Tag Archives: elections President


After Obama and Biden came out in support of same sex marriage, Republican Presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, clarified his views, saying “marriage is between a man and a woman”.

As the debate continues, pollsters wonder how this matter will impact the election.
We have a President who openly declares same-sex marriage is alright.  This would be unthought of a few years ago. It shows that American public opinion on homosexuality has been so programmed by the liberal left, that this appears to be no longer a problem, for the majority of American people.

Is that true, or will this become a major election issue? The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transexual community began to make progress in politics in San Francisco in the 1970’s with Harvey Milk……..

And Hollywood used it’s influence to program the minds of the youth with pro-sodomite imagery. With this level of political endorsement and the continual bombardment of homosexual and lesbian propaganda,……. consider what the attitude of YOUR children will be towards same-sex marriage?

This is why Prophet TV needs to be in key media areas, and why we have established a gateway in San Francisco. We must break the spirit controlling these regions which impact the entire nation and the world.