So how is it done?
How to Buy a Candidate in America
Category Archives: Corruption
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Ben Shapiro
The Media Is Dividing Our Country- Why?
The number one influence on people is media, and I blame media as a whole for the myopic mindset that the American people have, as a whole, rabidly adopted.
If media would consistently report evenhandedly, as professional journalism requires, we would be living in a completely different political and social climate.
But it’s all about click bait and who says something before anyone else. It’s driven the populace a little crazy. To think any one guy will turn that around is a bit naive. It will take us, the people, to demand the media report responsibly.
For example, after the embarrassment of the last election reporting Hillary ahead by miles and slam dunk winning long before one vote was cast showed glaring bias and outright lying, we should have demanded resignations and not just rolled over.
Now we at another election cycle. Same cast and crew.
Accurate reporting is nowhere to be found. It’s just….What have they been told to say now? Zero cred on both sides. So the people would be better off flying blind then being mislead.
But we can’t get away from media overreach.
Until journalism returns to valuing personal and professional integrity, maybe fines for lying may be in order.
Hey, that might balance the budget in a day or two!!
Bonus !
Lou Dobbs: FBI Knew Russia Dossier Was Disinformation
‘Can you post a meme?’: Facebook changes ad rules after Bloomberg exploits loophole
Policy change involves what Facebook calls ‘branded content’, sponsored items posted by ordinary users who are typically paid by companies
Facebook decided on Friday to allow a type of paid political message that had sidestepped many of the social network’s rules governing political ads, in a reversal that highlights difficulties tech companies and regulators have in keeping up with the changing nature of paid political messages.
Facebook’s policy change comes days after the Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg exploited a loophole to run humorous messages promoting his campaign on the accounts of popular Instagram personalities followed by millions of younger people.
Ex-Satanist John Ramirez shocked the world when he claimed his discovery of hell in 2014.
Ramirez claims he went to hell and that the devil was trying to end his life before God stepped in and protected him.
In an exclusive interview, Ramirez tells News 12 that he was trained to be a Satanic cult (Santeria and Spiritualist) high ranking priest in New York City that cast powerful witchcraft spells and controlled entire regions.
Australia’s devastating bushfire crisis and record breaking drought is God’s punishment for legalising gay marriage and abortion
Israel Folau,
The devout Christian delivered his latest sermon at the Church of Jesus Christ
He said same-sex marriage and abortion were going against the laws of God
Folau then continued and spoke about Australia’s bushfires in NSW and QLD
Suggested God was punishing Australia for legalizing gay marriage, abortion
‘Abortion – it’s OK now to murder and kill infants, unborn children – and they deem that to be OK.
‘Look how rapid these bushfires, these droughts, all these things they’ve come in a short period of time – you think it’s a coincidence?’
Folau told worshippers ‘God was speaking’ to Australia and said: ‘You need to repent.’
Hypocrisy on the Left
The Democrats Impeachment of Trump
Anti-police violence surges in the tough suburbs of Paris
PARIS (AP) — A resurgence of anti-police violence has emerged in the long-troubled towns around Paris, signs that lawlessness still simmers in French urban hotspots that exploded in three weeks of rioting in 2005.
Violence on Saturday night in Chanteloup-les-Vignes and recent flare-ups in other tough neighborhoods west of Paris have not matched the intensity or destructiveness of the unrest that spread to hundreds of towns in 2005. But French authorities are alarmed because the violence appears pre-planned, with ambushes deliberately set to target police.
Police union officials suspect that rival gangs from different tough neighborhoods are competing for bragging rights in their attacks and are reveling in the media coverage they’re generating, even egging each other on in social media.
China Demolishes 3,000-Seat Megachurch during Worship Service
Communist authorities destroyed a 3,000-seat megachurch over the weekend, using a large excavator to tear apart the building as members and citizens watched helplessly, according to China Aid.
The large building – which resembled many large church buildings in the United States and was topped with a spire and cross – was located in the province of Anhui, which rests in the eastern part of the country and has about 60 million residents.
How to hide in plain sight- A growing fashion trend
Artists and fashion designers are coming up with novel ways to stay private in public
Emily Roderick, 23, and her cohorts in “The Dazzle Club” walked around the British capital last week with blue, red and black stripes painted across their faces in an effort to escape the watchful eye of facial-recognition cameras.
The artists took their silent stroll through the city’s King’s Cross area hoping their bold make-up would act as camouflage and confuse the cameras.
“We’re hiding in plain sight,” Roderick told the Thomson Reuters Foundation, explaining that bright colours and dark shades of make-up are known to hamper a camera’s ability to accurately recognise faces.
In Hong Kong, for example, protesters against a bill that would have allowed people to be sent to mainland China for trial have sought to avoid surveillance by wearing masks and dressing in black.