Judge Blocks CA Law Banning Deepfake Videos

A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of a recently passed California law aimed at curbing the spread of AI-generated deepfakes depicting political candidates. In his decision, Judge John Mendez wrote, “While a well-founded fear of a digitally manipulated media landscape may be justified, this fear does not give legislators unbridled license to bulldoze over the longstanding tradition of critique, parody, and satire protected by the First Amendment.”

Read More:  Breitbart

Britain Gives Important U.S. Military Base To China Ally

Britain’s left-wing government announced on Thursday to surrender sovereignty of a British Overseas Territory in the Indian Ocean back to Mauritius. The territory had hosted an important joint U.S.-UK military base and listening post for the past 50 years. Mauritius is a participant in China’s “Belt and Road” debt-trap diplomacy programme and Chinese state media celebrates the nations’ cultural and economic links.

Read More:  Breitbart