All posts by Ken Cole


U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had a lot to think about in 1939. The world had been suffering from the Great Depression for a decade and the Second World War had just erupted in Europe. On top of that, the U.S. economy continued to look bleak. So when U.S. retailers begged him to move Thanksgiving up a week to increase the shopping days before Christmas, he agreed. He probably considered it a small change; however, when FDR issued his Thanksgiving Proclamation with the new date, there was an uproar throughout the country.

The First Thanksgiving

As most schoolchildren know, the history of Thanksgiving began when Pilgrims and Native Americans gathered together to celebrate a successful harvest. The first Thanksgiving was held in the fall of 1621, sometime between September 21 and November 11, and was a three-day feast. The Pilgrims were joined by approximately 90 of the local Wampanoag tribe, including Chief Massasoit, in celebration. They ate fowl and deer for certain and most likely also ate berries, fish, clams, plums, and boiled pumpkin.

Sporadic Thanksgivings

Though the current holiday of Thanksgiving was based on the 1621 feast, it did not immediately become an annual celebration or holiday. Sporadic days of Thanksgiving followed, usually declared locally to give thanks for a specific event such as the end of a drought, victory in a specific battle, or after a harvest.

It wasn’t until October 1777 that all 13 colonies celebrated a day of Thanksgiving. The very first national day of Thanksgiving was held in 1789, when President George Washington proclaimed Thursday, November 26 to be “a day of public thanksgiving and prayer,” to especially give thanks for the opportunity to form a new nation and the establishment of a new constitution.

Yet even after a national day of Thanksgiving was declared in 1789, Thanksgiving was not an annual celebration.

Mother of Thanksgiving, Lincoln Sets Date, FDR Changes It, Controversy READ MORE


Karl Rove fumbled with his white board insisting the race wasn’t over and that the votes from vital Ohio counties had not yet been fully tallied. A glimmer of hope that Mitt Romney could snatch victory from the jaws of certain defeat remained visible through the squinting lens of Rove’s roseate stubbornness.

As his recount was underway last weekend in Florida, Congressman Allen West basked in the glow of adulation conservatives attending an event at the Breakers Hotel in West Palm Beach beamed on him. Optimism filled the air as a smiling West posed for pictures with Fox News “happy warrior” Monica Crowley and others desperate for just a scrap of conservative vindication.

Conservatives are shell-shocked. The event in Palm Beach drew no consensus for the future of conservatism. After four years of economic, political and moral depredations, it becomes increasingly difficult to predict when the pendulum will swing back — or if it will at all.

Tuesday (11/19/2012), United States District Court Judge Audrey B Collins delivered a 28-page ruling denying my client the right to continue a 59-year-old tradition of exhibiting Nativity scenes along Ocean Boulevard in the City of Santa Monica this Christmas season, another dagger plunged into the heart of America’s twilight customs and traditions. The sneered-at “war on Christmas” was effectively lost for good.

I say this even though the case has neither been dismissed (at least not yet) nor declared dead after appeals.  Indeed, a hearing on the City of Santa Monica’s motion to dismiss our lawsuit is set for December 3, 2012.  As lead counsel for the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes Committee, a nonprofit made up of local churches and the police union, it is not my intention to surrender the cause. But the legal theories we presented to support the preservation of the Nativity tradition in Santa Monica and which the court rejected in their entirety are the identical legal theories advanced in opposition to the City’s motion to dismiss.

Christianity, white men, heterosexuality, meritocracy, Christmas. These are the relics of a distant culture.  Let’s not kid ourselves.  They have been tipping into the abyss for some time.  Only now — plunging as we are with increasing velocity — do the tremors of our nation’s mortality begin to beat their throbbing rhythms insistently.  Santa Monica’s Palisades Park is just the latest park to be “occupied” by a leftist regime’s ideological larceny. As the radical Sixties began to forge the nihilistic alloys of sexual promiscuity, anti-authoritarianism and identity politics, Peoples Park in Berkeley, California, became the epicenter of the big political power grab that only now is reaching the zenith of its destiny. People’s Park gave alienated young people license to “act creatively and together to build an environment uniquely theirs where they could celebrate the rituals of a new culture.”[1]  Hark their heralding message: “Although they lost the park, most felt that it was only a battle in a war that they would win someday.”

F. J. Bardack was a leader in developing political tactics during the struggle for People’s Park.  A leaflet he wrote in May 1969 foreshadowed the takeover we see realized by a Santa Monica city council dominated by Democrats, liberals, Irish Catholics and Kennedys. In “Who Owns the Park,”[2] Bardack traced the evolution of power plays culminating in the ownership of People’s Park by the state-run University of California. His historical timeline begins with the occupation of the Costanoan Indians, followed by Catholic missionaries, the Mexican government, the Americans, white settlers, and ultimately “rich white men,” who turned the property into one of the nation’s leading universities.

But Bardack had a warning ready for the rich, white men: “Your land is covered with blood…. Your people ripped off the land from the Indians a long time ago. If you want it back now, you will have to fight for it again.”   


So How Much Will This Fiscal Cliff (tax increase) Really Cost You?

That depends, of course, on how much you make. The more you make, the more it hurts.

The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center (TPC) says the average household would have to fork over an extra $3,400 more to Washington next year.

Here’s the average taxpayers will have to pay in addition to last years taxes, broken down by income group, according to the TPC:

–Lowest fifth of households (average income: $11,239): $412

–Second-lowest fifth (average income: $29,204): $1,231

–Middle fifth (average income: $49,842): $1,984

–Second-highest fifth (average income: $80,080): $3,540

–Highest fifth (average income: $178,020): $14,173

–Top 1 percent (average income: about $1.3 million): $120,537

20 States filed Petitions to Leave the United States Union and Start own government.

Posted by Rachel Weiner on November 12, 2012 at 11:23 am

From states across the country, Americans have filed petitions on the White House Web site seeking to secede from the union and form new state governments.

Petitions have been filed for Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.

White House will respond to any petition that receives 25,000 or more signatures within 30 days.

The petitions from Louisiana and Texas, however, are approaching the threshold for a response.

More on The Washington Post


Conservative military wont get to vote due to democratic DoD leader not fixing the voter ballot mailing system for years.

A group of Republican senators said Monday that thousands of voter ballots are unlikely to reach military service members until after Nov. 6.

One day ahead of the election, Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), John McCain (R-Ariz.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) sent a letter to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to express their concern over delays in ballots reaching military voters overseas.


OLIVER STONE’S UNTOLD HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES to Premiere on SHOWTIME & coming to a school near you !

Monday, November 12, 2012 – 8:00pm

The Showtime Channel New York , NY 10012
See map: Google Maps

To Premiere On SHOWTIME® Monday, November 12th at 8 PM ET/PT

As Americans, do we really know and understand our shared and complicated history? How do we recall the small details and forgotten players that influenced some of the biggest events from America’s past? Will our children actually get the whole story from reading history books? And how will it affect the future of our country?



On the evidence of his new Showtime mini-series and companion book, Oliver Stone is both a communist and political moron, a redundancy to be sure.

Having previously celebrated a trio of evil-doers – Fidel Castro, Yasser Arafat and Hugo Chavez – Stone now adds “The Untold History of the United States” to the cinematic garbage heap he has been piling up since “J.F.K.” and “Born on the Fourth of July.” Like them, this latest contribution is an unrelenting (and unrelentingly perverse) attack on America as history’s Great Satan, the root cause of worldly evil.

The heroes of this latest Stone fantasy are — I kid you not — Vladimir Lenin and Henry Wallace. Wallace is cast by Stone as the visionary of a planet without capitalism and war, and consequently as America’s missed opportunity to change the world.



Oliver Stone and Martin Scorsese embrace the Dalai Lama and his message as the way forward for the USA and the world. Kind of a new world order or one world government or view point as it were.


Dalai Lama focused on film makers and school professors for over 30 years. Now Toronto Film Festival. And it is working ! Dave Lieberson is an HNN intern.

Since The Birth of a Nation, Hollywood has been trying to make history its own.  While some movies are loathed by historians (Troy) and others loved (Platoon) it is hard to find a movie or television show that sheds light on an entertaining subject and yet remains historically accurate.  Peter Kuznick and Oliver Stone are collaborating on a ten part Showtime series in an attempt to do just that.  The series focuses on the new, undiscovered aspects of many topics in American history, such as the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Vietnam War.


Absentee ballots could hang up Ohios results | The Marion Star |

A new Ohio program intended to make voting easier has the potential to keep the presidential election in doubt until late November if the national outcome hinges on the state’s 18 electoral votes.Under Secretary of State Jon Husted’s initiative to send absentee ballot applications to nearly 7 million registered voters across Ohio, more than 800,000 people so far have asked for but not yet completed an absentee ballot for the Nov. 6 election.Anyone who does not return an absentee ballot, deciding instead to vote at the polls, will be required to cast a provisional ballot. That’s so officials may verify that they did not vote absentee and also show up at the polls.


50 MPG Then – and Now | Eric Peters Autos

Getting 50 MPG out of a gallon of gas has gotten a lot more expensive over the past 20-something years.


Back in 1990, it only cost $5,995 – $10,614 in corrected-for-2012 Fed Funny Money. That sum would buy you a new Geo Metro XFi hatchback, a car capable of 53 city, 58 highway (43 city/52 highway using the EPA”s latest “adjusted” standards).

See here, if you don’t believe me.

Today, the only new car that can match that mileage is a Toyota Prius hybrid – the least expensive version of which – the 2013 Prius C – has a sticker price of $18,950 in current Fed Funny Money. So, you’ll pay nearly twice as much to go about as far on a gallon of gas. (Actually, more than that, because it takes about three times the quantity of Fed Funny Money to buy a gallon today vs. back in 1990.)

If Uncle really gave a damn about us – as opposed to increasing his power over us –  don’t you think he’d encourage more cars like the Metro? Wouldn’t they “reduce our dependence on foreign oil”? Wouldn’t they contribute less to “global warming” by dint of converting less gasoline into carbon dioxide?
