Tag Archives: public health

San Francisco to provide free Transgender Surgery


San Francisco continues to lead the U.S. in strange firsts.  They are about to become the first city to cover costs of genger reassignment surgery.

This program would be for San Francisco residents who are uninsured.

On Tuesday, the cities’ Health Commission voted for the program which was announced last Thursday.

The program would cover mastectomies, genital reconstruction and other related surgery.

According to Barbara Garcia, the local Public Health Director, the program would not be running until later next year.


Syphilis cases hit all-time high in San Francisco

Its a syphilis epidemic, so say officials with public health in San Francisco.

Among gay men in San Francisco, syphilis increased by 25% in 2010 vs last year.  It has reached an all time high in the city.

The facts point to the outbreak being predominantly in gay males, not in women or in heterosexual men.

See Syphilis cases hit all-time high | Andrea Koskey | Local | San Francisco Examiner.