STDs Continue to rise in San Francisco

According to reports, STD’s in San Francisco are in a “multi-year rise”

Despite a decline in HIV, instances of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia continue to increase, with homosexuals being most vulnerable.

In January of 2011, San Francisco city public health officials declared a Syphilis epidemic which was occurring, primarily among gay men.

See Aids Down But STDs Up in SF | NBC Bay Area.

Hindu deities/gods displayed at “Gateway to the Pacific”

San Francisco Airport (SFO), among the world’s busiest and in the top 30 airports, calls itself the “Gateway to the Pacific”.

Inside, is the SFO Museum who is hosting the exhibition “Deities in Stone: Hindu Sculpture”

The museum was established in 1980 as one the first cultural institutions to be located inside an international airport to receive major accreditation.

The “Deities in Stone: Hindu Sculpture” exhibition will contain idols and relics of a number of Hindu gods that have been used in religious ceremonies.

These idols will be on display until next February.

See Lord Ganesha graces San Francisco Airport.

Multiple People Shot, At Least Two Dead, Outside Empire State Building

Several people have been shot, at least two fatally, in a police-involved shooting outside the Empire State Building this morning. Early police scanner reports indicated the shooting was related to a robbery but it now appears it may have been a workplace dispute. The gunman was fatally shot by the police. A innocent woman also appears to have been killed in the crossfire. According to the FDNY there are “several” people being taken to nearby hospitals while they mitigate the scene.

The shooting began just after 9 a.m. Exactly how many people were shot is still unclear but appears to be between 8 and 10. At 9:44 a.m. it came over the news scanners that the perp may be a recently fired worker who returned to the building where he had worked. According to one person who claims to be a witness the shooter had a specific target:I was about 50 feet away from the guy who was killed, and it was definitely a targeted shooting. Apparently he walked right up to the guy and shot him in the head. I was one of the first there, thinking I could take my jacket off to help the guy who was shot, but he was gone already.

Just FYI, this has nothing to do with the ESB. It just happens to be right across the street from where it occurred. Its not a shooting that took place in the building, or some kind of terrorist activity. Just stating this because some would assume its a guy who opened fire in a tourist attraction, and that was not the case.

ABC7 reports that at least one victim was shot in a nearby Duane Reade when a bullet went through a window. Reportedly, “Some shooting victims were found inside the lobby of the Empire State Building, others found outside.””The shot rang out, and everybody started running,” one witness told the News. “Oh man, there must have been 12 or 13 shots. It was amazing.”Meanwhile, the Empire State Buildings observatory is open to the public.Bloomberg is now on the scene and expected to speak at 11 a.m. Stay tuned for updates.

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more:Multiple People Shot, At Least Two Dead, Outside Empire State Building: Gothamist.

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Reporter unable to control his thoughts, cites inability to rid himself of Scott McKenzie single ‘San Francisco’

Please.  No more… Make it stop…” writes Tony Hicks of the Contra Costa Times as he describes his experiences since hearing the news earlier this week of singer Scott McKenzie passing away.

“I was sitting there, trying to work, when the voice started again…”If you’re goooooiiing to Saaan Fraaan ciscooo. … Please. No more. Make it stop…. to put it bluntly, I’m in hell.”

Perhaps humorously, Tony describes a desire to identify that part of the brain responsible and to then remove it surgically.

His only advice to adjust… “don’t worry, be happy.”

See Hicks: Help! the late Scott McKenzie single ‘San Francisco’ is stuck in my head! – San Jose Mercury News.


The controversial British historian Niall Ferguson has used a cover piece in Newsweek magazine to argue that it is time Obama “hit the road”. In the piece Ferguson compares Obama’s pre-election promises with his record as President and then argues why he believes it is time for a new President.

The economic historian and Fellow of Harvard University, has spoken extensively about the need for economic reforms and the unsustainability of western debt. Ferguson writes:

“Welcome to Obama’s America: nearly half the population is not represented on a taxable return—almost exactly the same proportion that lives in a household where at least one member receives some type of government benefit,” Ferguson writes. “We are becoming the 50–50 nation—half of us paying the taxes, the other half receiving the benefits.”

Recently Ferguson raised eyebrows by claiming if young America knew what was good for them they would all join the tea-party.

Ferguson uses the lessons of economic history, to inform his political analysis of current events. He has been an advisor to politicians in America as well as in the UK. He teaches on the rise and fall of civilisations throughout history, and although he has not written America off, he understands that she is in a perilous place, and her place as the leader of the free world should not be taken for granted – America could fall, like many great nations before her.

States that are less religious are more stingy with charity

According to a recent study released by the Chronicle of Philanthropy, US States with the fewest residents claiming religious participation gave the least money to charity.

However, professor Alan Wolfe of Boston College states that people in those low religious States are more willing to pay higher taxes by trusting the government to distribute equitably to the poor.

Source Study: Less religious states give less to charity | Fox News.

Ex union president in Occupy event: Goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’

Mike Golash, who was a president with the Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 chapter, and is now an organiser for the “Occupy” movement describes the agenda…

“… is a revolutionary communist organization… It’s objective is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.”

“An organization has to be built which can bring down capitalism..”

“The capitalists — they have their organizations: the FBI, the CIA, the secret police, the military, the army, etc., etc. They have organizations to maintain their power. It’s foolish to think that without a disciplined organization made up not of a few people but of millions and millions of people, [we] can bring down capitalism.”

This event by Occupy D.C. was located in the Luther Place Church, downtown Washington, D.C.

See Former union boss at Occupy event: Our goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’ | The Daily Caller.

Lightning sparks wildfires that threaten three California towns

Wildfires burned – to the edge of three small northern California towns over the weekend.  Thousands of homes are now threatened and residents have retreated to emergency shelters.

“All we can do is pray” said one evacuee Jerry Nottingham.

“These are the largest number of homes we’ve had threatened so far this year,” said state fire spokesman Daniel Berlant.

Source Wildfire sparked by lightning bears down on three California towns | Fox News.

Top Gun director Tony Scott dies after jumping from Los Angeles bridge – Telegraph

Top Gun director Tony Scott dies after jumping from Los Angeles bridge – Telegraph.

The British born director Tony Scott jumped to his death off the Vincent Thomas Bridge in south Los Angeles on Sunday 18th August. The director was famous for movies like “Top Gun”, and “Days of Thunder”.

Scott’s tragic suicide appears to have been triggered by the news he had a terminal brain tumour.

Eyewitnesses saw Scott park his car, and jump to his death. He leaves behind a wife and two children.



Whistleblower ‘Colonel Sixx’ (Derek Fagan-McHenry), who is now ‘DEAD’ had some interesting insider information to share about the Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan. 30 men were said to have been killed. 22 said to be Navy SEALS, commandos from SEAL Team Six . He also has info about the Alleged Osama Bin Laden Assassination ordered by USA President Barack Husein Obama. AKA Barry Soetoro.

This is reportedly the largest one day loss of troops in the 10 year war in Afghanistan and it just happens to be Seal Team 6. So, now we are to buy that the men who took out OBL died in a helicopter crash, months after pulling off the raid. Our inside sources told us months ago that all the Seals on the helicopter that crashed in the so called OBL raid died, yet the Obama admin says none were killed.

Witnesses on the ground in Pakistan told national News outlets that the Seals went in to the compound, then came out, got in a stealth craft and it exploded.  The video with the witnesses is posted on in our news report titled “Seal Team 6 Deaths Exposed”.  Now the globalists may have killed off the rest of the Seal team that made it out, in the other stealth helicopter crash from the OBL raid, to tie up loose ends. Bottom line – the official bin Laden raid story is a proven fraud so it is no wonder that this story does not add up.

FRC Suspected Shooter May Have Had Additional Christian Targets

Andrea Lafferty, President of  the Traditional Values Coalition, stated that FBI authorities have confirmed with her that the Family Research Council accused shooter Floyd Lee Corkins II, of Herndon, Virginia., was carrying the location and contact information of her organization upon his arrest.

Corkins is being held following a shooting in Washington DC’s Family Research Council lobby.

Source FRC Suspect May Have Targeted Traditional Values Coalition, Group Says.

Random Events, Free Will, Pre-destiny or Something Darker ?