Tag Archives: Barak Obama

Alec Baldwin thinks Barack Obama would be doing better in the polls if he was white

On Tuesday, Alec Baldwin took to his foundation’s Twitter account to tweet, “If Obama was white, he’d be up by 17 points.” Of course, the polls show that people are far more likely to vote for an African American for President than they are a Mormon.

To start the segment, Glenn reminded listeners that this was a man who had made some pretty horrible comments to loved ones in the past, showing that he is clearly dealing with some issues and is not a very happy person.

“The biggest spiritual leaders always, they weep because you’re missing who you really are.  Don’t you see who you really are?  They can see it.  Because they see it in themselves.  This guy doesn’t see anything but a black hole.  He’s got an abyss in him.  And I feel bad for Alec Baldwin.  I mean, I don’t know him, you know, and I’m sure he doesn’t care about my pity.  But he’s not a happy man,” Glenn said.

“And it’s really not that hard, Alec, when you get out of your own way, it’s really not that hard.  Believe me, I spent most of my life not being a happy man.  It’s not that hard to get out of your own way and be a happy man.  You cannot see what America really is if that’s your vantage point,” he added.

Turning his attention to Baldwin’s tweet, Glenn wondered if Romney would be up an additional ten percent if he wasn’t Mormon.

Stu explained, “We have polling to back this up.  18% of people won’t vote for Mitt Romney because he’s Mormon.  4% of people won’t vote for Barack Obama because he’s black.  18 to 4.  That’s in polling.  That’s not me making it up.  That’s been shown over and over again that there’s a large gap between those two groups.  People don’t want to vote for a Mormon.  At this point in American history, they have no problem voting for an African‑American.  In fact, the polling shows that people are less likely to vote for a Catholic than they are to vote for an African‑American.  So you could sit here and blame race all you want for the terrible, terrible performance of the guy you elected, but that is why he’s having problems here.  He has the most favorable media of any president in American history and he’s still struggling to clear 43% in approval rating.”

more at Alec Baldwin thinks Barack Obama would be doing better in the polls if he was white – Glenn Beck.

Could Jeremiah Wright End Obama’s Election Campaign

Footage of Rev. Wright’s racist, bigoted sermons, quickly made Obama distance himself from the man who christened his daughters, and presided over his marriage.

Rev. Wright has now come out in an interview, to claim that in 2008, the Obama campaign offered him $150,000 to buy his silence. If this is true Obama may have committed a crime.

In the interview by Edward Klein, for a biography he has written about the President, Rev. Wright contradicts the Presidents’ version of events. Wright paints a picture of their relationship as like father and son. Wright tells Klein that he was a major political, as well as spiritual figure, in Obama’s life. Wright also talked about Obama’s Islamic heritage, claiming he “possessed an Islamic background”, and that he never fully left Islam behind him.

If this is true, it would mean Obama’s political ideology for 20 years, was one for extreme left, black liberation theology. Furthermore it begs the question:

Did team Obama bribe anyone else to keep them silent?
Are we seeing the corrupt Chicago style politics in the White House?

The seriousness of these allegations requires Congress to look at the claims of Rev. Wright, and have them fully investigated.




Again the Obama camp are attacking the wealthy. One must ask are they looking to create this great class war, where the wealthy owe the poor something.

But statistics show the majority of the wealthy in this country have their wealth through hard work- not privilege, not handed to them on a silver plater. Furthermore, the wealthy already contribute the most to the Federal Reserve, but take the least out of it.

Are Obama and Biden trying to create a sense of injustice in people? Making them feel the rich CEO of that big company owes them something? Are we seeing yet more of that division being created across America?

Is this attack not slightly hypocritical when Obama and Biden hold fundraisers with George Cloony and hedge fund managers? Asking the mega rich for massive donations to finance his re-election bid.