Palestinian UN bid set for November 29, Abbas says – PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES – FRANCE 24

Palestinian UN bid set for November 29, Abbas says – PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES – FRANCE 24.

It is believed that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will submit an application of non-member observer status to the UN on November 29th.

If the Palestinians were given non-member observer status they would gain access to UN bodies, like the International Criminal Court, where they may try to prosecute Israel.

The Palestinians may also hope that non-member status will add weight to their claim for the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and east Jerusalem.

Israel have warned that if the Palestinians go ahead with the application, they will take punitive action against them.

The US have already made it clear they are opposed to the Palestinians making such an application.

US guns sales soar after Barack Obama’s re-election – Telegraph

US guns sales soar after Barack Obama’s re-election – Telegraph.

Sales of hand guns have risen in the wake of President Obama’s re-election.

Americans are worried that the President will use his second term to tighten gun laws.

A similar rise in gun sales was seen after President Obama was elected in 2008, and after President Clinton was elected. Mel Bernstein of Dragonman Arms, Colorado Springs said, “We’re going from normally six to eight guns a day, to 25. I stocked up, I got a stockpile of these AK-47s, we’re selling these like hot cakes. Luckily I had an idea of what was going on because it happened with Clinton.”

20 States filed Petitions to Leave the United States Union and Start own government.

Posted by Rachel Weiner on November 12, 2012 at 11:23 am

From states across the country, Americans have filed petitions on the White House Web site seeking to secede from the union and form new state governments.

Petitions have been filed for Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.

White House will respond to any petition that receives 25,000 or more signatures within 30 days.

The petitions from Louisiana and Texas, however, are approaching the threshold for a response.

More on The Washington Post


Expelling Demons Through Mucus and Saliva, Casting Out Demons: at N.Y. Church

Diane Koehler, who has waged a lifelong battle with depression, believes she has seen and personally fought with the devil himself.

“Satan actually came to me and told me if I didn’t take my life he would take my sons,” she said.  “He showed me a gun. He wanted me to take it. I knew if I took the gun that I would be gone.”  She resisted that entreaty, but after her son Timothy committed suicide, her depression deepened.  “At that point, I did see a psychiatrist for medication,” Koehler says.  “I couldn’t tell him anything going on because I knew he wouldn’t understand it.  It’s something I couldn’t talk to anybody about, but the medication didn’t work.”  Koehler says she decided to kill herself — she even set a date. And she would have gone through with it had she not heard Pastor John Goguen speaking about the devil on a local Christian radio station. She then began attending his church.  “The devil doesnt like anybody,” Goguen says.  “In fact, he hates everybody. But his arms are too short to box with God, so he boxes with us, as humans. He knows we are precious to God and to his son, the lord Jesus Christ.”

Pastor Goguen is a conservative evangelical ordained in the Southern Baptist Church. After graduating from the prestigious Dallas Theological Seminary, he went on to open his own church, the Agape Bible Fellowship, in East Aurora, N.Y. It’s a deliverance church, where they say they expel demons through prayer.

The deliverance begins quietly with Pastor Goguen commanding his flock to get rid of their demons — demons that he says enter the body through our breath. The first sign of deliverance is when people begin to yawn incessantly or burp. As the service continues, many start to gag and cough.  “Some of this is painful,” Goguen said. “It’s just that demon having to leave under the authority and the power of the lord Jesus Christ.”  Before long, the room becomes filled with people screaming, moaning and grunting.  Some are writhing on the floor with others holding them down, telling the demons to leave their bodies. This form of deliverance is far from the Catholic Churchs secretive rite of exorcism.  “Jesus did exorcisms publically,” Goguen said.  “He didn’t do it behind closed doors. It was right out in the open. He healed and delivered, delivered from demons, and he healed.”  While it may seem off-putting to an outside observer, Goguen says people have to get over feeling foolish or feeling that his method is “weird.  “When people are willing to repent of sin in the area that the Holy Spirit is working with them on, we find that they get help,” he said.

more at  Casting Out Demons: Expelling Demons Through Mucus, Saliva at N.Y. Church – ABC News.

San Francisco to provide free Transgender Surgery


San Francisco continues to lead the U.S. in strange firsts.  They are about to become the first city to cover costs of genger reassignment surgery.

This program would be for San Francisco residents who are uninsured.

On Tuesday, the cities’ Health Commission voted for the program which was announced last Thursday.

The program would cover mastectomies, genital reconstruction and other related surgery.

According to Barbara Garcia, the local Public Health Director, the program would not be running until later next year.


Back my demands to freeze the EU budget, Cameron tells Merkel: Auditors reject EU’s flawed accounts for 18th year | Mail Online

Auditors rejected the EU’s budget for the 18th year in succession.

The European Court of Auditors say the EU budget is full of errors and fraud and refuse to sign it off, they also say the problem is getting worse.

However, despite their fiscal problems the EU is seeking to increase their budget by €100 billion.

British Prime Minister David Cameron along with six other countries including Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands, have called for an EU budget freeze.

In response to David Cameron’s demands thousands of EU bureaucrats staged a pens down strike.

via Back my demands to freeze the EU budget, Cameron tells Merkel: Auditors reject EU’s flawed accounts for 18th year | Mail Online.

CIA Director Petraeus Resigns After Affair

The Director of the CIA has resigned after after an extra-martial affair. David Petraeus, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, before taking up the post of CIA Director said, “After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours… This afternoon, the President graciously accepted my resignation.”

The CIA has come under close scrutiny in recent weeks after the terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi. However, Petraeus stressed his decision to step down was entirely for “personal reasons”.

Petraeus is a highly respected figure in Washington and amongst the military.

“General David Petraeus will stand in the ranks of America’s greatest military heroes. His inspirational leadership and his genius were directly responsible — after years of failure — for the success of the surge in Iraq,” Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), said. “General Petraeus has devoted his life to serving the country he loves, and America is so much the better for it.”

Read more: Fox News

The Interesting World of Hi-Tech Patents

Microsoft have just filed for a patent that could potentially turn their best selling X-Box accessory, Kinect, into Big Brother.  Microsoft have developed software that can detect the number of people in the room partaking of the game or movie.  If the number exceeds that allowed by the license, then your x-box reports you to Microsoft and action taken.  To quote Microsoft, “The users consuming the content on a display device are monitored so that if the number of user-views licensed is exceeded, remedial action may be taken.”

Apple also filed for a patent in September for “Apparatus and methods for enforcement of policies upon a wireless device”. This means they would be able to remotely disable mobiles or tablets over a particular area.

Also Google have a number of patents in the area of facial recognition.  Eric Schmidt has publicly admitted the company has held back from applying some of their technology, as it “crosses the line of creepy”.

As we share more and more of our personal information online, and as we become more comfortable with the types of surveillance that are common, is it only a matter of time before we begin to accept these technologies as part of every day life? We are already comfortable with Google, Facebook, Twitter etc., compiling huge files of information about our lives – at which point do we say enough? And do we want governments having control of these types of technology?

Iran fired on unarmed US drone over international waters

The Pentagon has announced that Iran fired at an American drone last week as it flew over international waters. The incident occurred 16 nautical miles off the Kuwait coast on November 1st.

The Pentagon’s announcement coincides with a fresh round of sanctions imposed on Iran by the administration. The White House said these new sanctions are, “related to the Iranian government’s human rights abuses, it’s support of terrorism and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.”

The drone attack was the first of it’s kind over international waters in the Persian Gulf region.

Read more: Fox News