All posts by Chris Cuomo


Only Marijuana was detected in the system of the man shot while chewing Ronald Poppo’s face in Florida, so states the Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner.  No other drugs were found, including bath salts.

The bizarre behavior has led to much speculation as to the cause.

A toxicology expert, Dr Bruce Goldberger, Professor and Director of Toxicology at the University of Florida said that marijuana by itself wasn’t likely to be the cause of the strange behavior demonstrated by Rudy Eugene.

The Medical Examiner’s office in Miami is well known for being thorough in its work according to Goldberger.

It’s not clear what led to the May 26 attack on Ronald Poppo, a 65-year-old homeless man who remains hospitalized. Eugene’s friends and family have said he was religious, not violent and that he didn’t drink or do drugs harder than marijuana.  Yovonka Bryant said that she and Eugene would often, together, read the Bible and Quran.

The policeman who shot a naked Eugene to death stated, that he was growled at when he told him to stop.  The cause remains unknown what led to the face chewing attack.  Friends and family indicate Eugene was religious and not violent and that he was not inclined to do any other drugs other than marijuana.

See and the famous Building the Warrior teaching series for more information.

from Medical examiner rules out bath salts in Miami face-chewing attack | Fox News

NYC Cab Drivers Ferrying Hookers, Could Receive Fines; Women Protest

A bill seeking to penalize cab drivers who knowingly aid prostitution by ferrying hookers is being targeted by a group of women who say the legislation will prevent cab drivers from picking up legitimate women in scantily-dressed attire.

One woman who protested outside of City Hall on Thursday told The New York Post, “They don’t even know who is a prostitute or not! You don’t have a shirt on that tells if you’re a prostitute or not.”  The new bill is also hoping to enforce mandatory training for those applying for a Taxi and Limousine Commission license on how to identify prostitutes and provide them with available resources on how to escape sex-trafficking. The Post notes the scene of Thursdays protest was filled with “hot babes” and bartenders.

An official from the tax union echoed their concerns and proposed, “I will challenge any one of you to tell me which one of [these women] you would consider to be a prostitute. They’re all sexy.”  As we predicted in May when the bill was first introduced, the scenario in which a driver distributes sex-trafficking pamphlets to non-hookers will provide some painfully awkward moments for said driver just trying to do his job and avoid a staggering $10,000 fine.

Queens Councilman Dan Halloran criticized the bill as a waste of public funds, “Here we’re going to spend $2 million dollars and educate cabbies to be social workers and informants for the police department.  What are we thinking?  How about keeping our after-school programs open?  Two-million dollars goes a long way to do that.  How about not closing the 20 firehouses the mayor is slating to close so the public is safe?”

via NYC Cab Drivers Fined for transporting Hookers

Alleged Gay Rights ‘Icon’ Larry Brinkin Arrested For Child Pornography

San Francisco:  A local gay rights advocate, Larry Brinkin, 66, was arrested with felony possession of child pornography.

The San Francisco Chronicle states: “Police say that Brinkin had pornographic images, some that appear to show children as young as 1 and 2 or 3 years old being sodomized and performing oral sex on adult men, in e-mail attachments linked to his account.”

Within the LGBT community he has been considered an “icon”.  Up until 2010, Larry Brinkin worked for the San Francisco Human Rights Commission where he championed equal rights for lesbians and gays.  He also helped design San Francisco’s revolutionary Equal Benefits Ordinance which went on to become a model nationally for equality in the workplace.

His accolades earned him honors from the San Francisco board of supervisors and California Senators such as Mark Leno, Tom Ammiano in 2010. Former Supervisor Bevan Dufty authored a resolution which was passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors that proclaimed the week of February 1, 2010 “Larry Brinkin Week” in San Francisco.

The AOL account that allegedly belongs to Larry Brinkin, [email protected], contains horrific commentary which is attached to inexcusable images of child-rape, state authorities.  An incredibly depressing comment, as stated by SF Weekly… “I loved especially the nigger 2 year old getting nailed. Hope you’ll continue so I can see what the little blond bitch is going to get. White Power! White Supremacy! White Dick Rules!”

For more on cleaning up a city see this teaching from

from Alleged Gay Rights ‘Icon’ Larry Brinkin Busted For Child Porn: SFist.


San Francisco Homeless Youth Trading Sex for Money over Shelter Assistance

Young people in San Francisco who are homeless and exchanging sex for money, drugs and shelter is nothing new, but may not be obvious.  Many work out deals while panhandling.  They are not interested in city assistance.

At about 12:30 a.m. last Friday, Addison Vigil, 20, sat in a grassy patch at United Nations Plaza, two miles away from the Castro. Next to him, about a dozen people were sleeping as workers hosed down the popular plaza.

Being propositioned for sex acts is…”the name of the game, especially if you’re young and you look decent.” according to Vigil.  When he is in the Castro district it occurs “two or three times a day.” Around UN Plaza, though, not as often.

Young people display moderate interest in the services of local nonprofits.  Vigil, when asked if he thought there should be more services offered said “More Feeds” and that people should bring food to him.

Sergeant Chuck Limbert, the LGBT liaison for San Francisco’s Police Department’s Mission Station, that oversees neighborhoods such as the Castro area said “Some of our homeless have a very strong mindset… They just want to be free to do what they want to do.”

For further teaching on homelessness and how it can affect a city see this link from

from Homeless Youth Trading Sex for Money, Shelter Persists :: EDGE San Francisco.

Politicians, police join thousands in march for gay pride in San Francisco

For the 42nd year the gay pride parade was held in San Francisco.  Police officers and politicians were associated with rainbow flags and banners as the city celebrated the community of the lesbian, gay and transgender lifestyle.

Market Street, the main street in the city, saw over 200 floats.

Some parade participants were dressed in bright outfits made of balloons and some participants and parade watchers wore barely anything.

Mayor Ed Lee was to speak at the Civic Center close by the parade’s end area.  He’ll be located around the same area as the infamous gay rights activist and San Francisco City Supervisor Harvey Milk addressed gay pride celebrants a little over 30 years ago.

Organizers of San Francisco’s weekend events  stated that this is the largest LGBT gathering in the nation.  However, thousands also celebrated in Chicago and New York City.


Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi’s Proposal For A United States of Arabs With Jerusalem As Its Capital

Egyptian cleric Safwat Higazi speaking to thousands at rally in presence of Egypt’s Dr. Mohamed Mursi: “Our capital shall not be Cairo, Mecca, or Medina. It shall be Jerusalem, Allah willing. Our cry shall be: ‘Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem.'”

from Egyptian Commentators In Heated Debate About Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi’s Proposal For A United States of Arabs With Jerusalem As Its Capital.

San Francisco Crime Dropping, According To FBI Report

According to the FBI, violent crimes continue to drop in 13 of the Bay Area’s 15 biggest cities. Despite economic recession there are fewer murders, robberies, aggravated assaults and forcible rapes.

Crime data professor Alfred Blumstein of Carnegie Mellon University stated that “Everyone exprected them to go up because of the frustration and economic turmoil,” in an interveiw with The Huffington Post.

The annual homicide averages in San Francisco have nearly halved since 2004.  Also, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, Fremont, Concord and Daly City saw violent crime declines of better than 20 percent last year.”

“…Over the past year, the state has shed tens of thousands of inmates… Despite fears of repercussions, the violent crime rate has continued to drop.”

San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi noted that the San Francisco murder solved rate has jumped from about 30 to 80 percent.

from San Francisco Crime Dropping, According To FBI Report.

See and the famous Building the Warrior Teaching Series for possible explanations to this phenomenon.

Senator Mark Leno introduces bill permitting inmates to ‘self-identify gender’

Mark Leno D-San Francisco, State Senator introduced State Senate Bill 1586 which would mandate the placement of inmates of a transgender nature in opposite sex facilities at the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR).

This law has been dubbed “CeCe’s Law” by Leno and is calling for other states to follow this lead.  Leno states further…“It is time we moved past the archaic notion one’s genitals define their gender, especially in a correctional setting …CeCe McDonald may be a 6 foot 2 inch black man with a full complement of male genitalia on the outside but on the inside there’s a woman who cannot be safely housed inside a male prison”

from Bill would permit inmates to ‘self-identify gender’ – Paco Villa Corrections Blog.

The Demise of Guys: Are video games and pornography ruining Americas young men?

Nikita Duncan, a psychologist, artist and author partners with Starting Point to answer the Question:

“Where have all the good men gone?”

Her answer blames the struggles men have with video games and porn.

Duncan, together with Psychologist Philip Zimbardo and Stanford professor emeritus authored the e-book “The Demise of Guys: Why Boys are Struggling and What We Can Do About it: 

They state in the book that  “by age 21, the average guy has immersed himself in approximately 10,000 hours of video games – the equivalent of the amount of time it takes to earn two Bachelors degrees”.  

A claim is made that the male brain’s function is literally rewired which is creating… ” a generation with an unprecedented addiction – to arousal.”

Unlike drug or alcohol addicts, an arousal addict doesn’t merely crave arousal each time, Duncan argues that the addict doesn’t just crave arousal but something new and different which can be terribly damaging to that person’s relationships and interactions.


The famous Building the Warrior teaching series via

WHO, Ex-‘Gay Cure’ Supporter Come Out Against Sexual Orientation Changing Therapies

21 May 2012

Psychiatrist, Dr. Robert Spitzer, once released a finding that supported a “gay cure” therapy.

Just under a week after the World Health Organization stated that sexual orientation changing therapy is a “serious threat to the health and well being of affected people” Dr. Robert Spitzer has now done a one-eighty and is now against the practice.

Per the New York Times, Dr. Spitzer, considered by some to be a “father of modern psychiatry,” gave an apology to the gay community for his “poorly conceived 2003 investigation that supported the use of so-called reparative therapy to ‘cure’ homosexuality.”

Dr. Spitzer now agrees with those who opposed him before regarding his previous work. Still others, not only going against reparative therapy, but are actively trying to kill it. The state of California is trying to ban the whole practice statewide.  The WHO produced a statement May 17, 2012 which says the therapy “lack[s] medical justification,” since homosexuality is not a disease.”

They also go on further and call for sanctions and discreditation towards any conversion or reparative therapy clinics, saying homophobia is a “public health problem and a threat to human dignity and civil rights.”

from WHO, Ex-‘Gay Cure’ Supporter Come Out Against Sexual Orientation Changing Therapies – International News – AllMediaNY.

Professor: Child pornography could be beneficial to society

Child porn could benefit society as “Potential sex offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex against children.” Professor Milton Diamond with University of Hawaii and a ‘distinguished lecturer’ at the IASHS (Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality) in San Francisco.

Psychology is starting to accept that pedophilia is a sexual orientation like homosexuality and heterosexuality.  When this movement and the movement of children’s rights are combined the understanding of the professors mindset becomes clear.

The children’s rights movement is the idea of allowing children at very young ages make their own choice about their lifestyle and healthcare.

On the merging of pedophilia and child pornography, Linda Harvey of Mission America… “There have been blips on this in the United States for the last decade…We will see this trend accelerate as homosexual, transgender and ‘children’s rights’ intersect.”

Further understanding is obtained by looking at the IASHS.  The IASHS actively promoted repealing a ban on homosexuals serving in the military.

The IASHS identifies “basic sexual rights” which include:

  • “the right to engage in sexual acts or activities of any kind whatsoever, providing they do not involve nonconsensual acts, violence, constraint, coercion or fraud.”
  • “be free of persecution, condemnation, discrimination, or societal intervention in private sexual behavior” and “the freedom of any sexual thought, fantasy or desire.”
  • “the freedom of any sexual thought, fantasy or desire.”
  • None should be “disadvantaged because of their age.”

The problem with this is “What is the definition of consent… When a person says they agree to something that implies consent and the trend is to expand that definition to children in sexual matters.” This opens the door for exploitation by pedophiles, according to Linda Harvey.

”Gay rights groups are attempting to open up sexuality to children at younger ages.  There are also gay community centers around the country that accept children as young as 10 or 11 without parental consent.”

See Psychologist says pedophilia is sexual orientation similar to homosexuality :: Greeley Gazette.

Psychologist says pedophilia is sexual orientation similar to homosexuality

Pedophilia is in the same category as homosexuality or heterosexuality.  It is a “sexual orientation”… according to two different psychologists testifying before a parliamentary session in Canada.

Doctors Vernon Quinsey and Dr. Hubert Van Gijseghem…

“Pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offense from time to time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with heterosexuality or even homosexuality.”

“True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation. You cannot change this person’s sexual orientation. He may, however, remain abstinent.”

“There is no evidence that this sort of preference can be changed through treatment or through anything else.”

See Psychologist says pedophilia is sexual orientation similar to homosexuality :: Greeley Gazette.

Random Events, Free Will, Pre-destiny or Something Darker ?