In preparation for the entrance of his unholiness, who has been given the keys to the bottomless pit, whereby according to their own writings, hundreds of wrathful deities are released into the city to cause destruction and mayhem, a precursor occurred “along the water” as these water spirits, manifested themselves via a black man stabbing and thrashing the throats of some attacking even a baby, seeking to spill innocent blood, in order to give the soon to be invited wrathful deities, a further strong hold.

If you remember after the one who comes saying Peace, Peace, last time he did rituals in the city, then there was sudden destruction, Hurricane Sandy, but the upper west side was spared. WHY ?

Then Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, whereby Vice President Joe Biden advised everyone “you don’t need an AR15, use a shot gun” where by the DC shooter took up his advice.

Do you remember the heavy storm, then New Jersey Pier burning?
They were trying to regain entrance into the city, but couldn’t and moved to DC where by the DC shooter took up Vice President Joe Biden’s advice and used a shot gun, and took a hand gun from a guard.

Why couldn’t they access upper westside ?

As you saw above, the demons that use people, do not need an AR15, or a shot gun, or a Kettle Bomb, just grab something long and sharp…

When will we grow up, and dis-allow people who claim to evoke wrathful deities, and practice occult rituals in our cities?

It is costing us billions$$