All posts by Chris Cuomo

Iran’s Currency Crashing

Signs of public dissatisfaction are appearing in Iran with protests in central Tehran today.  Iran’s currency has lost more than 50% of its value in the last week.

Police in the hundreds with anti-riot gear swarmed the capital around the currency exchange district looking for illegal money changers and closing other legally operating venues down, according to witnesses reporting to AFP (Agence France-Presse).

According to the witnesses, many were arrested, smoke was seen in at least two places and stones where being thrown at police.

Ahmadinejad however, blames the sanctions imposed by the USA and European Union for the freefall of their currency but remains defiant and committed to Iran’s nuclear program “We are not a people to retreat on the nuclear issue… If somebody thinks they can pressure Iran, they are certainly wrong and they must correct their behaviour,”.


Anti ‘Gay Conversion Therapy’ Backers Seek More Regions

Gay rights advocates in San Francisco are regrouping to broaden their fight.  They seek to ban therapy, focused on converting teens with feelings of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender issues to straight feelings, into other regions and States.

California is the first State in the nation to sign this kind of bill into law.  California Governor Jerry Brown has labelled this kind of therapy as “quackery” with “no basis in science or medicine”.

Currently this ban applies only to therapists who are licensed and not to ministers or other lay people.

Some Christian legal groups are planning on fighting this in federal court.


Justice Department Electronic Monitoring Rises

Phone calls, emails and social networks have all been places where the government, or the Justice Department have been monitoring with increasing frequency.

These instances are occurring without a warrant and have been increasing over the last 4 years according to the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union).

ACLU’s data shows that government tracking from 2009 to 2011 increased surveillance of phone calls by 60% and emails or other electronic computer related communications by a whopping 361%.

According to the Justice Department, these occurrences have been authorized by a federal judge on “every instance”.


California outlaws gay-to-straight therapies

California Governor Jerry Brown has signed into law a ban on gay-to-straight therapy which focuses on minors.

This therapy is also called “conversion therapy” which seeks to change a person’s feelings away from an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) orientation.

The American Psychiatric Association says that these types of therapies do more harm than good and cite their research showing those who have been subjected to it have an increased risk of suicide, anxiety, depression and other self-destructive type behaviors.

In signing the law Governor Brown stated “This bill bans nonscientific ‘therapies’ that have driven young people to depression and suicide,”.


UCLA Study: Republican Congresswomen Look More Feminine

A recently released study by psychology researchers at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), indicates that Republican congresswomen look more feminine when compared to Democrat congresswomen.

What’s more, the features and correlation increase the more conservative they are in their actual actions i.e. voting, according to Colleen M. Carpinella.  Carpinella is the study author, a UCLA graduate student in psychology.

Taking the same photos to other students, the results were duplicated easily and with a high percentage of accuracy.


Nazi Buddha Statue Came From Space

This Buddha statue which was brought by the Nazis to Europe is from space according to German researchers.

However, it was carved after it arrived on earth!

It has been nicknamed iron man and has been carved out of a meteorite.  The statue is likely of a Buddhist god and it appears to be holding something.  The chest contains a swastika symbol.

The statue was brought back to Germany following a Nazi expedition to Tibet to locate the origin of the Aryan roots by Ernst Schafer in 1939.

Though not definitive, researchers believe the statue is of the Buddhist god Vaisravana, or Jambhala.  Buddhists revere it as a god of wealth or war.


Ke$ha Relates ‘Erotic’ Encounters With A Ghost

 Ke$ha’s new song “Supernatural”  comes from her “erotic experiences” with spirits or, a ghost.

“It’s about experiences with the supernatural… but in a sexy way,” Ke$ha tells Ryan Seacrest on the KIIS FM radio show. “I had a couple of experiences with the supernatural. I don’t know his name! He was a ghost! I’m very open to it.”

Ke$ha’s recent spiritual type encounters don’t seem isolated either.  She went on a “crazy spirit quest” recently in Africa, where she was “rehabilitating baby lions”.  While there she was hypnotized.


France Confirms 75% Tax Rate!

Vive le…. TAX?

The French Socialist government confirmed a 75% tax rate for top earners and a new 45% ‘band’ for revenues over 150,000 euros.

Businesses are targeted as well.  Loan interest tax deductions have been reduced and a capital gains tax break has been eliminated.  These respective cuts have taken €4 and €2 BILLION out of the hands of business and placed them into government coffers.

“France is sick because of the model it has … but is choosing to preserve it.” says Guillaume Cairou, Head of the Entrepreneurs Club.


White House Attempt To Give Millions To Egypt Meets Resistance

On Friday, Congress was notified by the Obama administration that it would be sending $450 million to Egypt.  This $450 million is part of a $1 billion package that Obama had pledged to Egypt in 2011 for debt forgiveness to the United States.

The administration however has met resistance.

The direction of Egypt’s course under the Muslim Brotherhood, its policies, local protests against the American Embassy located in Cairo and how the Obama administration has handled crisis in Islamic regions has left some wondering why the US continues to send aid.

Kay Granger, a Texan Republican who is chairwoman of the House appropriations subcommittee that is responsible for managing foreign aid, said that she would block this aid distribution.

The US relationship with Egypt “has never been under more scrutiny” than it is now.  Granger goes on to say, “I am not convinced of the urgent need for this assistance and I cannot support it at this time”.

However, Hillary Clinton speaking in New York on Friday, indicated that the world should do more in supporting the regions that have experienced the ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings.

This debate comes at a time when Egypt is in an economic crisis.  They are currently facing a $12 billion deficit in their budget.


Leno: ‘We Wasted Four Years Waiting For Obama To Do Something About The Economy’

Jay Leno took some surprising jabs at Obama and his handling of the economy and jobs on Thursday.  “I love how the politicians capitalize on this kind of thing, like the minute the replacement refs were fired, President Obama said, See, sometimes losing jobs can be a good thing. Its a good thing…. A new survey out today shows how much time we waste every day in our lives. For example, we waste seven minutes in line every time we go to get coffee, 28 minutes getting through airport security, four years waiting for Obama to do something about the economy. Every year, we waste a lot. We wasted a lot of time.”


Bible App Downloaded 65 Million Times

YouVersion’s Bible app has been downloaded 65 million times.  It is has been ranked third for iPad and ninth for the iPhone by Appsfire in non game categories.

The site/app was created by Bobby Greunewald.  He used to run a professional wrestling website!  The inspiration came to him while waiting in a security line at the Chicago O’Hare International Airport.  Before he arrived at his gate of departure Greunewald had registered the domain name which is YouVersion.

There is approximately 300 versions that can be downloaded and options for people in 144 different languages.


Steal, Kill & Destroy Solution to Chicago Problem, According to Gang Member

Chicago.  Walter Jacobson with CBS 2, interviewed some gang members in Chicago and asked them their opinions on the solution to violence in Chicago.

Some responses:

“There’s no solution to the violence,”

“Killing, killing is the solution”

“Rob, steal and kill. That’s the only way…”
