Category Archives: FYI

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Donald Trump For President- What do you think?

I’ve always said, “Never elect a person to president who is not already wealthy, otherwise they will use their office to set themselves up to be multi-million aires after they are out of office, by doing favors and making deals while in office.”

Case in point: How many millions did the Clintons make while Hilary was Secretary of State doing the “Pardons” and “Sweet” deals that she tried to hide by illegally using a private mail server and not turning over all communications to the Feds, then “Shredding” the evidence?

The reality: business owners that provide jobs will vote for Trump.
The real question is: will non business people who only work for hourly wage actually understand what brings prosperity? Or will they vote the government to “Bleed” the rich, causing them to close down and you’re jobs to be lost?

Your choices will set your blessing or a future curse on all our lives !

Do you really want to pull ALL PROSPERITY DOWN so at least everyone is miserable and poor?

Why don’t you first study the Great Depression !
No money, no food, no hope, EVERYONE WAS DEPRESSED because they could not do anything.
Is that really what you want?

When is the last time you can name that a poor person “trickled up” and provided an income for anyone else?

Stop listening to Michael Moore.. he is a moron and is not providing jobs for you, he is only taking your money, feeding you a line of bull…

At the world Council Affairs meeting at the Beverly Hills Hilton, Michael Moore told everyone he lied about Bush. He did it for the money. Everyone fell out of their chairs…

WAKE UP ! Greed and lies is nothing more than Greed and Lies…

Harry Reed lied about Romney never paying taxes. He did it from the floor of the Senate.
1) to the ignorant, that statement apears to be true because it is coming from the floor of the senate by a senator.

2) to the lying senator Hairy Reed, he knows he’s protected on the senate floor from slander law suits so he uses the system at the cost of his integrity and now has resigned with all the money and business deals and favors he has set up for himself while in the senate.


Harry Reed exploiting the law the ignorant do not know about: “well who cares, Romeny didn’t win did he”. So Hairy Butts lies to the people to get them to vote against a lie, and the same ignorant are in worse poverty today because of lying senators!

Is it true lying liberals cannot win unless they lie?

Do you really want to win by Lying? Do you really think lying leaders will do anything but defeat the moral of the USA and bring poverty to us all? PLEASE DON’T BE STUPID. You are hear because this country is the Promise. If you do not believe, go back to your poverty country !!!


Do we have a future of blessings or will you bring everything down to hell?
Wake Up !!

The Biggest Thing Google Didn’t Announce Was Its Robot Brain that Learns

Behind the scenes of Google’s neatest new tricks is an artificial mind that’s getting smarter… We are getting closer to Skynet and Terminator…
And you are building the face recognition database via Facebook and iPhotos that Skynet will use to identify you and your loved ones… oh silly people…

This year’s Google I/O was kind of a quiet one. There were no fancy new watches, no self-driving cars, and definitely no sky-diving from blimps. But behind smaller (and still awesome!) announcements like a photo service that will store and organize all your photos for you, and a version of Google Now that can intelligently suggest reminders, is a titanic achievement Google only hinted at onstage: A robotic brain that can learn.

Taking in the world
To be fair, this isn’t the first time Google’s toyed with a robot brain. In 2012, an army of 16,000 computers hidden away in the deep, dark recesses of the experimental Google X labs accomplished a complex and impressive feat, at least by the standards of a computer brain working with silicon neurons.

It taught itself to recognize a cat.

By pouring over some 10 million images from YouTube videos and thinking really, really hard (for a computer), this network actually taught itself to conceive of the idea of cat, and put a furry face to that concept. It’s easy to gloss over the magnitude of that; these are cats after all. Remember the one with the keyboard? Lol. The cheeky headlines basically write themselves.

But now, three years later, we’re starting to really see the fruits of that labor pay off. Google’s new Photo’s app seems to be much the same experiment but put towards a practical goal. Instead of a million YouTube images, this brain is looking through thousands of personal photos. Instead of a cat, it’s learning to recognize your friends and family. Also, coincidentally, your cat.

For the Scary truth of where we are headed folks read this

Real time Calculator of the destruction of CO2 to Oxygen Converters world wide.

Global Warming is a money scam lead by governments so as to find new ways to tax people even more money, driving the cost of energy up and passing that cost on to the consumer.

Science Lesson 101 forests breath in CO2 and exhale Oxygen.
Kind of a cool thing God created.

If Obama and Al Gore (made and set to make millions off Global Warming scam) really wanted to address the CO2 levels wouldn’t they simply deal with the junk mail going into Manhattan NY for example?

Since Man keeps destroying the CO2 converters is it any wonder the CO2 levels would rise?

Look at this real time calculator to watch and get an understanding of just how much wasted wood / paper / junk mail is going into your box…

I thought we all had digital “free” environmental friendly email ?

Check out in real-time what is happening around the World. Here are some events and their frequency after you visited the page!

Source: 15 events and their frequency of happening


The San Francisco area was hit with the strongest quake in 25 years. The 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The power was out in Napa, only 6 miles away from the earthquakes epicentre, affecting over 10,000 households, and some cellphone networks were down. California’s Highway 12 was also damaged, with areas of the highway buckled by the quake. There was damage to buildings in Napa. There were no fatalities in the quake.

Read More: The Telegraph


Ebola victim who sparked global panic had been travelling back to his home in Minnesota when he became ill in Nigeria, where he died. Patrick Sawyer worked for the Liberian government, but lived in the US with his wife and three children. Mr Sawyer, had been caring for his sick sister, in Liberia, (who he did not know to be suffering the Ebola virus) before travelling to Lagos, Nigeria for a conference. Whilst on the plane Mr Sawyer became ill, on arrival in Nigeria he booked himself into a private hospital, where he later died.

Ebola virus has an incubation period of up to 21 days, and first looks like any other virus: fever, vomiting, and diarrhoea. The virus then causes internal bleeding, and can be 90% fatal.

Had Mr Sawyer reached the States he could have become patient zero in a US epidemic.

Read More: The Telegraph

Cat Saves Small Boy from Vicious Dog Attack

A small boy riding his bike outside his home in Bakersfield, California, was suddenly attacked by a neighbours dog. The Labrador Chow cross pulled the 4-year old off his bike before biting him several times. The family cat them rushed to the boys rescue, scaring the dog off. The attack was captured on the family surveillance camera.

The parents of the child believe the cat has saved their son’s life. The owner’s of the dog volunterily brought the dog to the local police station and the animal has now been destroyed.

Read More: Huffington Post

America’s first Openly Gay Bishop to Divorce

Gene Robinson the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopalian Church has announced via The Daily Beast that he is to divorce his partner of 25 years. The couple controversaly married in 2010 after gay marriage was legalized in the State of New Hampshire. Later Robinson was voted by the General Convention of the US Episcopalian church to become a bishop a move which shocked and angered the global Anglican community.

In his announcement Robinson writes: “Recently, my partner and husband of 25-plus years and I decided to get divorced. While the details of our situation will remain appropriately private, I am seeking to be as open and honest in the midst of this decision as I have been in other dramatic moments of my life—coming out in 1986, falling in love, and accepting the challenge of becoming Christendom’s first openly gay priest to be elected a Bishop in the historic succession of bishops stretching back to the apostles.”

Read More: The Daily Beast


Within the next few weeks the Sun’s magnetic field will complete it’s process of flipping. This is an event which takes place every 11 years and is accompanied by intense solar activity.

This solar activity could have serious implications for us, as the solar flares thrown out by the sun at this time have the potential to damage satellites and take out power grids on earth. In this age where we are dependent upon telecommunications, and the blackout of vast areas of the country could have catastrophic consequences. In 1859 the solar maximum caused, the then new technology of telegraphs, to be damaged, resulted in telegraph operators to be electrocuted, the auroras caused were seen as far south as the Caribbean; and in 1989 a solar flare resulted in the blackout of Quebec, and melted power transformers in New Jersey. Scientists will be closely monitoring the sun hoping this solar maximum will pass without incident.

Read More: BBC


The Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan was severely damaged by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in 2011. Since then scientists have been battling with the damaged pant to keep the rectors cool and avoid a more serious incident.

Next month will see work beginning to remove the fuel rods from the damaged rector. This work will be the most technical and dangerous since the 2011 disaster. This year’s World Nuclear Report says the operations have the potential to cause: “by far the most serious radiological disaster to date” if it goes wrong. And warns of possible apocalyptic scenarios, including the evacuation of Tokyo.

The operations involve the removal of the spent fuel from one of the reactors. This reactor is in the most unstable condition, and scientists do not fully know the extent of damage within the reactor core. Since the disaster the reactor has had to be constantly cooled to stop a full meltdown of the plant. Every day gallons of irradiated water from this process escape the plant into the surrounding environment and into the Pacific Ocean. Once these fuel rods are removed, they will then begin work on removing the fuel rods from the other three reactors, which were also damaged. The whole process of decommissioning the site is likely to take 40 years.

Althoug the removal of fuel rods from a nuclear power station is a standard procedure the damaged Fukushima plant has so many dangers and unknowns it makes it a highly dangerous and technical procedure. Nuclear expert Professor Neil Hyatt says, “This is probably a world first in terms of the engineering challenge.”

Read More: Channel 4 News


Monday afternoon a gunman went on a shooting rampage at the US Navy Yard in Washington, at least 13 are believed to have been killed. The FBI have said the gunman has been killed and has been named as 34 year old Aaron Alexis, from Fort Worth Texas. Alexis served in the US military from 2007-11.

The FBI do not have a motive for the attack.

The US Navy Yard, Washington, is the headquarters of the Naval Sea Systems Command, which engineers, purchases, builds and maintains ships and submarines for the Navy.

Read More: The BBC


Reports out of Syria suggest that they have accepted the Russian proposal to place their chemical weapons arsenal under international control. President Obama has responded saying that if the reports are true the deal would be a “significant breakthrough”.

The UK Prime Minister, responded saying the plan must be “serious and genuine”.

Read More: The Telegraph


In an interview on US television President Assad of Syria warned the US that “everything” would be possible if the US were to strike the country. Assad also repeatedly denied claims that he had used his chemical weapons stoke pile against his own people.

“You’re going to pay the price if you’re not wise. There are going to be repercussions,” Assad told CBS television in an interview recorded in Damascus and broadcast on Monday. “It’s an area where everything is on the brink of explosion. You have to expect everything.”

Also today Russia has urged Syria to hand it’s chemical weapons over to the international community. Russia’s plan was welcomed by the US and European leaders. Since the chemical weapons attack Russia has stood by the Syrian regime, claiming that rebels carried out the attack. However, most in the international community believe the weight of evidence points to the Assad government was to blame for the attack.

Read More: France 24