Tag Archives: Rev Jeremiah Wright

Could Jeremiah Wright End Obama’s Election Campaign

Footage of Rev. Wright’s racist, bigoted sermons, quickly made Obama distance himself from the man who christened his daughters, and presided over his marriage.

Rev. Wright has now come out in an interview, to claim that in 2008, the Obama campaign offered him $150,000 to buy his silence. If this is true Obama may have committed a crime.

In the interview by Edward Klein, for a biography he has written about the President, Rev. Wright contradicts the Presidents’ version of events. Wright paints a picture of their relationship as like father and son. Wright tells Klein that he was a major political, as well as spiritual figure, in Obama’s life. Wright also talked about Obama’s Islamic heritage, claiming he “possessed an Islamic background”, and that he never fully left Islam behind him.

If this is true, it would mean Obama’s political ideology for 20 years, was one for extreme left, black liberation theology. Furthermore it begs the question:

Did team Obama bribe anyone else to keep them silent?
Are we seeing the corrupt Chicago style politics in the White House?

The seriousness of these allegations requires Congress to look at the claims of Rev. Wright, and have them fully investigated.