All posts by Chris Cuomo

STDs Continue to rise in San Francisco

According to reports, STD’s in San Francisco are in a “multi-year rise”

Despite a decline in HIV, instances of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia continue to increase, with homosexuals being most vulnerable.

In January of 2011, San Francisco city public health officials declared a Syphilis epidemic which was occurring, primarily among gay men.

See Aids Down But STDs Up in SF | NBC Bay Area.

Hindu deities/gods displayed at “Gateway to the Pacific”

San Francisco Airport (SFO), among the world’s busiest and in the top 30 airports, calls itself the “Gateway to the Pacific”.

Inside, is the SFO Museum who is hosting the exhibition “Deities in Stone: Hindu Sculpture”

The museum was established in 1980 as one the first cultural institutions to be located inside an international airport to receive major accreditation.

The “Deities in Stone: Hindu Sculpture” exhibition will contain idols and relics of a number of Hindu gods that have been used in religious ceremonies.

These idols will be on display until next February.

See Lord Ganesha graces San Francisco Airport.

Reporter unable to control his thoughts, cites inability to rid himself of Scott McKenzie single ‘San Francisco’

Please.  No more… Make it stop…” writes Tony Hicks of the Contra Costa Times as he describes his experiences since hearing the news earlier this week of singer Scott McKenzie passing away.

“I was sitting there, trying to work, when the voice started again…”If you’re goooooiiing to Saaan Fraaan ciscooo. … Please. No more. Make it stop…. to put it bluntly, I’m in hell.”

Perhaps humorously, Tony describes a desire to identify that part of the brain responsible and to then remove it surgically.

His only advice to adjust… “don’t worry, be happy.”

See Hicks: Help! the late Scott McKenzie single ‘San Francisco’ is stuck in my head! – San Jose Mercury News.

States that are less religious are more stingy with charity

According to a recent study released by the Chronicle of Philanthropy, US States with the fewest residents claiming religious participation gave the least money to charity.

However, professor Alan Wolfe of Boston College states that people in those low religious States are more willing to pay higher taxes by trusting the government to distribute equitably to the poor.

Source Study: Less religious states give less to charity | Fox News.

Ex union president in Occupy event: Goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’

Mike Golash, who was a president with the Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 chapter, and is now an organiser for the “Occupy” movement describes the agenda…

“… is a revolutionary communist organization… It’s objective is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.”

“An organization has to be built which can bring down capitalism..”

“The capitalists — they have their organizations: the FBI, the CIA, the secret police, the military, the army, etc., etc. They have organizations to maintain their power. It’s foolish to think that without a disciplined organization made up not of a few people but of millions and millions of people, [we] can bring down capitalism.”

This event by Occupy D.C. was located in the Luther Place Church, downtown Washington, D.C.

See Former union boss at Occupy event: Our goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’ | The Daily Caller.

Lightning sparks wildfires that threaten three California towns

Wildfires burned – to the edge of three small northern California towns over the weekend.  Thousands of homes are now threatened and residents have retreated to emergency shelters.

“All we can do is pray” said one evacuee Jerry Nottingham.

“These are the largest number of homes we’ve had threatened so far this year,” said state fire spokesman Daniel Berlant.

Source Wildfire sparked by lightning bears down on three California towns | Fox News.

FRC Suspected Shooter May Have Had Additional Christian Targets

Andrea Lafferty, President of  the Traditional Values Coalition, stated that FBI authorities have confirmed with her that the Family Research Council accused shooter Floyd Lee Corkins II, of Herndon, Virginia., was carrying the location and contact information of her organization upon his arrest.

Corkins is being held following a shooting in Washington DC’s Family Research Council lobby.

Source FRC Suspect May Have Targeted Traditional Values Coalition, Group Says.

Possible motives of accused D.C shooter identified

Floyd Lee Corkins II of Herndon Virginia, has been charged with federal firearms violations and assault with intent to kill.

Last Wednesday, Corkins entered the Washington DC downtown office of the Family Research Council, pulled out a 9-mm gun from his backpack and started shooting.

According to the FBI, Corkins’ stated “I don’t like your politics,” prior to the shooting.  After being wrestled to the ground by a security guard, Corkin also said “… it was not about you, it was what this place stands for”, Fox News reported.

Despite Corkin’s apparent attempts to wreak wider havoc, he was unable to get past security at the Conservative nonprofit organization.

The Family Research Council’s website indicates they seek to advance “faith, family and freedom in public policy and public opinion”.  They oppose gay marriage and abortion, have lobbied federally on behalf of these issues and have supported Chick-fil-A’s president Dan Cathy and his recent remarks on the gay marriage issue.

Corkins is a volunteer with the DC center for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community.  He also was carrying sandwiches from Chick-fil-A in addition to 50 rounds of ammunition.

See Accused gunman ripped Family Research Council policies before opening fire, sources say | Fox News.

HIV Incidences in gay/bisexual men inexplicably continues to rise in US

The cumulative incidences of HIV in gay men in the United States is only slightly lower than that of gay men in portions of Africa and has been rising steadily since 2001.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), gay and bisexual men are the only group seeing this rise in rates of HIV infection.

See The Shocking Second HIV Epidemic Among U.S. Gay Men That No One Is Talking About | Alternet.

San Francisco County – highest number of Gay and Lesbian Couples in Cali, but whats up with DC?

Unsurprisingly, San Francisco County data shows the highest number of gay and lesbian couples in California according to demographic census analysis by the Williams Institute.

What may or may not be surprising though, is that California ranks fourth in the nation at 7.8 couples per 1000.  First is the District of Columbia at a staggering 18.08 couples per 1000.

See Institute reports same-sex couples by county | Politics Blog | an blog.

Pelosi: Spirits talking to me in the White House

To much applause, San Francisco based Democrat Nancy Pelosi describes the spirits who are with her, and relates the relief they had at gaining access in the government.   She described the encounter when she first became part of the democratic leadership.

Pelosi has described this spiritual encounter more than once, most recently at a gathering of the Women’s Political Committee.  On another occasion at the Trinity Washington University’.

Pelosi feels that there is more than one spirit that is with her and feels like they are Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Alice Paul.

Coincidentally, Pelosi also happens to be an ardent supporter of Buddhism, and openly supports the head of the Tibetan Buddhists, the Dalai Lama, who Buddhists believe is the 14th reincarnation of the first Dalai Lama.  The Dalai Lama preached from the lawns of the Capitol Building in Washington DC in his recent visit to the USA, gaining access to many senior government politicians, and those in the White House.

See Pelosi ‘Swears’ Spirit of Susan B. Anthony Spoke to Her in White House |

San Francisco Killing(s) Averted; Man Arrested In Haight-Ashbury

Somehow, police in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park averted what could have been a major high profile killing spree.

Robert Johns was only smoking a cigarette when he was arrested in the Golden Gate Park.  The police caught something about him which caused them to dig deeper and what they found was disturbing.

Police believe they diverted a major attack.

Johns had a number of guns, knives, 5800 rounds of ammunition and a list of a number of political leaders which possibly included President Obama in his car.

See Man With Bounty Of Firearms, List Of Politicians Names Arrested In Haight-Ashbury: SFist.

A ‘Superpower’ That Couldn’t Keep the Lights On

Things are not so bright in India right now.

Initially we saw corruption of a magnitude not seen in the developed world.  Then we saw a tax on the job creators.  The economy therefore predictably slowed and the rupee devalued.

Now India’s infrastructure is showing its frailties and is demonstrating how it can’t keep the darkness at bay.

This has affected over 600 million people, maybe more.

See A ‘Superpower’ That Couldn’t Keep the Lights On – Business News – CNBC.