Canadian Muslim Family Convicted of Honor Killing

A Muslim man, his wife and son have been convicted of the murder of his three daughters, and his childless second wife in his polygamous marriage.

The four women were murdered in honor killings, because they failed to uphold the strict interpretations of the Koran held by the family in relation to dress, dating, socializing and going online.

The deaths have fuelled the debate in Canada concerning the integration of Muslim immigrants into Canadian culture, due to the increased number of these “honor” killings in Canada in recent years.


Iran Threatens to Halt EU Oil Supply

Iran Threatens to Halt EU Oil Supply

After the EU and America decided on an oil embargo against Iran, over it’s nuclear program, the war of words intensifying. The EU decided on an embargo starting in July. However, Tehran are looking at stopping oil exports of EU companies immediately. Many of these companies are already in a perilous financial situation due to the Debt Crisis in Europe. The oil in question is part of a buyback scheme which the Iranian Oil Industry favors, and is oil which is owed to these companies. If Iran went ahead, China would buy the oil they refused to send to Europe.

Iran is also threatening to close the Straits of Hormuz, where about 20% of the world oil is transported, making it the most important oil transportation sea route.

Without a satisfactory conclusion of this matter there could be serious financial implications for the global economy.

Innocent Blood Spilt in New York

January 21st saw four unrelated deaths on the New York Subway. The deaths occurred in Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. When the locations were mapped they formed a triangle, which pointed to the Tibetan Centre in Manhattan.

Our New York ICOTG testified to knowing something was seeking access the days running up to January 21st. After the deaths, the church went to the locations to redeem the land.



World Economic Forum Davos 2012

Davos, Switzerland, is home to the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. During the five day event the most influential people in politics, economics, media and business discuss the most pressing events in the world.

No one can doubt the seriousness of the world’s present situation. However, the solutions being discussed by the world’s ruling elite ought to be of even greater concern.

The World Economic Forum’s own website explicitly states that they will look at “new global models” to fix the broken world economy. Klus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, has said “capitalism in it’s current form has no place in the world around us.”

However, they are not only looking at new economic models but also a new model of global governance. Moisei Naim, Senior Associate in the International Economic Program of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, has said there are too many centres of power but “no one has enough power to impose a way forward.” Therefore, one must deduce from Naim’s statement that he believes the way forward is to create a new institution with far more power so as to “impose” their new economic model on the world and bring about the “rebalancing” they desire to see… could this be some sort of mandate of centralised global power, for one world government, (or as they state themselves) “multi-stakeholder governance”?

We ought to be questioning what spirit is influencing the world elite, what spirit is enthroned in Davos Switzerland. Prophet TV has been uncovering serious links to Tibetan Buddhism. In August 2011 the Dalai Lama visited Genva, home to the World Economic Forum, where he said “that Switzerland is the first Tibetan settlement (outside India)”. In April 2010 the Dalai Lama addressed the biggest gathering of Tibetan Buddhists in Switzerland’s history; a country which has the biggest population of Tibetan Buddhists in Europe. So, out of the many beautiful European locations one could choose to have a summit of the world’s elite, they have chosen a place where the spirit of the Dalai Lama has pre-eminence.

At the same time India is leading the world in biometric identification, pioneering the technology required to create a cashless society among its 1.2 billion population.

These are very serious issues. Lack of support has not made it possible for Prophet TV to be present at Davos 2012, however we need to book now for Davos 2013, as the world’s most powerful figures push an agenda into a very dark place.



European Union to Bring New Data Protection Laws

The EU has passed new laws which will significantly improve data protection for individuals online. The web has highlighted many data protection issues, and these will only increase. In the past, Facebook has come under attack for not being careful enough with it’s users personal information, and the case of Sony, when 77 million customers had their personal information stolen by hackers, made it very real what can happen to your personal data when mishandled.

The new laws will not only impose heavy penalties on those who breach the new rules, but also give individuals new rights as well, including the “right to be forgotten”.

As we increasingly use cloud technology and have our personal details stored all over the world in massive servers, we need to know those who control this information are doing so in a safe and responsible manner.


History of Luxembourg

Luxembourg began as a hill top fortress in the AD600’s. As you can imagine it has always been a hugely strategic location, between France and Germany. Throughout European history the different countries have spent a lot of time fighting each other (from 1500 until 1800 the big European nations were at war over 50% of the time) and Luxembourg was often in the centre of all this. So Luxembourg became one of the most heavily fortified and blood stained lands in Europe.

Luxembourg has changed hands many times over the years; it has been under the rule of France, Germany, Austria, Spain and Prussia. When the Austrian’s had it, they gave it as a gift to the King of the Netherlands as well as making it a Royal Duchy. This enabled Luxembourg to build it’s own political institutions, so in 1867 it was recognised as a politically independent state. Due to it’s strategic importance it was officially declared to be neutral – so as not to cause problems between France and Germany (they have not always been as friendly as the now appear!) This neutrality was broken when Germany invaded in the first world war, and again in the second WW. Their neutrality meant Luxembourg had no army, so the German’s walked straight into Luxembourg and took it over. The bloody and infamous Battle of the Bulge was fought on Luxembourg soil. After the second world war Luxembourg relinquished neutrality and joined NATO. It was also one of the founding states of the EU.

Today it is a centre of business and banking (Paypal is one of the business’s to be registered there). It has the greatest concentration of banks within the EU, as well as many holding companies – it is a tax haven.

It is also home to some of the following EU institutions:

The Commission of the European Community, including the Statistical Office (EUROSTAT) and the Publications Office,

The Court of Justice of the European Communities

The general Secretariat of the European Parliament,

The European Investment Bank,

The European Court of Auditors.

The Official Publications Office

The Nuclear Safety Administration,

The Directorate-General of ‘Credits and Investments’


Euro Up January 2012

All the leading economists and world leaders are saying 2012 will be a difficult year for the world economy. Many are saying events in Europe will have catastrophic effects on the global economy.

After the New Year the Euro seemed to be in a free fall. Markets were jittery. Then God sent His Mantle back into Europe. The Mantle: He is called and appointed for this time to change world events. As a result. while the mantle is in Europe, the Euro has began to climb strongly again. This is having a knock on effect to the stock markets in Europe and America.

This is wonderful news for the global economy, and those who understand these things have a real impact upon our day to day lives… ask the Greeks! However, this mission which is having a real effect has not been paid for by partners yet and therefore this mission may have to end before it is completed. Prophet TV are consistent in following the call of God; but the church is inconsistent and disobedient in supporting the work of God.

God show’s His Prophets what will happen and where to go. It is the job of the church to support the Prophets in the work they do, even if they do not understand that work. If you fail to see the anointing on this ministry,maybe it is time to examine your own heart, not judge and criticise the ministry. Deal with the fear of lack in your life so you can hear God more clearly: fast and pray in tongues until you discern a right spirit.

On this mission we need to go to Luxembourg. Luxembourg is important… even if you cannot see it. No one thought Italy was important before Prophet TV was sent in, now we see that the economic fate of that country is pivotal to us all.



China’s Own Debt Mountain

As China chides the West for our mountains of debt, they have an inconvenient truth of their own. Decades ago China began to sell sovereign bonds to the West. However, for the last 60 years they have refused to pay bondholders back, not even the interest!

Britain managed to broker a deal with China as part of their agreement over Hong Kong, which ensured China pay back their debts to the UK, however the rest has remained unpaid.  Consequently China owes $750 billion to America, and several trillion dollars globally! This ought to be termed as a “selective default”, however the ratings agency choses to look at it differently.

The consequences of this fudge of the rules means China continues to pay nothing on these debts, but demands the rest of the world to pay theirs.

America pays her debts. She asks China to do likewise.

The World’s First Biometric ID Database

As technologies become ever more sophisticated the possibilities they bring to governments raise very serious issues about civil liberties. India is embarking on a Social Security database, which issues every one of it’s 1.2 billion people with a Unique Identification Number (UID). This number is linked to biometric data about that individual, such as their fingerprint, iris, and photograph; thus making identity cards very difficult to falsify.

The thinking behind this database is to combat the rampant social security fraud in the nation. Therefore, linking an individuals entitlements to healthcare, welfare, education etc to the database will make it harder for people to claim as bogus individuals.

However, they plan to allow banks and local government, as well as other institutions access to the database, thus allowing the database to be used to authorize payments to people’s bank accounts. This could pave the way for a cashless society.

The company who are providing the technology behind the scheme have admitted that this scheme could be used to “support a cashless society”.

Governments throughout the world are gathering vast amounts of data on their citizens, and the technology available to them is developing at such a rate that a cashless society, in which people are monitored 24/7, is  not just the stuff of Orwellian fiction but a very real possibility.




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Armageddon 2012?

For many the beginning of 2012 marks the start of an auspicious year. Many believe the world will end in December 2012.

This belief is rooted in ancient Mayan prophecy. The Mayan Calendar ends 21st December, and according to their traditions this marks the end of the age.

However, occult and New Age groups look to a small southern French town for their salvation. The town of Bugarach, is believed to be the only safe place to be in December 2012. New Age believers revere the town as having mystical power thinking it may have an underground UFO base, or be a gateway to an underground world.

For many this may sound ridiculous, but French authorities are taking this seriously as Bugarach is already seeing it’s small population rise, as they anticipate an influx of visitors hoping to escape apocalypse. Authorities also fear in the wake of December 21st cult groups,   many may enter mass suicide pacts, similar to Wacko.

The Lord’s Prayer

Submitted by a Partner:

The Lord’s Prayer

Ever wonder what prayer would be like if it was answered during

the prayer?


Think about how you might respond if this were to happen:


Our Father, Who Art In Heaven.


Don’t interrupt me.  I’m praying.

But…  you called me!

Called you?  No, I didn’t call you.  I’m praying.  Our Father who

art in Heaven…

There…  you did it again.

Did what?

Called me.  You said, “Our Father, who art in Heaven.”

Well, here I am.  What’s on your mind?

But I didn’t mean anything by it.  I was, you know, just saying my

prayers for the day.  I always say the Lord’s Prayer.  It makes me

feel good, kind of like fulfilling a duty.

Well, all right.  Go on.

Okay.  Hallowed be Thy name…

Hold it right there.  What do you mean by that?

By what?

By “Hallowed be Thy name”?

It means… good grief, I don’t know what it means.  How in the

world should I know?  It’s just a part of the prayer.  By the way,

what does it mean?

It means honored, holy, wonderful.

Ah, that makes sense.  I never thought about what hallowed

meant before.  Thanks.  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,

on earth as it is in Heaven…

Do you really mean that?

Sure, why not?

What are you doing about it?

Doing?  Why, nothing, I guess.  I just think it would be good if

you got control of everything down here like you have up there.

We’re kind of in a mess down here you know.

Yes, I know; but have I got control of you?

Well, I go to church.

That isn’t what I asked you.  What about your bad temper?

You’ve really got a problem there, you know.  And what

about some of the language you use and the stuff you talk

about?  What about your impatience with others and

thinking that you’re better than they are?  What about the

people you’ve judged?  Remember, that’s MY job, not


Now hold on just a minute!  Stop picking on me!  I’m just as

good as some of the rest of those people at church!

Excuse me?  I thought you were praying for MY will to be

done?  If that is to happen, it will have to start with the

ones who are praying for it… like you, for example.

Oh, all right.  I guess I do have some issues.  Now that you

mention it, I could probably name some others.

So could I.

I haven’t thought about it very much until now, but I really would

like to cut out some of those things.  I would like to… you know,

be really free.

Good.  Now we’re getting somewhere.  We’ll work together,

you and me.  I’m proud of you.

Look, Lord, if you don’t mind, I need to finish up here.  This is

taking a lot longer than it usually does.

Give us this day, our daily bread…

You need to cut out some of the bread.  You’re a little over-

weight as it is.

Hey, wait a minute!  What is this?  Here I am doing my religious

duty, and all of a sudden you break in and remind me of all my


Praying is a dangerous thing.  You could end up changed, you know.

That’s what I’m trying to bring across to you.

Remember, you called me; and here I am.  It’s too

late to stop now.  Keep praying.


Well, go on.

I’m scared to.

Scared?  Of what?

I know what you’ll say.

Try me and see.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us…

What about Susan and others who have done you wrong?

See… I knew it!  I knew you would bring her up!  Why, Lord?

She’s told lies about me and spread stories.  She never paid back

the money she owes me.  I’ve sworn to get even with her!

But… your prayer.  What about your prayer?

I didn’t, you know, really mean it.

Well, at least you’re honest.  But it’s quite a load carrying

around all that bitterness and resentment, isn’t it?

Yes, but I’ll feel better as soon as I get even with her.  Boy, have

I got some plans for her.  She’ll wish she had never been born!

No, you won’t feel any better.  You’ll feel worse.  Revenge

isn’t sweet.  You know how unhappy you are.  Well, I can

change that.

You can?  How?

Forgive Susan. Then I’ll forgive you; and the hate and sin

will be Susan’s problem, not yours.  You will have settled the

problem as far as you are concerned.

OK… you know… you’re right.  You always are.  And more than

I want revenge, I want to be right with You.  (Sigh)… All right,

all right… I forgive her.

There now!  Wonderful!  How do you feel?

Hmm.  Well… not bad.  Not bad at all!  In fact, I feel pretty

good!  You know, I don’t think I’ll be going to bed all uptight

tonight.  I haven’t been getting much sleep lately, you know.

Yeah, I know.  But you’re not through with your prayer, are

you?  Go on.

Oh, all right.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…

Good!  Good!  I’ll do that.  Just don’t put yourself in a place

where you can be tempted.

What do you mean by that?

You know what I mean.

Yeah, I know.

OK.  Go ahead and finish your prayer.

For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.


Do you know what would bring me glory and what would

really make me happy?

No, but I would like to know.  I want to please you now.  I’ve

really made a mess of things.  I want to truly follow you.  I can

see now how great that would be.  So tell me… how do I make

you happy?

You just did.


The Death of Kim Jong-il

The hermit, stalinist state of North Korea saw the death of it’s leader Kim Jong-il this month. The 69 year old is believed to have died from a heart attack. Kim Jong-il was worshiped as a demi-god by the people, and was an all powerful leader.  Opposition to his rule was met with brutal punishment, the harsh labour camps are places where people seldom leave.

Kim Jong-il succeed his father Kim il-Sung. Kim il-Song like his son is still revered like a god, and is called the “Eternal Leader”. North Koreans are completely cut off from the outside world. The people are fed a constant stream of propaganda which portrays the outside world, particularly America as evil, and themselves as a pure race, the envy of the world; there is no access to outside media whatsoever. The authorities tell the people they need to remain cut off so as to protect the purity of their blood. Both Kim il-Sung and Kim Jong-il have viewed Christians as one of the greatest enemies to the nation. North Korea was once a predominately Christian nation, with Pyongyang called the Jerusalem of the east. However, when Kim il-Sung took power he sought to eradicate the church. All Christians were rounded up and executed. Today any Christians found are sent to labour camps where they are tortured and eventually killed. A few testimonies have emerged from some who have secretly converted the Christianity from within the camps, and were later released before escaping to China, they tell of the terrible suffering of the tiny church within North Korea.

The general population do not fair much better, most are malnourished, and it is not uncommon to see people die of starvation by the roadside; whilst the ruling elite live in luxury.

Kim Jong- il is to be succeeded by his son Kim Jong-un. His official age is 29, but it is thought to be only 27, very little is known of him. It is therefore believed the powerful figures that surrounded his father will vie for position, and seek to control Kim Jong-un.

How this will play out is uncertain. What we do know, is as the nation starves, North Korea has invested in one of the largest armies in the world, and has nuclear weapons. An uneasy truce with South Korea could erupt at any time, as the paranoid North Korean government tend to act on the slightest act they deem as provocation. And the people have been told for decades that the West seeks to destroy them.


10 Commandments on Display in New York

The oldest complete copy of the Ten Commandments is going on display as part of an exhibition in New York’s Time Square.

The document is part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and dates back to 30 B.C. This document is so rare and delicate, that this is likely to be the last time it will be on public display. After the exhibition the Ten Commandments scroll will be returned to it’s protective vault in Jerusalem.

The Ten Commandments have shaped our society and culture, and it is a great honor that the final public viewing of this scroll should be in Times Square, New York.

Times Square was once thought of as the centre of sin in New York. However, as ICOTG New York meets in this region we seek to change the atmosphere and rule and reign with Christ, so His Presence is in the city.



Senate Bill 1867: National Defence Authorization Act

Since 9/11 homeland security has been at the top of the political agenda. The threat from Al Qaeda and affiliated groups remains high; and clearly, America’s enemies are not necessarily living in some far off land, but on her very soil. The threat from home grown terrorists is very real.

Consequently the recently passed Bill 1867 National Defence Authorization Act, has integrated national security with homeland security. On the face of things this may appear a good idea, if it keeps America safe. However, the bill has caused widespread alarm due to it’s wider implications.

S 1867 now defines American soil as part of “the battlefield”, and American citizens deemed to be “at war” with America can be detained without charge or trial. The protection offered citizens under the Constitution therefore will be removed.

The language of the bill is so vague it could be open to abuse, and could be used against US citizens; in a worst case scenario paving the way for internment camps.

Such legislation has the appearance of wisdom, but will do very little to protect against the types of terrorist attacks we have seen. What protects a region against destruction is the Presence of God, exposing wickedness, and renewing the minds of those who seek to perpetrate such crimes.

It was Prophet TV bringing the mantle into New York which stopped the Times Square bomb in May 2010. It was Prophet TV establishing an International Church Of The Gates (ICOTG) in Manhattan New York, which brought about the miracle on the Hudson, when a passenger plane landed on the icy Hudson River with no casualties. Scientifically, that plane ought to have crashed resulting in disaster, so this truly was a miracle. However, it is always God’s desire to save.

Such legislation as S 1867 only removes freedom, and could be used to oppress; only the Presence of God truly protects. Partner with Prophet TV, and partake of the mantle on this ministry.


Random Events, Free Will, Pre-destiny or Something Darker ?