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BBC News – Does the internet do more harm than good to the gay community?

BBC News – Does the internet do more harm than good to the gay community?.

To mark gay pride week, the food company Kraft made a rainbow colored Oreo cookie, which they posted on their Facebook page.

Although most of the 20,000 comments on the post were positive some were negative, with customers pledging never to buy the product again. Others questioned why a cookie company was championing gay rights.

The negative comments have sparked a debate about “homophobia” on the internet.

This was followed by the negative tweets and comments hip hop star Frank Ocean attracted, after revealing his sexuality in his blog.

With the homosexual community citing these as examples of proof that the web is homophobic, has the web not done more to promote LGBT liberation than any other medium?

Are we now going to see the powerful LGBT lobbying groups push to censor the web?

We have already seen Google launch a campaign to promote gay rights across the globe.

Where could this end?