Tag Archives: CNN

Donald Trump’s NYC Fraud Case Is A Fraud

CNN Senior Legal Analyst Elie Honig said on Thursday that New York Attorney General Letitia James‘ civil fraud case against former President Donald Trump was weak because there were no victims in the case, thus no one was actually defrauded.

Read More:  Daily Wire

New CNN CEO Tells Employees, You ‘Might Not’ Like What’s Coming

New CNN chairman and CEO Chris Licht did little to calm the nerves of highly partisan employees at the far-Left network this week after the cancellation of Brian Stelter’s show “Reliable Sources.”

“I want to acknowledge that this is a time of significant change, and I know that many of you are unsettled,” Licht said, according to numerous people who attended Friday’s editorial meeting call. “There will be more changes, and you might not understand it or like it.”

Read More:  DailyWire

CNN: “Rioting Has to Stop as it’s Hurting Democrats”

CNN’s Don Lemon has said that the rioting that followed the shooting of Jacob Blake by police in Kenosha, Wis has to stop, because it is helping President Trump.

“The rioting has to stop,” Lemon said. “It’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing right now that is sticking.”

The protests following the shooting of Blake has sparked violent riots in Kenosha, and has seen property destroyed and people injured.

Read More: Fox News

Don Lemon of CNN says Jesus Christ Not Prefect

In a discussion on his show with Chris Cuomo Don Lemon said that Jesus was not perfect when he was on earth:

“Jesus Christ, if that’s who you believe in, Jesus Christ, admittedly was not perfect when he was here on this earth….So why are we deifying the founders of this country, many of whom owned slaves?”

In his discussion about the founding fathers and slavery he argued that the founding fathers were imperfect, and owned slaves therefore why are they defied. He also seemed to be saying because the Christian founding fathers were imperfect then so was Jesus.

Responding the the comments Pastor Robert Jeffress, the pastor of 14,000-member First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, told Fox News, “Don Lemon’s comments are, first of all, heretical….and it contradicts the most basic tenet of the Christian faith and demonstrates how tone-deaf the left is to faith issues.”

Read More: Fox News

VP Pence is Blocking Health Officials from Appearing on CNN

The Vice President is blocking top health officials from appearing on CNN, until the network airs the President’s daily briefings in full.

“When you guys cover the briefings with the health officials then you can expect them back on your air,” a representative for Pence told CNN.

CNN was one of several networks to stop airing the briefings in the entirety claiming the President’s information was not always accurate.

Read More: Yahoo