All posts by Chris Cuomo


Forcasters in May figured the 2012 hurricane season would be average.

With October winding down, the 2012 hurricane season is shaping up to be one of the busiest on record!

Only seven other ‘seasons’ since 1851 have been this busy.  Three of those were in the last ten years.

Lead ‘hurricane season’ forecaster Gerry Bell, with NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, states that it is unusual to have more storms than forecasted.

Bell blames the underestimate on El Nino in a statement to OurAmazingPlanet.  However there has been no El Nino.

Phil Klotzbach, a Colorado State University hurricane expert says it is a very unusual ‘hurricane season’.

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Al Gore’s Current TV getting out while the getting is good

Al Gore’s Current TV, launched only 7 years ago as a source of all things … Gore-ish, is now up for sale.

Apparently they had no end of speakers and presenters for Gore-type content, but in viewership or for those wanting to support that content…

Current TV CEO Joel Hyatt as quoted by the New York Post… “Current has been approached many times by media companies interested in acquiring our company. This year alone, we have had three inquiries. As a consequence, we thought it might be useful to engage expertise to help us evaluate our strategic options.”

MSNBC rejects seemed to end up at this station.  Take Keith Olbermann.  His appearance was supposed to save the day, instead Olbermann began to insult the hand feeding him calling them “amateur hour”.

Other hosts were: “Joy Behar: Say Anything!,” “Viewpoint with Eliot Spitzer,” and “The War Room with Jennifer Granholm.”

According to this article’s source, ratings for these shows were “dwarfed by those earned by Dukes of Hazard re-runs.”


Oakland.  While some will be coming off a sugar high and reveling in the halloween spirit of the season others will be hosting another… celebration?

An annual ritual of honoring the dead will be performed in North Oakland on Nov 1.

“It’s about remembering our forefathers, our ancestors, and for me there’s actually something spiritual about that,” stated local event founder K. Ruby Blume.  “It’s also really connected to the seasons … there’s this sense (that) nature is dying. Traditionally, there’s this sensibility that the veil is thin and people can cross over.”

After a march to Dover Park, a ceremony to call out the dead will be performed.  An alter will be built for participants to offer flowers, candles and photos of deceased loved ones.

“It’s very serious, personal and sacred” stated co-organizer Cate Freyer.

Blume was inspired to start a local ritual following 25 years of attending San Francisco’s Dia de los Muertos celebration.  Blume now sees the San Francisco event as “a sort of Burning Man… media-heavy event”.

Blume is hoping for a more intimate milieu in the Oakland location, therefore recording equipment is discouraged.  Event start time will be around 5:30 at either the Driver or McGregor parks, the march will head to Dover Park and the ritual and altar building should be around sunset.



Father Dan Nascimento, a Priest from the St. Brendan Parish church based in San Francisco, held a prayer service this Thursday at the location of a recent fatal shooting.

Julio Escobar, a coordinator for the archdioceses Restorative Justice Ministry stated, the service is part of an ongoing series of prayer meetings organized by the ministry at sites of homicides in San Francisco.

“This is part of our faith,” Escobar said. “Our faith causes us to deal with the dead. Also, our ministries deal with the family members of the dead.”

Escobar also goes on to say “We want to create a support ministry for both victims family members and family members of those who are incarcerated,”


From the Desk of Donald Trump: “I have a deal for the President that he can’t refuse”

American billionaire, Donald Trump, today offered Barack Obama a check for $5 million to his choice of charities, if he would show his college and passport records.

“We know very little about our president… President Obama is the least transparent president in the history of this country” Trump stated. “I have a deal for the president.  If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications, and if he gives his passport applications and records, I will give to a charity of his choice – inner city children in Chicago, American Cancer Society, AIDS research – anything he wants – a check immediately for $5 million,”

Trump states he wants to end the question….. and anger of “many Americans”, presumably about the status of Barack Obama’s eligibility for Presidency.

Giant Phallic Symbol/Statue in works for San Francisco


San Francisco Transbay Tower Base


San Francisco Transbay Tower

The Transbay Tower will be the tallest building/phallic symbol in San Francisco after receiving final approval by the Planning Commission.

The latest design adds nighttime lighting, allowing it to be a more distinct skyline feature of the city, particularly in the dark., a website focused on anything San Francisco, states the obvious.  The building’s latest design tweaks, when viewed from a distance look… like a vibrator.  When viewing the base, it looks like something else that most would describe officially and politely as phallic or phallus related.

Fred Clarke the architect with Pelli Clarke Pelli, described wanting to create something (buddhist)… or “Zen-like” simple.

Construction would start in 2013 if the developer is able to purchase the land from the Transbay Joint Powers Authority.

Police: Black Woman Lied About KKK Setting Her On Fire

According to Police in Houston, claims by the 20 year old black woman that she was set on fire by three KKK associated males are false.

Lt. Julie Lewis of the Louisiana State Police states “The evidence does not support the statement that she was attacked by three males,”.

On Sunday evening,  Sharmeka Moffitt, stated to authorities that she had been soaked with flammable liquid and set on fire by three males who were wearing white hoodies.  She also indicated that they wrote KKK and another slur on her car.

The claim brought national attention and drew in several law enforcement agencies including the FBI.

Hillary talks to the dead…. spirits? Bill Clinton makes astonishing claim

This week, former Democratic President Bill Clinton, while speaking at a ceremony dedicating the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park in New York City, claimed that Hillary Clinton “was known to commune” with Eleanor Roosevelt.

Bill Clinton also indicated that the spirit “Eleanor Roosevelt” had spoken with Hillary Clinton to tell him a message, just this week.

This is not a new revelation.  Bob Woodward in 1996, in his book “The Choice”, revealed that Hillary regularly participated in imaginary discussions with Eleanor Roosevelt as well as Mahatma Gandhi, as a therapeutic exercise.

China under spell of Tibetan Buddhism?

The leading Chinese Social Sciences division of its government indicated this week that they would be funding a project to create a Tibetan Buddhist dictionary.

The dictionary will include terminologies, old books, records, figures and locations all related to Tibetan Buddhism.

The dictionary will be available in Tibetan and Chinese.

Ex Libya Security Officer to State Department “For Me The Taliban is on the Inside…”

“For me, the Taliban is on the inside of the building”.  Eric Nordstrom, the former Libyan regional security officer for the State Department, said in his testimony on Capitol Hill on Wednesday regarding the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya.

It’s not the hardships, it’s not the gunfire, it’s not the threats. It’s dealing and fighting against the people, programs and personnel who are supposed to be supporting me… For me, the Taliban is on the inside of the building.” 

Both Eric Nordstrom and Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, former head of a 16-member U.S. military team that helped protect the embassy in Tripoli, in testimony to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee described their frustrations in performing their jobs.

“We were fighting a losing battle. We couldn’t even keep what we had,” stated Wood in relation to having asked for further security forces to defend the Libyan Embassy before it was attacked on September 11, 2012.


Study: Protestants no longer the majority in US

Americans without a stated religious affiliation is on the rise and for the first time in U.S. history, Protestants are not a majority.

The study was performed by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.  They found that Protestants now make up a new U.S. low of 48%.

There also appears to be a shift in Christians’ classification of themselves.  More of them are stating they do not belong to any denomination.

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George Zimmerman Considering Suing NBC

NBC’s “Today” and NBC’s Miami station involved with editing George Zimmerman’s phone call are being considered as recipients of a lawsuit for defamation.

Three employees of NBC or the NBC owned Miami station, lost their jobs due to changes they made, which emphasized certain descriptions that Zimmerman reported of Trayvon Martin, in a phone call to police dispatchers.

Megan Kopf, NBC’s spokeswoman has not commented.

California Muni Bankruptcies, A Spreading ‘Disease’

“In California, we have a disease, and the disease is spreading,” spoken by David Kotok, the chief investment officer with Cumberland Advisors at the State & Municipal Finance Conference which was hosted by Bloomberg Link in New York.

Kotok is referring to municipal bankruptcies in California.  Three cities have filed and a fourth city, Atwater, is preparing a vote on whether or not to declare a fiscal emergency.  That would allow bankruptcy to follow.  They would join other California cities such as Stockton, San Bernardino and Mammoth Lakes who have already filed for bankruptcy.

In August, Moody’s Investor Service indicated that cities in California may be looking at “across-the-board rating revisions”.

According to David Crane who is a public policy speaker with Stanford University and a prior special advisor to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, these bankruptcies are “largely a self-inflicted wound… Nobody forced legislators and council members to make promises — unfunded promises amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars — to their benefit, to their political benefit.”