All posts by The Watcher

Pandemic Treaty A No Go, Biden Amendments In Play

According to a flustered report at the Washington Post on Sunday, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) might not be able to muster the support it needs for a sweeping “global pandemic treaty” at the World Health Assembly currently in progress, but amendments proposed by the Biden administration to reduce the influence of member state governments over W.H.O.’s disease outbreak declarations are still on the table.

Read More:  Breitbart

GOP Drafts ‘Women’s Bill of Rights’

If enacted by Congress, it would pave the way for lawsuits to block the aggressive push by the Biden administration to legally enforce the transgender claim that each person’s unverifiable, mix-and-match “gender identity” determines their legal sex. The Women’s Bill of Rights directly attacks transgender ideology by defining each person’s legal sex as their biological sex.

Read More:  Breitbart