Category Archives: Connecting The Dots

Real time Calculator of the destruction of CO2 to Oxygen Converters world wide.

Global Warming is a money scam lead by governments so as to find new ways to tax people even more money, driving the cost of energy up and passing that cost on to the consumer.

Science Lesson 101 forests breath in CO2 and exhale Oxygen.
Kind of a cool thing God created.

If Obama and Al Gore (made and set to make millions off Global Warming scam) really wanted to address the CO2 levels wouldn’t they simply deal with the junk mail going into Manhattan NY for example?

Since Man keeps destroying the CO2 converters is it any wonder the CO2 levels would rise?

Look at this real time calculator to watch and get an understanding of just how much wasted wood / paper / junk mail is going into your box…

I thought we all had digital “free” environmental friendly email ?

Check out in real-time what is happening around the World. Here are some events and their frequency after you visited the page!

Source: 15 events and their frequency of happening


Owners of the Fairmont hotel in Santa Monica are not satisfied with the millions of dollars they make per month but want to increase that 10 fold.

1st major obstacle to building a huge sky scraper blocking other hotels views is to put get their man elected to the Santa Monica City Council so they can re-write long standing bans on building heights in Santa Monica.

That being done, the second step is to stop local home owners from renting out their homes, so as to force everyone to rent from the hotel only.

Second step is now finished and the law is set to take place blocking home owners from renting, will start June 15th.

Democrats like Hillary, tell the locals “we are protecting the middle class home owner”, a total lie as they only take pay offs from the big investors seeking to hurt the middle class…

Amazing stuff…

Why do younger voters think the liberal agenda is actually helping anyone except big business, which they are against?

Because they don’t want to think and are satisfied with the lie and legalizing pot…

Insanity… truly


Denzel Washington’s Dillard University Declaration vs. Michelle Obama’s Tuskegee Attack.

Addressing graduates at two different universities Denzel Washington and Michelle Obama gave very difference messages.  The hugely successful black male celebrity had a word of advice for those who would otherwise be influenced by racially-obsessed firebrands.

According to this particular African-American superstar actor, the key to success isn’t forcing equality, killing cops, being a beneficiary of quotas, or political retribution – it is putting God first.  Denzel assumed an attitude of thankfulness and humility by telling graduates that if one “puts God first,” success will follow. Washington didn’t talk about bias, prejudice, racism or color. Instead, Denzel Washington chose to discuss how everything he’s accomplished is due solely to the “grace of God.”

While the first African-American first lady was busy recounting for Tuskegee grads every personal affront, African-American megastar Denzel – after receiving an honorary doctorate of Humane Letters at the ceremony – told the group to “Put God first in everything you do.”

Michelle Obama’s Tuskegee comments exuded an attitude of racial entitlement mixed with tangible resentment. By contrast, Denzel told the following story:

“When I was young and started really making it as an actor, I came and talked to my mother and said, ‘Mom, did you think this was going to happen? I’d be so big and I’ll be able to take care of everybody and I can do this and I can do that.’ “

Mama Washington reprimanded her son:

“Oh, you did it all by yourself? I’ll tell you what you can do by yourself: Go outside and get a mop and bucket and clean these windows – you can do that by yourself, superstar.

She said, ‘Boy, stop it right there, stop it right there, stop it right there! She said, ‘If you only knew how many people been praying for you.’ How many prayer groups she put together, how many prayer talks she gave, how many times she splashed me with holy water to save my sorry behind.”

Instead of blaming perceived wrongs for what he didn’t have or what wasn’t bestowed on him because of his skin color, Washington acknowledged those in the audience like his mother who sacrificed much so that the graduates could accomplish their academic goals:

“So, I’m saying that because I want to congratulate all the parents and friends and family and aunties and uncles and grandmother and grandfathers, all the people that helped you get to where you are today.”

Unlike Mrs. Obama’s Tuskegee tirade, the Denzel-delivered Dillard commencement speech had none of the bitterness, animosity, or warnings about the impending hardships of being black in America that were so prominent in Michelle Obama’s remarks.

Instead, Denzel Washington told the graduates:

“Everything you think you see in me, everything I’ve accomplished, and everything you think I have – and I have a few things. Everything that I have is by the grace of God. Understand that. It’s a gift.”

And so, if some disgruntled black Americans are looking for an alternative example of how success is attained, maybe instead of firebombing minority-owned businesses, shooting young police officers in the head, or buying into Michelle Obama’s Tuskegee vitriol, how about listening to Denzel’s sound advice and “put God first?”


Santa Monica Socialists- controlled by big business- move to block home owners and hurt local businesses- Folks you cannot make this stuff up!

Santa Monica city council – headed by the “plant” from the Fairmont Hotel chain, put into position so Fairmont could break the city regulations about hight restrictions… to further build a monster hotel at the waters edge, now turns the city on individual homeowners ability to rent their private property.

Santa Monica will now require every homeowner to have a business license to rent their property, weather for a day or for 600 days… Is that really legal?

Santa Monica will hire 3 people at an expense of $500,000 billable to the residence of Santa Monica, and provide them with credit cards to pose as renters so as to fine and abuse home owners. The fines they project to generate will be $150,000 annually, there by leaving the taxpayers $350,000 to pay these three city employees who’s job it is to block over $30 million in revenue for local Santa Monica businesses, created by visitors who cannot afford the $450 per night hotel rentals, but are there to spend money when their rent is $100 per night.

Expect many business to dry up due to lack of tourist dollars being spent…
And welcome once again to the Socialist Republic of Santa Monica and doing everything backwards… Kinda Jane Fonda’s world view…

Let the hotels break the hight restrictions, and block the homeowners and small businesses… Ready for more unemployment in Santa Monica…

Why do Liberals always talk about defending the little guy, but in reality it is about defending the big money, and eliminating the middle class?

Stay Tuned… this is about to get real interesting…

Speech by Senator Dianne Feinstein

Mr. President, Madam Speaker, Mr. Majority Leader, and honoured guests.

I want to begin by recognizing Senator Craig Thomas, who passed away earlier this year.

Senator Thomas was my cosponsor on the Senate resolution which authorized this Congressional Gold Medal and also on the Tibetan Policy Act, which outlined for the first time U.S. policy toward Tibet.

Senator Thomas’ wife, Susan, is present today, along with several members of his family.

Susan, would you please stand and be acknowledged.

Now, a few words about His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

This world is filled with conflict and strife. But the Dalai Lama transcends this world and inspires us with hope.

“To know him is to know compassion”.

“To listen to him is to learn wisdom”.

“To be close to him is to feel the presence of something very special”.

This man has been a quiet force for peace and compassion. He moves people to look beyond their narrow, selfish interests and to find the strength to help others.

I have been blessed to call the Dalai Lama a friend for nearly 30 years.

I first met him in Dharamsala through my husband-to-be, Richard Blum, in the fall of 1978. I was awed by his presence and moved to action.

In September 1979, as Mayor of San Francisco, I was the first official to invite and welcome His Holiness to San Francisco to present him with a key to the City. This was his first visit to America.

As I came to know His Holiness, I have tried to be a bridge between His Holiness and the Chinese leadership.

In fact, on three separate occasions since 1991, my husband and I hand-delivered letters from His Holiness to the Chinese leadership: Asking for direct talks, reiterating his Middle Way approach and clearly stating that he does not seek independence for Tibet, but is looking to secure Tibet’s religious and cultural autonomy.

Through our many talks, I know the Dalai Lama is a reasonable man. He is not seeking independence, but meaningful autonomy within the People’s Republic of China.

And I truly believe that if the Chinese leadership were to sit down with the Dalai Lama, they together could work out a solution whereby he would be able to return to his native Tibet, which has long been his hope and dream.

This has sadly been a lost opportunity.

The simple truth is this: I can think of no one who more embodies the spirit of the Congressional Gold Medal than His Holiness, the Dalai Lama.

People flock by the thousands to his lectures all over the world. They yearn to hear his voice, to be enveloped by his spirit of compassion.

His teachings resonate across religions, cultures, and ethnic lines. And his message of peace, non-violence and understanding has never been more relevant.

So let me offer my deepest congratulations, and offer my personal thanks to His Holiness for spreading his message of compassion around the world.

Thank you.

DL website

“If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair”

“Summer of Love” and counterculture movement.[edit]
See also: Counterculture of the 1960s, History of the hippie movement and San Francisco in the 1970s
Following World War II, San Francisco became a magnet for America’s counterculture. During the 1950s, City Lights Bookstore in the North Beach neighborhood was an important publisher of Beat Generation literature. Some of the story of the evolving arts scene of the 1950s is told in the article San Francisco Renaissance. During the latter half of the following decade, the 1960s, San Francisco was the center of hippie and other alternative culture.

In 1967, thousands of young people entered the Haight-Ashbury district during what became known as the Summer of Love. The San Francisco Sound emerged as an influential force in rock music, with such acts as Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful Dead achieving international prominence. These groups blurred the boundaries between folk, rock and jazz traditions and further developed rock’s lyrical content.

Rise of the “Gay Mecca”[edit]

Rioters outside San Francisco City Hall the evening of May 21, 1979, reacting to the voluntary manslaughter verdict for Dan White, that ensured White would serve only five years for the double murders of Harvey Milk and George Moscone.
San Francisco’s frontier spirit and wild and ribald character started its reputation as a gay mecca in the first half of the 20th century. World War II saw a jump in the gay population when the US military actively sought out and dishonorably discharged homosexuals. From 1941 to 1945, more than 9,000 gay servicemen and women were discharged, and many were processed out in San Francisco.[33] The late 1960s also brought in a new wave of lesbians and gays who were more radical and less mainstream and who had flocked to San Francisco not only for its gay-friendly reputation, but for its reputation as a radical, left-wing center. These new residents were the prime movers of Gay Liberation and often lived communally, buying decrepit Victorians in the Haight and fixing them up. When drugs and violence began to become a serious problem in the Haight, many lesbians and gays simply moved “over the hill” to the Castro replacing Irish-Americans who had moved to the more affluent and culturally homogeneous suburbs. The Castro became known as a Gay Mecca, and its gay population swelled as significant numbers of gay people moved to San Francisco in the 1970s and 1980s. The growth of the gay population caused tensions with some of the established ethnic groups in the southern part of the city. On November 27, 1978 Dan White, a former member of the Board of Supervisors and former police officer, assassinated the city’s mayor George Moscone and San Francisco’s first openly gay elected official, Supervisor Harvey Milk. The murders and the subsequent trial were marked both by candlelight vigils and riots within the gay community. In the 1980s, the HIV (formerly called LAV, HTLV-III, also known as AIDS virus) created havoc on the gay male community. Today, the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender populations of the city are estimated to be approximately 15%, and they remain influential in the city’s life.


At least 19 injured, 4 critically, in NYC building explosion

At least 19 people were injured, four of them critically, when an explosion and seven-alarm fire destroyed an apartment building and burned three other structures in New York City’s East Village Thursday.

At an evening news conference, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said a preliminary investigation indicated that a gas explosion caused by plumbing and gas work in the building that collapsed was to blame. The New York Post reported that construction crews accidentally “hit a gas main.”

Craig Ivey, the president of utility company Con Edison said a plumber had been doing work connected to a gas service upgrade, and inspectors had been there to check on a planned meter installation an hour before the fire. But the work failed the inspection, partly because a space for the new meters wasn’t big enough, and the inspectors said gas couldn’t be introduced to that part of the building, Con Ed said.

De Blasio said no one had reported a gas leak before Thursday’s explosion, and Con Edison said it had surveyed the gas mains on the block Wednesday and found no leaks. But bystander Blake Farber, who lives around the corner, told the Associated Press he’d been walking by the building and smelled gas seconds before the big blast.

Smoke from the fire could be seen and smelled across the city in the hours after the explosion, which occurred at around 3:15 p.m. local time. Flames shot out of the top of the five-story building at 2nd Avenue and 7th Street. Items from a ground-floor sushi restaurant were blown into the street, while the force of the explosion blew a cafe door across the avenue. Rubble, glass and debris littered the sidewalks.

The area was evacuated, and the city’s health department advised residents to keep their windows closed because of the smoke. Firefighters continued pouring water on the buildings for hours after the explosion, in an area of old tenement buildings that are home to students and longtime residents near New York University and Washington Square Park. At least one family sought help at an American Red Cross relief center set up at a school.

In addition to the collapsed building, at 121 2nd Avenue, another building next door was “in danger of possible collapse,” according to FDNY Commissioner Daniel Nigro. Two other nearby buildings were affected by the explosion.

Adil Choudhury, who lives a block away, ran outside when he heard “a huge boom.”

“Already there was smoke everywhere” when he saw the building, he told The Associated Press. “The flames were coming out from the roof. The fire was coming out of every window.”

Area resident Paul Schoengold said he was walking about two blocks away when he heard an “incredibly loud” roar.

“Then the fire started. I could see the flames on the roof, and they kept getting higher,” shooting perhaps 50 feet into the air, he said.

As freelance photographer Michael Seto ran up to the buildings after hearing the explosion in his apartment a block and a half away, flames were spreading and engulfing one building’s first floor.

Meanwhile, a man was climbing up the fire escape, not down, he said.

“People were calling to him that the building’s on fire — he needs to get down,” and he did, Seto said.

Other witnesses described a woman scrambling down her fire escape in the moments after the explosion. She stopped on the second floor, afraid to go further, before passers-by climbed up to help get her down.

In the aftermath, one person was lying on the ground, being attended to by two to three passers-by who were holding his head still, Seto said. A woman was sitting on the curb with blood coming down her face, and another woman walked past him with blood on her face, he said.

The fire happened a little over a year after a gas explosion in a building in East Harlem killed eight people and injured about 50.


New York Assembly Passes Bill Allowing Shooting Babies Through the Heart With Poison to Kill Them

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The New York state Assembly proved that promoting the best interest of women apparently includes pushing late-term abortions.

For years, the state legislature has been embroiled in a battle over a package of bills designed to push the interests of women. The bills have been held up in part because it includes a measure that would promote late-term abortions in the Empire State. Despite strenuous support from pro-abortion Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the legislature has refused to pass the package of bills because of the abortion measure.

The abortion bill would allow an abortion procedure that has abortionists shooting poison through the hearts of unborn children to kill them.

Now, the state Assembly has approved part of the package of bills — specifically the abortion promotion measure Governor Cuomo strenuously supports.

Today in a vote of 94-49 the New York State Assembly approved passage of AB 6221, the extreme stand-alone 10th point from the previously packaged 10-point Women’s Equality Act, which would expand third-trimester abortions and allow non-doctors to perform abortions. Since 2013, abortion advocates have been holding the Women’s Equality Act hostage to this single dangerous bill, refusing to break the 10-point bill up. This session, however, the will of the voters was finally heard, and the stand-alone bills have been considered.

“Expanding cruel and brutal third-trimester abortions has long been a goal of the anti-life lobby who never met an abortion they didn’t like,” said Lori Kehoe, New York State Right to Life executive director. “With no regard for the fully developed unborn baby who is violently dismembered, or otherwise killed, the New York State Assembly once again put the abortion lobby above New York State women and their children.”

AB 6221, sponsored by Assemblywoman Glick, would change existing New York State law, which currently allows for abortion in the third trimester when the mother’s life is in danger, to allow abortion on-demand throughout all nine months. The law would be changed to allow abortion for any reason deemed “relevant to the well-being of the patient” including physical, emotional, psychological, and familial factors, and the mother’s age.

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AB 6221 has no interest in the life of the living, developed, unborn human child, stripping away any protections the smallest members of our human family have.

“We now look once again to the Senate to hold the line in defense of the children which happens to also be in accordance with the will of the rest of the people,” added Kehoe. “It is ridiculous that in 2015, with all the technology at our disposal, we are still arguing whether or not an eight month old baby in the womb deserves protection. It is doubtful that our descendants will look kindly upon this period in our history, when we fought for the right to dismember babies weeks, days and even minutes before birth.”

New York State Right to Life will be discussing this and other attacks on members of the human family at their free-to-the-public Lobby for Life Day on April 29 at the Legislative Office Building in Albany.


Google controls what we buy, the news we read — and Obama’s policies

It’s 2020. The New England Patriots, winners of six straight Super Bowls, are having yet another routine meeting with the Commissioner’s Office.

Deputy NFL Commissioner Tom Brady and his chief of staff, Rob Gronkowski, OK a rule change that forgives the Patriots for illegally taping other teams and deflating football over the preceding years. Meanwhile, members of the Patriots continue to happily contribute funding for the commissioner’s new 45-room castle in Turks and Caicos, and Bill Belichick agrees to continue coaching the commissioner’s 12-year-old son in Pop Warner football.

Would that bother anyone? Because the above is pretty much going on today, only the team is called Google and the commissioner is the president of the United States.

Sure, since we’re talking about politics, the giving and taking of favors works in a slightly more indirect way. But only slightly. As Michael Kinsley used to say, the scandal about corruption in Washington is not the stuff that’s illegal but the stuff that’s legal.

A former Google officer is the president’s chief technology adviser. Google employees contributed more to President Obama’s re-election than did employees of any other company except Microsoft. Google lobbyists met with Obama White House officials 230 times. By comparison, lobbyists from rival Comcast have been admitted to the inner sanctum a mere 20 or so times in the same period.

Oh, and on Election Night 2012, guess where Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt was? Working for the president. In the president’s campaign office. On a voter-turnout system designed to help the president get re-elected.

Obama lieutenant David Plouffe boasts: “On Election Night [Schmidt] was in our boiler room in Chicago,” he told Bloomberg News, in a story that revealed that for the campaign Schmidt “helped recruit talent, choose technology and coach the campaign manager, Jim Messina, on the finer points of leading a large organization.”

Schmidt was especially fond of a madcap corner of the Obama campaign office known as “the Cave,” where, at 4:30 every day, staffers would dance madly under a disco ball to the tune of a mashup of Psy’s “Gangnam Style” and an automated campaign phone call made to prospective voters.

Favors beget favors. And hey, presto, the FTC, in 2012, ignored the recommendations of its own staffers, which accused Google of abusive trade practices for burying competitors in their search results and recommended a lawsuit.

Instead, the FTC dropped its inquiry. Google enjoys 67 percent market share, 83 percent in mobile. No biggie, declared the FTC.

Google lobbyists have been pushing for implementation of “net neutrality” regulations, particularly a “Title II” provision that would benefit Google. President Obama helpfully came out in support of the plan, including Title II, which was slightly embarrassing because Obama’s FCC chair, Tom Wheeler, had favored a different approach. Wheeler promptly reversed course and backed the Obama-Google plan.

Right before the FCC report was due, but before it was made public, the FCC pulled another odd reversal, removing 15 pages of policy Google apparently found out about but didn’t like.

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai said that the changes came about after “a last-minute submission from a major California based company.” I wonder which company he’s talking about. In-N-Out Burger?

It’s not like Google is ungrateful for all of this special attention. When the newly launched ObamaCare website was plagued by evil spirits, guess which company was sent to fix it?

Google’s proton packs helped kill off the ObamaCare site’s goblins, but the country got slimed.

Still, all of this is easily forgiven compared to what’s coming next: politically filtered information.

Google says that in the future, its determinations about what is true and what is untrue will play a role in how search-engine rankings are configured.

Google has the power to bump an article it doesn’t like off the table and under the rug. Even moving information off the first page of search results would effectively neutralize it: According to a 2013 study, 91.5 percent of Google search users click through on a first-page result.

To put it mildly, your idea of whether Fox News or MSNBC is a more reliable purveyor of “truth” might differ substantially from your neighbor’s.

Google’s idea of ranking results based on truth is an excellent one that it should implement just as soon as it comes up with an absolutely, unbiased and objective system of determining truth.

I’m not sure the company whose employees ranked second in all of corporate America in campaign donations to Obama can be termed neutral. I’m not sure the nation’s most impartial arbiter is a guy who partied to the sounds of an Obama campaign robocall.



Breitbart confirms an Islamic Tribunal operating Shariah Law has begun in Irving, Texas.  CBN News reported  “The new Shariah tribunal in Irving, Texas, is trying to assure Americans they’re not planning to follow the type of Shariah law practiced in Muslim countries. But critics aren’t convinced”.

Breitbart have also confirmed that the four “lawyers” appointed are not members of the judiciary and are therefore practising law without a license in Texas.   Though Shariah Law decisions are said to be “voluntary”, one of the four Texas “judges” Dr. El-badawi, restated several times that participation in the tribunal is voluntary, however, he would not discuss what happens to someone who did not follow their rulings.

Great Britain has already seen the effects of Shariah law in the UK, and the rulings of the tribunals have been detrimental to women especially in divorce and child custody cases, as women have very few rights over Muslim men.  The UK Telegraph reported in August 2011 that “there are growing concerns” that the Sharia courts “are creating a parallel legal system — and one that is developing completely unchecked.” The UK Independent newspaper stated in April 2012 “some Sharia law bodies have been misrepresented by the media as being transparent, voluntary and operating in accordance with human rights and equality legislation. This is not the case. Many Sharia law bodies rule on a range of disputes from domestic violence to child residence all of which should be dealt with by UK courts of law.” Instead, “they operate within a misogynist and patriarchal framework which is incompatible with UK legislation.”

Now this has started in the USA.  The Texas Islamic tribunal website states: “As mentioned earlier, Muslims are bound in iman and Islam to have masajid, mahkamas, al-Mahkama al-Shar’iyya or courts to solve the problems.  Throughout Islamic history there has not been a time that qadis, or judges, and courts did not exist and they cannot go without existing today. Iman and the religion of Islam is based on the creed of Amantu billahi and believes that all deeds of men are recorded and will be brought forward and weighted upon the scales of justice and judged by Allah the Exalted, the Most Just. ”

The tribunal website continues: “The actions of men will be judged based on iman and Islam but not in violation of the laws that govern the land.  It is a must for a healthy society best to respond the people’s needs in a faith based approach and answer problems within that framework…the Islamic Tribunal intends to respond to that need.  Islamic Tribunals decisions have to be fair, just and conforming to legal proceedings at the local, state and federal level and recognized as such by the courts.  This may be incrementally developed by educating ourselves and also the legal professionals in the country, so understandably it may naturally take time to find its way to be commonly accepted…”

The US Center for Security Policy issued a report in 2011 which found that cases in the US courts have already adopted Shariah law principles in some cases, to the detriment of many women and children.  It states “These families came to America for freedom from the discriminatory and cruel laws of Shariah. When our courts then apply Shariah law in the lives of these families, and deny them equal protection, they are betraying the principles on which America was founded.”



Man embeds computer chips in hands to store virtual currency inside his body.

A Dutch entrepreneur has had two wireless computer chips implanted under the skin in his hands to allow him to store digital currencies like Bitcoin inside his body.

Bitcoin is explained by Wikipedia as an online payment scheme invented in 2008 and users can transact directly without needing an intermediary like a traditional bank. The system works without a central repository or single administrator, which has led the US Treasury to categorize it as a decentralized virtual currency.

With roughly 12 million existing bitcoins in November 2013, the new price increased the market cap for bitcoin to at least US$7.2 billion. By 23 November 2013, the total market capitalization of bitcoin exceeded US$10 billion for the first time. One bitcoin is today currently worth about $227 USD.

Martijn Wismeijer is the founder of Mr Bitcoin, a company which installs and operates crypto-currency cash machines in and around his native Amsterdam and across Europe.

This month, Wismeijer chose to undergo a painful procedure to embed NFC (near-field communication) chips under his skin. These chips can be read by a range of devices including smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy S5 and Apple iPhone 6, and can be adapted for a range of uses. He uses the chip to store the private keys for his Bitcoin wallets, which store the information necessary to transact bitcoins on or offline.

The glass chips he had implanted were xNTi devices which come pre-installed in syringes to plunge them into the fatty flesh under the skin. The 2mm by 12mm chips only store 888 bytes, but can transfer that over short distances when in the presence of an NFC reader.

New models with more memory are currently being designed, but these will be larger and more painful to install as they will have to be unfolded under the skin as opposed to just being injected.

“Most doctors will not want to install the implant so a body manipulation artist (preferably not just tattoo artist or piercer) will be your next best bet, but make sure they work according to strict hygiene codes and know what they are doing,” said Wismeijer.

“The reason I did take the implants is that I have real-world uses for it today, my phones and tablets are all compatible. I personally feel that by supporting these bio-hacking developments we can learn what works and what doesn’t and that some day, in the not so distant future we will be able to implant more functionality like sub dermal glucose sensors or heart rate monitors and other vital health monitoring devices. Imagine a normally invisible tattoo on your arm glowing red when you get a heart attack, swipe your phone and your phone will notify doctor.

“By supporting these bio-hacking initiatives I believe we are paving the way for social acceptance while at the same time we support the bio-hacking technology that drives it.”

READ MORE……Bitcoin embedded on chip


Twelve people were executed and eleven injured today after gunmen targeted staff by name at the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine, in the heart of Paris, France.  The editor, journalists, and four well known cartoonists and two police offices were murdered by gunman using assault rifles shouting “Allahu Akbar,” an Islamic phrase meaning “God is greater”.  The three gunmen are still at large – they escaped by car which has since been found abandoned, though someone has been arrested in Reims, north-east of Paris.

Other cities in France – Nantes, Tours and Dijon – have seen attacks on a smaller scale by lone individuals in the past 4 weeks and France has been on a state of alert over the Christmas period as a result.

The French Republic has been confrontational in dealing with violent Islamist groups in their territories worldwide, and tolerates no religious extremism from any group, recently banning the wearing of the burqa veil in public for Muslim women.

Human values and freedom of the press are at the heart of the issue for many, as hundreds gather in Paris and London, mourning and protesting at the horror of the attack. The controversial magazine has often mocked politicians and religions. The Charlie Hebdo offices were firebombed in 2011 and its website was hacked, after the cover featured the prophet Muhammad. In 2012 the magazine again published crude Muhammad caricatures, drawing condemnation from around the Muslim world.

The cover of this week’s issue of the newspaper focuses on a new book by Michel Houellebecq, “Submission,” published today, which depicts France led by an Islamic party by 2022 that bans women from the workplace.

Paris, and many cities in France and the UK are on high alert, as concern that shopping centres, media and newspaper offices, and religious organisations may be soft targets for extremists.

How do we stop this happening in our cities?



Police say it is virtually impossible to protect people and can only hope to arrest after the fact. Liberals say the all citizens should be unarmed so as to make them easier targets.

God raised up a spiritual revelation and an authority to block the evil, and indeed protected the cast of Batman by diverting the planned attack at the Upper Westside theater in Manhattan.

The Shooters Voices told him he would be uncovered if he came into the Upper WestSide Lincoln Center Theater, the very spot G- had his prophets interceding to protect.

It always takes money to put boots on the ground.

Malachi 3:9 You are cursed with a curse even this whole nation because you rob God. Meaning, when the Spirit of God raises up a revelation with authority and people do not recognize this and do not become part of supporting it, the Move is starved out 1) cannot get in the zone to block the death, 2) cannot raise up others to do the same.