Category Archives: News

The News

Solar Storm Batters Earth

There is a type of weather with the power to knock out a major cities power supply in seconds, or disrupt aviation travel, or destroy satellites orbiting the earth;  this is space weather. Space weather is recreated when the sun is experiencing a period of heightened activity, and it ejects massive clouds of highly energetic particles, with a large magnetic field. Solar storms distort our own magnetic field, and the energetic particles can sometimes find their way way through to earth. When this happens national grids can be highly vulnerable to a build up of charge in the system, or satellites can be destroyed. This affects electricity supply, telecommunications, and air travel.

2012 is the beginning of a period of intense solar activity. March 8th saw one of the largest solar storms for many years. These events can have serious consequences. In 1989 a major storm plunged Quebec and parts of northern New York state into darkness. In 2003, part of Sweden’s national grid was taken out, and the GPS system controlling air traffic control was affected. These solar storms have the potential to cost lives, as well as causing millions dollars worth of damage. Support our work to protect your city!

Andrew Breitbart Dies aged 43.

The conservative journalist, author and well known Hollywood political blogger, Andrew Breitbart died unexpectedly aged 43, from a suspected heart attack, March 1st whilst walking near to his Los Angeles home.

Breitbart was a champion of conservatism in Hollywood, as well as famous for his attacks on the liberal establishment.

Throughout the social media sites liberals have rejoiced over his death. However, as some in the left celebrate, many are asking difficult questions. Three weeks ago, whilst speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington DC, Breitbart said “Wait til they see what happens March 1st”.

Breitbart was referring to tapes he said he had, showing Obama in his college days. These tapes are allegedly a game changer in the forthcoming election. His death, hours before he was due to release these tapes, have caused many to speculate as to whether he was actually assassinated or died of natural causes as reported by the media.

Google’s New Privacy Policy

March 1st has seen the launching of Google’s new privacy policy. The policy is aimed at consolidating the privacy policies for all their services, around 70 in all into one much simpler agreement. Regulators have wanted Google to simplify their privacy policies for a along time. However, the new policy is concerning a number of people in the US as well as in Europe.

The new GOOGLE policy links the information stored about a person, from all the google platforms into one profile. So if you have a gmail account, a blogger account and a youtube account, for example, google will store all the information about you from these different services together, regardless of how you use them.

The French internet regulatory body CNIL and EU data  authorities believes the move breaches EU data protection laws. Furthermore a coalition of agencies from Europe and America have written the the chief executive of Google urging him to delay the changes, Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) have said, “This move has been widely criticized by US lawmakers, US Attorneys General, European lawmakers, European privacy officials, technical experts, and privacy organisations”.

Currently Google and other organisation harvest user data and store them on their servers. Google has logged every search ever conducted by their users. This information is highly valuable commercially. By building a profile up of their users using all the available data they will know you intimately. Do we really want corporations having access to that level of data about us?

UK Government Looking to Redefine Marriage

The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has began a public consultation into “how” marriage “ought to be defined” in the UK. Currently same-sex couples are permitted to enter into civil-partnerships. These civil-partnerships allows all the legal benefits of marriage, without the title.

However, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender (LGBT) groups are campaigning for marriage itself to be redefined to allow for same-sex couples to be married. This would not only be taught in schools as what marriage is; but churches would be obliged to allow same-sex couples access to church buildings to become married.

Opinion polls show the majority of the people are opposed to any changes in the definition of marriage, and groups opposed to the move highlight the importance of traditional marriage in society for raising children.

Spiritually Prophet TV has highlighted the consequences for a region when LGBT marriage is made legal.


Pat Buchanan Fired From MSNBC

The conservative commentator Pat Buchanan has been fired after 10 years from MSNBC. Buchanan’s book “Suicide of a Superpower”, has been slammed as “anti-semitic”, “racist” and “homophobic”. The liberal media organization “Media Matters” has applauded the decision saying, “He’s been making the same racially insensitive, anti-Semitic and homophobic statements for the past 50 years.”

After his dismissal, Buchanan hit out at MSNBC and “Media Matters” accusing them of having him blacklisted and forced out. Is this another example of “freedom of the press” being challenged?




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Progress on the Canadian Keystone XL Pipeline Halted

Canada is the largest supplier of energy to America. As such it was hoped that a new pipeline would be built to export crude oil from Canada to Texas.

President Obama initially rejected plans for the proposed pipeline which caused great concern with the Canadian government, and they began looking at the possibility of exporting the oil to the Asian markets instead. However proposals are now being reconsidered in Washington DC. The pipeline would be the largest infrastructure project in North America and would create many jobs in Canada and the USA, much needed in the current economic climate.


US Chamber of Commerce Hacked

Internet hackers have hacked into the US Chamber of Commerce computer systems. The attack appears to have been undetected for more than a year, and targeted four individuals computers who held sensitive information concerning trade in Asia.

Such attacks are not uncommon apparently. China has been found responsible for hacking governmental, military and industry targets in the past. America’s cyber security systems are proving inadequate to cope in this new era of cyberwarfare. However, the US military are taking the threat very seriously and are recruiting 10,000 “cyber warriors” to help defend America and her interests.

Prophet TV broadcast from the roof of the US Chamber of Commerce during the DC intercession covering the Dalai Lama’s trip to Washington DC. Support Prophet TV to enable these missions on a regular basis to sustain protection over the city.


Canadian Muslim Family Convicted of Honor Killing

A Muslim man, his wife and son have been convicted of the murder of his three daughters, and his childless second wife in his polygamous marriage.

The four women were murdered in honor killings, because they failed to uphold the strict interpretations of the Koran held by the family in relation to dress, dating, socializing and going online.

The deaths have fuelled the debate in Canada concerning the integration of Muslim immigrants into Canadian culture, due to the increased number of these “honor” killings in Canada in recent years.


Iran Threatens to Halt EU Oil Supply

Iran Threatens to Halt EU Oil Supply

After the EU and America decided on an oil embargo against Iran, over it’s nuclear program, the war of words intensifying. The EU decided on an embargo starting in July. However, Tehran are looking at stopping oil exports of EU companies immediately. Many of these companies are already in a perilous financial situation due to the Debt Crisis in Europe. The oil in question is part of a buyback scheme which the Iranian Oil Industry favors, and is oil which is owed to these companies. If Iran went ahead, China would buy the oil they refused to send to Europe.

Iran is also threatening to close the Straits of Hormuz, where about 20% of the world oil is transported, making it the most important oil transportation sea route.

Without a satisfactory conclusion of this matter there could be serious financial implications for the global economy.

Innocent Blood Spilt in New York

January 21st saw four unrelated deaths on the New York Subway. The deaths occurred in Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. When the locations were mapped they formed a triangle, which pointed to the Tibetan Centre in Manhattan.

Our New York ICOTG testified to knowing something was seeking access the days running up to January 21st. After the deaths, the church went to the locations to redeem the land.



World Economic Forum Davos 2012

Davos, Switzerland, is home to the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. During the five day event the most influential people in politics, economics, media and business discuss the most pressing events in the world.

No one can doubt the seriousness of the world’s present situation. However, the solutions being discussed by the world’s ruling elite ought to be of even greater concern.

The World Economic Forum’s own website explicitly states that they will look at “new global models” to fix the broken world economy. Klus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, has said “capitalism in it’s current form has no place in the world around us.”

However, they are not only looking at new economic models but also a new model of global governance. Moisei Naim, Senior Associate in the International Economic Program of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, has said there are too many centres of power but “no one has enough power to impose a way forward.” Therefore, one must deduce from Naim’s statement that he believes the way forward is to create a new institution with far more power so as to “impose” their new economic model on the world and bring about the “rebalancing” they desire to see… could this be some sort of mandate of centralised global power, for one world government, (or as they state themselves) “multi-stakeholder governance”?

We ought to be questioning what spirit is influencing the world elite, what spirit is enthroned in Davos Switzerland. Prophet TV has been uncovering serious links to Tibetan Buddhism. In August 2011 the Dalai Lama visited Genva, home to the World Economic Forum, where he said “that Switzerland is the first Tibetan settlement (outside India)”. In April 2010 the Dalai Lama addressed the biggest gathering of Tibetan Buddhists in Switzerland’s history; a country which has the biggest population of Tibetan Buddhists in Europe. So, out of the many beautiful European locations one could choose to have a summit of the world’s elite, they have chosen a place where the spirit of the Dalai Lama has pre-eminence.

At the same time India is leading the world in biometric identification, pioneering the technology required to create a cashless society among its 1.2 billion population.

These are very serious issues. Lack of support has not made it possible for Prophet TV to be present at Davos 2012, however we need to book now for Davos 2013, as the world’s most powerful figures push an agenda into a very dark place.



European Union to Bring New Data Protection Laws

The EU has passed new laws which will significantly improve data protection for individuals online. The web has highlighted many data protection issues, and these will only increase. In the past, Facebook has come under attack for not being careful enough with it’s users personal information, and the case of Sony, when 77 million customers had their personal information stolen by hackers, made it very real what can happen to your personal data when mishandled.

The new laws will not only impose heavy penalties on those who breach the new rules, but also give individuals new rights as well, including the “right to be forgotten”.

As we increasingly use cloud technology and have our personal details stored all over the world in massive servers, we need to know those who control this information are doing so in a safe and responsible manner.


Euro Up January 2012

All the leading economists and world leaders are saying 2012 will be a difficult year for the world economy. Many are saying events in Europe will have catastrophic effects on the global economy.

After the New Year the Euro seemed to be in a free fall. Markets were jittery. Then God sent His Mantle back into Europe. The Mantle: He is called and appointed for this time to change world events. As a result. while the mantle is in Europe, the Euro has began to climb strongly again. This is having a knock on effect to the stock markets in Europe and America.

This is wonderful news for the global economy, and those who understand these things have a real impact upon our day to day lives… ask the Greeks! However, this mission which is having a real effect has not been paid for by partners yet and therefore this mission may have to end before it is completed. Prophet TV are consistent in following the call of God; but the church is inconsistent and disobedient in supporting the work of God.

God show’s His Prophets what will happen and where to go. It is the job of the church to support the Prophets in the work they do, even if they do not understand that work. If you fail to see the anointing on this ministry,maybe it is time to examine your own heart, not judge and criticise the ministry. Deal with the fear of lack in your life so you can hear God more clearly: fast and pray in tongues until you discern a right spirit.

On this mission we need to go to Luxembourg. Luxembourg is important… even if you cannot see it. No one thought Italy was important before Prophet TV was sent in, now we see that the economic fate of that country is pivotal to us all.



China’s Own Debt Mountain

As China chides the West for our mountains of debt, they have an inconvenient truth of their own. Decades ago China began to sell sovereign bonds to the West. However, for the last 60 years they have refused to pay bondholders back, not even the interest!

Britain managed to broker a deal with China as part of their agreement over Hong Kong, which ensured China pay back their debts to the UK, however the rest has remained unpaid.  Consequently China owes $750 billion to America, and several trillion dollars globally! This ought to be termed as a “selective default”, however the ratings agency choses to look at it differently.

The consequences of this fudge of the rules means China continues to pay nothing on these debts, but demands the rest of the world to pay theirs.

America pays her debts. She asks China to do likewise.