Giant Phallic Symbol/Statue in works for San Francisco


San Francisco Transbay Tower Base


San Francisco Transbay Tower

The Transbay Tower will be the tallest building/phallic symbol in San Francisco after receiving final approval by the Planning Commission.

The latest design adds nighttime lighting, allowing it to be a more distinct skyline feature of the city, particularly in the dark., a website focused on anything San Francisco, states the obvious.  The building’s latest design tweaks, when viewed from a distance look… like a vibrator.  When viewing the base, it looks like something else that most would describe officially and politely as phallic or phallus related.

Fred Clarke the architect with Pelli Clarke Pelli, described wanting to create something (buddhist)… or “Zen-like” simple.

Construction would start in 2013 if the developer is able to purchase the land from the Transbay Joint Powers Authority.

Police: Black Woman Lied About KKK Setting Her On Fire

According to Police in Houston, claims by the 20 year old black woman that she was set on fire by three KKK associated males are false.

Lt. Julie Lewis of the Louisiana State Police states “The evidence does not support the statement that she was attacked by three males,”.

On Sunday evening,  Sharmeka Moffitt, stated to authorities that she had been soaked with flammable liquid and set on fire by three males who were wearing white hoodies.  She also indicated that they wrote KKK and another slur on her car.

The claim brought national attention and drew in several law enforcement agencies including the FBI.

Hillary talks to the dead…. spirits? Bill Clinton makes astonishing claim

This week, former Democratic President Bill Clinton, while speaking at a ceremony dedicating the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park in New York City, claimed that Hillary Clinton “was known to commune” with Eleanor Roosevelt.

Bill Clinton also indicated that the spirit “Eleanor Roosevelt” had spoken with Hillary Clinton to tell him a message, just this week.

This is not a new revelation.  Bob Woodward in 1996, in his book “The Choice”, revealed that Hillary regularly participated in imaginary discussions with Eleanor Roosevelt as well as Mahatma Gandhi, as a therapeutic exercise.

Man shot at Atlanta-area megachurch; suspect on the loose

A man entered a chapel at an Atlanta-area megachurch headed by televangelist Creflo Dollar and shot another man on Wednesday, police said.

The shooting happened at the chapel at World Changers Church International’s main campus in College Park, Ga. Fulton County police told NBC News the shooting happened around 9:55 a.m. The victim was transported to South Fulton Hospital.

WXIA-TV and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, citing Fulton County fire and police officials, reported that the victim died. WXIA reported that the victim was a 48-year-old church staff member.

The suspect, described as a man in his 30s wearing a suit and tie, fled the scene, WXIA reported.

World Changers Church has about 20 campuses throughout the country. The church founded by Dollar claims about 30,000 members and has an $18 million, 8,500-seat sanctuary about 15 miles from downtown Atlanta.

Dollar, who’s known for his pinstriped suits and charismatic sermons, has written several books offering followers his advice on how to get out of debt and take lessons from the Bible in building wealth so they can better live as Christians.

more at Man shot at Atlanta-area megachurch; suspect on the loose – U.S. News.

Third Presidential Debate: Lynn University, Boca Raton, Florida

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President Obama and Republican hopeful Mitt Romney are preparing for the final of the Presidential election debate in Florida. This final debate will take place on Monday 22nd, October. No Presidential election is unimportant, but this year is arguably the most important election we have had for many years. Obama and Romney have very different ideological stand points, and America is clearly facing many challenges.

After the first two debates Romney has made gains in the polls and is now ahead of the President in some polls, with others have the result tied.

The third debate will focus mainly on foreign policy. Libya was a major clashing point for the second debate. President Obama is in Camp David preparing of the debate, and Romney is preparing in Florida.

EU Summit: Europe Moves Towards a Banking Union

This week leaders from across Europe have been meeting to discuss the continued crisis across the eurozone. The talks have centred around increasing integration of the eurozone banking sector. The talks have been hailed as a success by French President Francois Hollande, and other European leaders, after agreement was reached as to increasing integration of the banking system. The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) will be put it place by January 1st 2013, and will make it possible for the new European Stability Mechanism to be used recapitalise European banks, without increasing sovereign debt. The SSM is thought to be the first step towards a full banking union across the eurozone.

This is particularly important for Spain, who’s banks are still a major cause for concern, and many hope they will be able to hold out until the SSM is in place.

Germany has voiced concerns over the speed of banking integration, warning that the road map for the setting up of the SSM may not be long enough, due to the complex legal issues that have to be worked through.

The UK is also uneasy about the prospect of a full banking union within the eurozone. Although Britain are not part of the euro, the City of London by far has the largest banking sector in Europe, and it is feared that in any future decisions about financial regulation the UK will be outvoted.

However, the Summit was overshadowed by the continuing chaos in Greece, with fresh anti-austerity protests, in which a man died. Greece could run out of money by the end of November. The EU are awaiting a key report from the “troika” of international lenders – the ECB, European Commission and International Monetary Fund. The findings of the report will be key in deciding whether or not to give Greece any more money.

Rupert Murdoch eyes bid for LA Times – Telegraph


Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch’s media group is understood to be interested in purchasing the Los Angeles Times as well as the Chicago Tribune from the creditors of the papers’ bankrupt owner, Tribune Company, which is attempting to extricate itself from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.According to reports by the Los Angeles Times and Reuters, News Corp executives, including Mr Murdoch’s youngest son, James, have flown to Los Angeles twice this month for early stage talks to buy the papers in a deal which could be worth $400m £249m.

News Corp sources attempted to play down the reports last night.“Reports that News Corporation is in discussions with Tribune or the LA Times are wholly inaccurate,” a spokesman said.Mr Murdoch, the News Corp chairman, is said to have long coveted the Los Angeles Times and buying the papers would strengthen News Corp’s grip on the US newspaper industry

The Tribune Company went into bankruptcy four years ago after collapsing under the weight of debt that resulted from a leveraged buy-out, combined with a downturn in advertising revenue following the financial crisis.

The company also owns 23 television stations and is thought likely to attract interest from a range of buyers.The prospect of Mr Murdoch buying the two newspapers is likely to be challenged by some News Corp shareholders, who ascribe little value to the newspaper business. News Corp shares have jumped more than 40pc in the past 12 months because the company is putting $10bn of its cash into buying back shares, rather than large acquisitions.

A swoop for two of America’s most historic papers would come just as a majority of News Corp’s independent shareholders voted for the first time to appoint an external chairman for the group. The resolution presented at News Corp’s shareholder meeting last week was defeated because the Murdoch family control almost 40pc of the voting rights, but underlined the growing appetite to loosen the Rupert Murdoch’s grip on the business.Mr Murdoch’s last major deal for a newspaper was the $5.6bn he paid in 2007 for Dow Jones, the publisher of The Wall Street Journal.

The 81-year-old may also be emboldened to make a bid be-cause over the summer News Corp announced a plan to spin off its publishing business, which includes newspapers. Mr Murdoch will be chairman of the business but has yet to name a chief executive.

via Rupert Murdoch eyes bid for LA Times – Telegraph.

China under spell of Tibetan Buddhism?

The leading Chinese Social Sciences division of its government indicated this week that they would be funding a project to create a Tibetan Buddhist dictionary.

The dictionary will include terminologies, old books, records, figures and locations all related to Tibetan Buddhism.

The dictionary will be available in Tibetan and Chinese.

25th anniversary of Black Friday

Markets are down almost as if due to the memories of that incident.

Dow Tumbles 200, All 30 Components Lower | October 19, 2012 | 03:22 PM EDT
Stocks added to their sharp sell-off Friday, on track to log their worst one-day drop in almost four months, pressured by some disappointing quarterly results that highlighted the global economic slowdown.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged more than 200 points, wiping out all of its gains for the week. All 30 Dow components traded lower, led by McDonald’s [ MCD 88.77 -4.09 (-4.40%) ] and GE [ GE 22.03 -0.78 (-3.42%) ]. The last time the Dow fell more than 200 points was in June.

The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq also slumped to session lows. The CBOE Volatility Index, widely considered the best gauge of fear in the market, spiked more than 15 percent to trade above 17.

All key S&P sectors were firmly in negative territory, led by materials and techs.

Friday also marks the 25th anniversary of Black Monday, when the U.S. stock market went into a free fall and the Dow lost 22.6 percent in a single trading session.

Random Events, Free Will, Pre-destiny or Something Darker ?