Tag Archives: Hollywood

Doonby at Cannes Film Festival

Doonby” is a low budget film set to premiere at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Set in the 1960’s in a small American town, “Doonby” explores the issues surrounding abortion. The film has already attracted controversy when the Hollywood Reporter revealed that the plaintiff in the Roe vs Wade case, which lead to abortion being legalised in America, played a part in the movie.

Norma McCorvey used the name Jane Roe, when she went to court to force the Texas authorities to allow her to abort her third child. The case eventually ended up in the Supreme Court, who ruled that no State had the right to make abortion illegal. The ruling has resulted in more than 50 million babies being aborted in America.

However, years after the Roe vs Wade case, McCorvey converted to Catholicism and became a strong advocate in the anti-abortion pro-life movement.

The film is set in the 1960’s whilst abortion was still illegal, and many women sought out back-street abortions. Jenn Gotzen plays a young party lover who finds herself pregnant. In seeking to abort the child, she is advised to speak to an older woman (played by McCorvey) who seeks to dissuade her from terminating her pregnancy. The movie carries a strong pro-life message, often overlooked in the liberal dominated media.


Charlie Sheen a Prophet

Hollywood gossip columns have been gripped by the continuing problems of actor Charlie Sheen for months now. After Warner Brothers requested he enter rehab for help with his drug and alcohol problems, the “Two and A Half Men” star refused, and was consequently fired.

Since then Sheen has had a very public meltdown, seeming bent on destroying his career and those of the people he has work with on “Two and a Half Men”.

However, despite his very public displays of hedonism and drug abuse there are those in the far left media who are applauding him, hailing him as a hero and as a modern day prophet, as one journalist writes, “He is a psychopathic prophet warning of the dangers, lunacy, and criminality of the mainline media and everything they stand for. No wonder he looks so crazy.”

In an interview after his dismissal Sheen described himself as a “warlock”. However, such references to occult practices have drawn the attention of Christian Day, a Salem based Warlock. At first he took offence at Sheen’s causal use of the term “warlock”, as well as other terms alluding to witchcraft Sheen had been using.

However Day and  his cadre of witches are seeking to now “help” Sheen through their magic. They have already held a “magical intervention” ceremony in Salem- Day alleges evidence that his initial spell is already working. “He’s coming out of the house, he’s on tour, and he’s at least playing into the fun of it all, which shows that he’s leaving the crazy side and turning this into an opportunity,” Day said. And later: “it is the power of manifestation.” They now want to use their magic to see him “healed”. They are planning to watch him on his upcoming “Violent Torpedo of Truth” Tour, where they will cast spell during the show for Sheen’s healing.

The witches access spiritual power and see things manifest, they do so under the power of the demonic. However the church does not even understand the power “Spiritual” power of God. God has given the church “Spiritual” power to manifest His Kingdom, and bring about healing and freedom from addiction. Do the witches listen and obey the spirits they are of, more than the church?

Note: our prophet lives next door to one of the Sheen’s properties and knows the family, however he is never there to build relationships, as he is protecting many other areas, because of the lack of “Spiritual” Authority, and responsibility, that other believers should walk in. Therefore, problems in the world are the direct results of peoples lack of relationship with the creator, instead desiring a sleepy religious experience, all the while being seduced!