So far…

Three of Four Elements


First of all let us ask those devastated throughout the mid west “Bible Belt” to forgive spiritual leaders for being stubborn, not listening and learning what God had been trying to teach: to protect our nation from the onslaught.

When a Pastor becomes a limiter God has no choice but to take his friend, the Shepherd home, according to the bible.

Mississippi Flooding, God tries to raise a standard to PROTECT !

Why did Pastor Dave Wilkerson, founder of Times Square Church tragically die in an automobile accident in Texas?

Why did destruction hit the BIBLE BELT?

Can we expect more?

How did the witchcraft show called “WICKED” find it’s home directly across the street from Times Square Church in Manhattan NY continuing to prosper these 8 years?

For those with eyes to see only!

The bible says strike first the Shepherd, so the sheep go to another level of revelation, thus preparing them for the next level, necessary to protect the USA in the days ahead!

If you can handle eyes wide open



Egypt Calls US to back Palestinian State Declaration

Last week a deal was reached in Egypt between Hamas and Fatah. The agreement constituted a reconciliation between the two opposing Palestinian powers. As a consequence of the deal, the new Egyptian government has declared it now fully supports the Palestinian plan to declare a separate Palestinian State.

This marks an important change in policy in Egypt, under President Hosni Mubarak, Egypt was always an ally of Israel, and refused to work with the terrorist organisation Hamas. However, since Mubarak’s removal from power in March, Egypt has been quick to break ties with Israel, a move popular with most Egyptians.

Egypt is urging the US to follow their lead and also declare support for the Palestinian State Declaration, however America has so far continued to hold firm to it’s policy of not doing business with Hamas.


The Royal Wedding

Today the streets of London were lined with a million people eager to watch and be part of the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton, the future King and Queen of Great Britain and the Commonwealth.

For weeks the United Kingdom has prepared for the wedding with many people throughout the nation preparing street parties and events to mark the day. With the mood in Britain of late being one of austerity and gloom, today has marked a change in public feeling. People of all backgrounds came together in unity to celebrate. Releasing hope across the nation.

The young couple meet 10 years ago, whilst studying at St. Andrews University. The media had agreed to allow the Prince privacy to further his education, so the couple enjoyed four years in relative exclusion in the quiet Scottish University town, in which to develop their relationship, which began as friendship and blossomed into romance. This is a very normal love story, allowed to run it’s natural course, which has lead them to Westminster Abbey today.

Catherine looked every bit the princess in her beautiful wedding gown, the Abbey adorned with an avenue of trees looked spring-like and resplendent. The service carried both solemnity and intimacy, only possible when two people in love come together in marriage.

The Royal Wedding focused the attention of a nation on that which is lovely and good; and the whole nation was lifted as a result. The British people famous for their cynicism, threw this off today in unabashed joy for a young couple sharing their love with the world.




Amazon Cloud Crash

The 21st of April saw a major crash of the Amazon Cloud EC2 system, which lasted for three days. The EC2 is used to host many websites including some big names in cyberspace, such as Foursquare, HootSuite, Reddit and Quora.

Amazon, like many other companies using the latest cloud server technology had been confident of the system, describing it as bomb proof. However, days after the event it has now emerged that Amazon have now lost some of their customers data. This has highlighted the lack of robust systems in place in Amazon, as well as other hosting companies when it comes to data back up and storage.

The outage occurred when Amazon were seeking to upgrade their system and error occurred as they shifted traffic from one router to another, in the process the data was moved to a low capacity redundant router.

Although the problem has been rectified the fact remains as more and more businesses trust the hosting companies to back up their data. Are their systems robust enough to protect data when outages and errors happen? For Amazon customers the answer was no.

America is under spiritual attack, the enemy wants to crash America. The nation’s economy is dependent upon modern technology and if the  technology being used is not safe it will be exploited. Not enough Christians understand the importance of technology, most of the church is 15 years behind the world, and is constantly playing catch up. Part of being effective in this age is being educated about the technologies the world works on, and safe guarding yourself against points of weakness, this is how the natural army operates, and it ought to be how the church operates. As the world walks shortsightedly into the new and latest technologies, we need to ask ourself is it a safe is our data secure.

Deadly Tornadoes Ravage Midwest


This last week has seen the deadliest outbreak of Tornadoes in the Midwest in nearly 40 years. So far the death toll stands at 272, however this is likely to rise yet further. In the worst affected regions, such as Tuscaloosa, Alabama, whole neighbourhoods have been destroyed, the mayor of the city has said that in Tuscaloosathe infrastructure is “absolutely decimated”. In the worst affected regions whole buildings are being reported missing and falling debris is now a real risk to people and buildings.

Meteorologists do not believe the Midwest has seen the end of this deadly season. With the tornado season spanning spring- early summer more could be on the way, with Sean Morris the CNN Meteorologist quoted as saying, “This could be one of the most devastating tornado outbreaks in the nation’s history by the time it’s over.” The 2011 tornado season has started quickly, and has already caused more damage in two days than the whole season in 2010.

In the wake of the tornadoes, regions around the Mississippi River and Ohio River are witnessing record flooding, and the water levels are still rising.

The financial cost of this years tornado season is yet to be counted, it is an added financial burden the nation could do without.

The latest wave of storms this week has come a week after another tornado system killed 10 people in Arkansas, and 1 in Mississippi.

Tornadoes occur when the warm moist air from the Gulf of Mexico collides with the cool northern air, creating a massive storm. However, for years Prophet TV has been fighting the water spirits behind these phenomena. Repeatedly we have shown when a Son of God stands in a region and builds a wall of protection around that region destruction does not hit. The Presence of God creates a bubble of protection, where the demonic cannot enter. The Gulf of Mexico is the source of much VooDoo, practised throughout the Caribbean region, particularly in Haiti.

The source of the Mississippi in Iowa is the location of a three-dimensional mandala. The creation of mandalas also evokes water spirits. These two seemingly different practises both evoke the same spirits, that seek to bring death and destruction- in particular to the church.

The Midwest is famous as the “Bible Belt”, where are the Christians in this region protecting against these water spirits, which destroy their property and kill their families? Jesus dealt with water spirits in His ministry, but the white American church does not understand these spiritual powers waring against them. It is time to wake up and walk in the Power and Dominion Jesus died to give His church.

Partner with Prophet TV, and go through the Building the Warrior Series to learn how to protect your family and city from this destruction.



Three-Dimensional Mandala Created in Iowa

Buddhists have a deep understanding of the spiritual realm; more so than most of the church. They use many different practises to evoke their gods to influence the world. The practises of Buddhism evoke water spirits, the same spirits evoked in VooDoo, and these spirits create destruction in the places they are evoked.

The spirit of the Dalai Lama was over Nazi Germany, after members of the SS visited Tibet, and brought back the rituals used in Tibetan Buddhism. The swastika and the skull and cross bone are both Nazi symbols taken from Tibetan Buddhism.

Tibetan Buddhism has now entered America and is gaining control over the nation. The Dalai Lama comes preaching “peace, peace” however destruction follows. When the Buddhist monks evoke their gods, they say bring peace, prosperity, healing and compassion we see deadly tornadoes, fires, stock market falling, hurricanes…

Now in Iowa on the Northern banks of the Mississippi River there is a three dimensional mandala being built. In Buddhist tradition there are “special monuments” they say possess “powerful energetic abilities” to remove “negativity”. One such monument it the three dimensional mandala. However, these wrathful deities have one objective: removing the Spirit of God, so they can control the region.

One of these deities, believed to be a “remover of obstacles” is a god named Vajrakilaya. This god although meant to bring peace and compassion is surrounded in fire and is filled with fury. The mandala in Iowa is a full scale Vajrakilaya mandala, similar to the only other such mandala in Bhutan. The Phurba Peace Mandala will be the first full scale three dimensional mandala in North America.

The location of the Phurba Peace Mandala has been very carefully chosen. In America’s past this location was sacred to the Native Americans, and as the Buddhist lamas state it is “geographically suited for the maximum energetic effect”!

Since the mandalas evoke water spirits they require to be located near water. The Mississippi river divides America, and is the longest river in the world. The location is also on a major migratory bird route, for 40% of all waterfowl and 60% of bird species in North America. In Buddhist tradition birds are very important and speaks of female ‘sky-movers,’ the dakinis, who are often depicted as birds, they are also believed to carry “messages”. Consider the level of demonic which such a project is to evoke, and these water spirits find their way the great Mississippi River, flowing across America, through the Bible Belt. These spirits want to destroy the church, consider the destruction this month has seen in the Midwest due the the deadly tornadoes?

The Dalai Lama has a planned strategy for taking over America. He comes with his message of peace, but what is the fruit? Where is the peace, health, compassion, and prosperity in nations like Tibet, Bhutan and India (Buddhism has it origins in Hinduism).

The Spirit of God can overcome these powerful deities. However the majority of the church is not walking in the Power of God, and fails to take dominion over the spirit realm. When will the Bible Belt wake up and begin to rule and reign with Christ, building a hedge of protection so the demonic cannot bring destruction in these regions?


Happy Easter?

As Christians all over the world happily celebrated Easter last weekend, few understand the meaning or significance of the activities and traditions they partake in.

Easter was the pagan worship of the god Ester– notice the word Easter is no where in the Bible. The worship of Ester was associated with fertility and involved eggs and bunnies! It was from this that Hugh Hefner founder of Playboy was inspired to use the rabbit ears for his Playboy girls. Playboy, with the Bunny Girls, is dedicated to this god.

Boys and girls can be seen to become overly friendly at easter time, as the spirit of ester is evoked. In ignorance parents use the bunnies, the rabbit ears, the eggs to teach their children about the resurrection of Jesus, where in fact they are using ancient fertility rites.

As adults the women have no problem with wearing the Playboy bunny ears, taking their clothes off and the boys worship them for it. The further consequences are the use of abortion as contraception.

Jesus died not only for the forgiveness of our sins, but also so the Holy Spirit could be given, and we could walk in the same power as Jesus did. Most of the church stop at forgiveness and fail to walk in the fullness of what Jesus done for us on the cross.

Prophet TV trains people to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. As a result we see elections flipped, bombs don’t go off, corruption exposed at a national level, media networks ratings crash, storms averted, people healed, as we continue to demonstrate what ruling and reigning with Christ means. We train people to build a hedge of protection around their city, or neighbourhood so destruction does not hit. This level of intercession is difficult on the body of Christ, as God uses His people in the Spirit to overcome the witchcraft over these regions.

Imagine what the nation would be like if more of the church stopped the pagan rituals and supported Prophet TV and began the process of being built up to be a Son of God, walking in the power of God.


The Coming of the Mahdi?

Within Islam there is a belief that there is a coming messianic figure, referred to as the 12th Imam or Mahdi. Although this belief is more or less universal across the sects of Islam, the Shiites have a particularly fundamental perspective on the Islamic teachings regarding the 12th Imam. And these teachings ought to be taken very seriously by the West and the Church.

Iran is a predominately Shiite nation, and the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is evangelical in his beliefs. He sees himself as called by Allah to usher in the reign of the Mahdi, and that the Mahdi will unite the Muslim world, ruling from Iraq and bringing peace. However, to bring forth his appearing, terrible destruction must first be in place, as well as the destruction of Israel. Ahmadinejad has made no secret of his hate for the West and Israel, and has spoken publicly of his desire to see “Israel wiped off the face of the map”.

Ahmadinejad now sees the recent unrest in the Middle East as “prophetic” signs that the Mahdi is near. However, intelligence also suggests that Iran have been manipulating the troubles to bring about their own agenda. Iran have been circulating videos throughout the Middle East calling on the people to rise up and over-throw their rulers, sympathizers of the Iranian regime have infiltrated these countries, like Egypt and Yemen, in a bid to seize power and make alliances with the Iran.

As previously stated, the Mahdi will only appear after the destruction of Israel, and seeing Jerusalem in Muslim hands. What are the West doing? Ahmadinejad sees America as weak at this time, and looks to capitalize on her weakness, by pressing forward with their nuclear ambitions. The Church is called to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”, however half the church is anticipating the destruction of Israel. This is especially a time for the Church to stand in the gap for Israel; and pray for America, that she will once again be a friend and ally to Jerusalem.



The Catholic church has seen the demand for exorcism increase of late. The trend is such that the Vatican are this week holding a six day conference on Exorcism.

The Vatican are attributing the increasing demand to readily available satanic groups via the internet, and are describing the interest they are seeing as a “revival in satanism”. People can access information about occult practices within a matter of minutes. The Vatican say, “we must be on guard because occult and satanic practices are spreading a great deal, in part with the help of the internet and new technologies that make it easier to access these rituals”, but also due to the tremendous interest through films like Harry Potter, the Daily Prophet, and syndicated television programs that will run throughout every country for the next 20 years like “Charmed”. Oh, they are just nice witches, that use their power to help out the no power pastors in your local churches. Which is the message to the youth world wide.

God called to stop Freaky-links, over 10 years ago as it was a Fox program directing world youth to an uncontrolled internet site that would introduce the youth world wide to real occult members and train them the rituals that would allow these demonic beings to invade their souls, all under the guise of “spiritual power”.

God told Prophet TV, “If you do not stop this program, witchcraft will come up so fast the game will be over, as the churches are so asleep, not having a heart for spiritual warfare”.

After a very hard battle, over the spirit over Venice and Santa Monica California, Freaky Links was canceled, and the witches behind it, lost their power as the prince was driven out of the region.

Then God said, “When a spirit goes out of a man it goes through dry places seeking rest, finding none it returns seven times stronger and the man’s condition is worse than before… As it is in a man so is it in a city”.

So began several years of Prophetic Assaults against the long rooted witchcraft in Venice and Santa Monica. (See Mission Hollywood)

God revealed this type of “spiritual” warfare would cause major church splits, as people cannot hold covenant through the warfare. So the prophet, was again “gifted” by God with power to deal, and was obedient to enter into that very difficult battle, until the principality was displaced. As a result Freaky-links was canceled, and hundreds of thousands of young people were shielded from that witchcraft as a result, at least it bought the “sleepy” church more time to get it’s act together, but unfortunately the Catholic Church often fails to operate in the power of God, instead relying on religion to cast out the devil- IT DOES NOT WORK. Prophet TV raises up warriors who can stand and fight and cast out the devil. A generation is being captured into witchcraft, because the church would not fight, and the church is still not equipped to deal with it.

Under the mantle of Prophet TV you can be raised up to “set the captives free”.

Note: Jim Morrison of the Doors, “channeled” the woman of the lake, or water spirit in Venice Ca, that empowered his favor. He sold his soul for fame, only to die a miserable death at a young 27 years of old, in Paris France, where PTV is also now established, but that’s another story.



John Galliano Update

Prophet TV reported on the dismissal of John Galliano from Paris fashion house Christian Dior, after alleged anti-semitic remarks made by the designed in a Paris bar. We repeadly see when the Presence of God is welcomed into a region then demonic is exposed- that which is hidden is brought into the light.

This week has also seen the dismissal of Galliano from his own label “John Galliano”. The label is 91% owned by Dior, and the board this week decided that Galliano’s services were no longer required at the label.

Cannes 2011: Embarrassing Sarkozy biopic

Nicolas Sarkozy was elected French President in 2007. His election was a sign of France moving away from socialism, and moving closer to America. Prophet TV was in France at the time of the election interceding for the nation. Before Prophet TV was in the region, the opinion polls in France suggested the socialist party would secure power, however, with the intercessory presence ushering in the Presence of God the atmosphere changed and France choose a pro-American President.

Following Sarkozy’s historic lead in the recent Libyan crisis and the burqa veil legislation in France, the International Cannes Film Festival 2011, to take place in May, has decided to choose the controversial film, La Conquête, as one of this year’s short-listed films to be premiere at the festival. The movie charts the French President’s rise to power, the break down of his first marriage, and the victory in the 2007 elections.

The La Conquête (The Conquest) may turn the French President into a national laughingstock. Sarkozy is already suffering in the French polls, due to the decisions he has taken in his Presidency to try and halt the nations addiction to socialism.

Sarkozy was due to attend the Cannes Film Festival this year, with his second wife Carla Bruni, who is appearing in the Woody Allen film Midnight in Paris. The viewing of La Conquête now poses a dilemma for Sarkozy on whether or not to attend.

The Cannes Film Festival is an event that shapes world perceptions via the media. In 2006 Prophet TV was interceding at the Festival during the long awaited premiere of the Da Vinci Code. By bring in the Presence of God, the demonic seeking to influence people through that movie was blocked and the movie failed the gain the praise of the Cannes critics, there were even some in the premiere who laughed jeeringly at the movie. The Da Vinci Code went on to be a box office flop worldwide.


Charlie Sheen a Prophet

Hollywood gossip columns have been gripped by the continuing problems of actor Charlie Sheen for months now. After Warner Brothers requested he enter rehab for help with his drug and alcohol problems, the “Two and A Half Men” star refused, and was consequently fired.

Since then Sheen has had a very public meltdown, seeming bent on destroying his career and those of the people he has work with on “Two and a Half Men”.

However, despite his very public displays of hedonism and drug abuse there are those in the far left media who are applauding him, hailing him as a hero and as a modern day prophet, as one journalist writes, “He is a psychopathic prophet warning of the dangers, lunacy, and criminality of the mainline media and everything they stand for. No wonder he looks so crazy.”

In an interview after his dismissal Sheen described himself as a “warlock”. However, such references to occult practices have drawn the attention of Christian Day, a Salem based Warlock. At first he took offence at Sheen’s causal use of the term “warlock”, as well as other terms alluding to witchcraft Sheen had been using.

However Day and  his cadre of witches are seeking to now “help” Sheen through their magic. They have already held a “magical intervention” ceremony in Salem- Day alleges evidence that his initial spell is already working. “He’s coming out of the house, he’s on tour, and he’s at least playing into the fun of it all, which shows that he’s leaving the crazy side and turning this into an opportunity,” Day said. And later: “it is the power of manifestation.” They now want to use their magic to see him “healed”. They are planning to watch him on his upcoming “Violent Torpedo of Truth” Tour, where they will cast spell during the show for Sheen’s healing.

The witches access spiritual power and see things manifest, they do so under the power of the demonic. However the church does not even understand the power “Spiritual” power of God. God has given the church “Spiritual” power to manifest His Kingdom, and bring about healing and freedom from addiction. Do the witches listen and obey the spirits they are of, more than the church?

Note: our prophet lives next door to one of the Sheen’s properties and knows the family, however he is never there to build relationships, as he is protecting many other areas, because of the lack of “Spiritual” Authority, and responsibility, that other believers should walk in. Therefore, problems in the world are the direct results of peoples lack of relationship with the creator, instead desiring a sleepy religious experience, all the while being seduced!




Riders say N.Y. bus crash driver swerved

Passengers and witnesses to a horrific New York City crash that sheared the top off a bus headed for Manhattan’s Chinatown and killed 14 people told investigators that the driver’s account of getting clipped by a tractor-trailer didn’t match up to what they felt and saw before the vehicle slid off the road and into a sign pole.

Driver Ophadell Williams had told police that his World Wide Tours bus was hit just as it crossed the New York City line early Saturday on a trip from the Mohegan Sun casino in Connecticut.

But passengers said Williams had already swerved at times to the right for no reason before the accident, a law-enforcement official said Sunday. The official wasn’t authorized to speak publicly about the probe and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The bus was returning to New York’s Chinatown after a quick overnight trip to the casino. The official said that passengers said they didn’t feel anything hit them and that other motorists on the interstate highway said they didn’t see the bus get hit. The official said police spoke to the tractor-trailer driver, who said he was following the bus.

via Official: Riders say N.Y. bus crash driver swerved –

Fashion Week Spring 2011

This Spring has seen Prophet TV targeting the witchcraft over the global fashion industry. During New York Fashion Week the Prophet was located on the doorstep of the world influencing event, dealing first hand with the witchcraft being evoked during fashion week.

After the New York intercessory trip was completed the Prophet rejoined the Fashion Week cavalcade in Paris. Again an intercessory presence was maintained  in Paris and around the event, where the “spirit” in fashion designer John Galliano was exposed as anti-semitic.

The firing of Galliano as artistic director at Christian Dior has ended  the “Fashion’s King of Excess” 16 year reign or “influence” over women and their fashion.

As well as the departure of Galliano three other top fashion executives let their positions.

Once the “black death” witchcraft covering was broken, Paris Fashion Week saw the “black death” look lift and now a new healthy spring look is in, with lighter more feminine colors.

Random Events, Free Will, Pre-destiny or Something Darker ?