islam, and strains of Hinduism and Buddhism while growing up in Indonesia during the 1960s.

    “In our household, the Bible, the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology,” Obama said in Mansfield’s book. “On Easter or Christmas Day, my mother might drag me to church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites.”

  2. Bob Schieffer of CBS is moderating today. So far he seems to be balanced unlike Crowley the other day.

  3. Why are both candidates advocating that the US is responsible for Egypts economic failure and somehow we are responsible to fix this. This is playing into jihadist victim mentality where the infidel owes them infidel taxes.

  4. What is Obama talking about! He is arguing that America is stronger now that 4 years ago when he took office.

    Even our vilest enemies know that this is false.

  5. Obama is right, the math doesnt work and Romney’s ideas to balance the budget while increasing military spending is impossible.

  6. This is all the fault of the Bush administration. We are weaker today because of all the stuff the Obama has had to clean up from the Bush era.

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