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The Demise of Guys: Are video games and pornography ruining Americas young men?

Nikita Duncan, a psychologist, artist and author partners with Starting Point to answer the Question:

“Where have all the good men gone?”

Her answer blames the struggles men have with video games and porn.

Duncan, together with Psychologist Philip Zimbardo and Stanford professor emeritus authored the e-book “The Demise of Guys: Why Boys are Struggling and What We Can Do About it: 

They state in the book that  “by age 21, the average guy has immersed himself in approximately 10,000 hours of video games – the equivalent of the amount of time it takes to earn two Bachelors degrees”.  

A claim is made that the male brain’s function is literally rewired which is creating… ” a generation with an unprecedented addiction – to arousal.”

Unlike drug or alcohol addicts, an arousal addict doesn’t merely crave arousal each time, Duncan argues that the addict doesn’t just crave arousal but something new and different which can be terribly damaging to that person’s relationships and interactions.

from: http://startingpoint.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/25/the-demise-of-guys-are-video-games-and-pornography-ruining-americas-young-men/?iref=allsearch

The famous Building the Warrior teaching series via prophet.tv