Category Archives: News

The News

Iran’s Army Prepare for War

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard have been placed on a war footing. Iran is again facing international pressure over it’s nuclear program, and it is now increasingly apparent that Iran will not give up it’s nuclear ambitions.

The Iranian government believe it’s nuclear program is the victim of a concerted and sustained attack from the West, beginning last year with a cyber attack directly upon it’s nuclear facilities. Iran also believe the West is responsible for two recent explosions, both military targets.

“It looks like the 21st century form of war,” said Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a Washington think tank, told the Los Angeles Times. “It does appear that there is a campaign of assassinations and cyber war, as well as the semi-acknowledged campaign of sabotage.”

Iran have been hitting back by raiding the British embassy in Tehran and shooting down a US spy drone. Iran have seized computers from the British embassy, and the US security services are concerned over the loss of the spy drone.

This escalation in the region has to be taken seriously. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has openly spoken of his belief that he is God’s chosen vessel to usher in the coming of the Mahdi, an Islamic Messianic figure.

The Mahdi, or 12th Imam is prophesied to come in the midst of an apocalyptic type war, resulting in the destruction of Israel. It is little wonder that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is taking the threat very seriously. Prime Minister Netanyahu has said Israel would make “the right decision at the right moment”. For Israel, an Iran with a nuclear arsenal is not an option that they will tolerate.


Herman Cain Ends Bid to Win Republican Nomination

Herman Cain’s the former Republican presidential  hopeful, found himself in the midst of a media storm over allegations of his private life. Cain tried to defend himself against claims of sexual misconduct.

At one point Cain lead the race in the republican primaries, but as the media attention increased slowly his ratings fell.

Several journalists have reported controversial details about how the information was obtained. Once again we see the work of the enemy in trying to discredit candidates who might strong candidates who oppose the Obama administration in the forthcoming elections. This type of action has been seen in previous elections and we must keep our focus and prayers for God’s man to come forward, to lead USA out of its current problems.


“Pasadena is the ‘epicenter’ of a windstorm”, says city manager

Thursday morning in Pasadena revealed a city hit by winds of a ferocious nature which has knocked down trees and power lines littering the entire 26 square mile of the city.

The City Manager (Michael Beck) who was interviewed in the basement of City Hall…”Pasadena seems to be the epicenter” of the windstorm.

See Pasadena the ‘epicenter’ of windstorm, city manager says – Pasadena Sun.

European Summit December 8th

December 8th will see the European Union Summit meet again in Brussels. Top of the agenda will be the Euro Crisis. This will be a crucial meeting, and the heads of state have to come up with a plan to quickly forge a way through the economic woes of Europe.

In their last summit they came up with the plan for a €1 trillion bailout fund, since then they have been unable to secure investment to the fund. Furthermore, the crisis has deepened with the other measures making little impact, apart from buying a little time. Therefore, this month’s summit is all the more important. Top of the agenda will be the formation of some sort of fiscal union, but the Germans are still refusing to allow the creation of Eurobonds or the ECB to become lender of last resort. However, they are insisting on “total oversight” of any new fiscal union. For example, already the Irish Prime Minister this week discovered the German Bundstag have obtained copies of the Irish budget and are closely studying it, even before the Irish legislators have seen it. What the German’s are asking for in return for the fiscal union, is unprecedented power over the Eurozone… do you think Greeks and Italians etc will happily sit back and allow Berlin to control their public finances?

Obama is pressing Cameron to bash German and French heads together to come up with the goods, and the Bank of England’s governor has said failure to do so would result in a worse financial crash than the 1930’s. As the Telegraph says, “The 1930’s saw mass unemployment and financial calamity, with stock markets losing 90 per cent of their value. More ominously still, 1930-39 was the decade when mainstream politicians lost control of events, when the Nazi’s rose to power and the far Right took charge in Europe. By the end of the decade the world was at war, and the Holocaust – the greatest crime in human history – was about to begin in earnest.” In the natural, the financial chaos of the 1930s helped Hitler win power in Germany, as he promised them prosperity and strength. The failure of the Euro will have far wider implications on the world than we could ever think or imagine.

Europe needs the mantle on Prophet TV at this time. In the past, low support has hampered the missions Prophet TV has carried out into Europe, so please support the work of God in Europe at this crucial time.


America May Save the Euro

Some new and more radical solutions are beginning to be discussed about how to save the Euro from collapse. One of these solutions is for the IMF to provide funding for Italy and Spain if they need help. They are thought to be planning an $800bn bailout package, but the deal would mean the European bailout fund would have to underwrite the first 30% of any defaulted debt, therefore they still need the €1 trillion in the bank (which still poses the same problem of where to get that from), and they also suggest the bail out fund begin to issue bonds. This would mean many other countries other than Eurozone ones, helping bailout the Eurozone. America contributes 17% to the IMF, consequently, America would send Italy $136 billion under this deal!

Another solution is that the US Fed, buys up the European countries bonds. These are currently all but unsellable. By doing so, the borrowing costs of Spain and Italy would fall overnight, and the US Fed would in effect take the place of lender of last resort, a role the European Central Bank has thus far refused to fill. However, there are two problems with this plan: firstly it could hurt the dollar, and secondly inflation, as it would have the same effect as printing money. The fear of inflation is one of the issues which has hampered action being taken. Germany has an unhappy history with inflation, and the German people and government are wary of anything that may trigger it again. But, many respected economists believe the main threat facing Europe is hyper-deflation.

However, neither of these solutions deal with the underling cause of the crisis. That of a single currency operating with a 30% misalignment between north and south; only the exit of either the wealthy northern states, or the exit of the poorer PIIGS states can solve that. Perhaps some US imposed inflation will make this prospect seem more palatable to the German’s?

With the European stale-mate still very much evident, it looks more likely that the rest of the world will have to take action in order to avoid a global depression, worse than that of the 1930’s financial crash.


The Death of the Euro?

The Euro crisis is thought to be entering it’s most critical phase. A toxic mix is contributing to a complete loss of confidence in the Euro as a currency, and the policy makers involved in it’s management.

Countries across Europe are beginning to see their borrowing costs rise, as fear spreads from nation to nation. Italy and Spain are both in the danger zone, and France has received repeated warnings that their credit rating is at risk of being cut. Now, what many believed to be unthinkable, Germany is struggling to attract investors on the bond market.

The Euro bailout deal, looks more and more uncertain, as Europe struggles to raise the €1 trillion it requires for it’s bailout fund. Logically, you do not need to be an economist to know Europe is not a sound investment at present.

However, this is beginning to look like end game. UK banks are now openly making plans for the biggest default in history, and the unorderly break up of the Eurozone. American investors are trying to take money out of Europe as quickly and decently as they can. British embassies in Eurozone nations, have even been told to start preparations to help Britons caught up in riots, in the wake of the Euro collapse. Even the lethargic Europhiles, who have seemed to be one step behind this entire crisis, are beginning to wake up to the fact they have very little time and few options.

Although most believe the politicians and Eurocrates will seek to do all they can to ensure the survival of the Euro, they may have ran out of time, thanks to the rapidly increasing investor panic, the worsening economic outlook, the perceived refusal of the Germans to accept a fiscal union (although lessing this to many of the other Eurozone nations may prove highly problematic) and the rejection by the European Central Bank (ECB) to act as lender of last resort.

It would take very little to cause the Euro to collapse within weeks, rather than months. However, the big test will come in January when Italy needs to raise € 30 billion.  If it cannot do so, then Italy will default. With the fear in Europe that the business sector has dried up, and 2012 looks like there will be a deep recession throughout Europe, fuelled by the austerity measures which are already crippling Greece’s economy.

Even at this eleventh hour, there is still a little hope. Policy makers need clear vision, and wisdom if Europe is to find her way through this crisis. Support Prophet TV so we can run missions into Europe. It will be anarchy if it all collapses, and not only Europe will be affected but the whole of the western economy including the USA.


Assassination Attempt Against President Obama


A young Idaho man has been arrested in Pennsylvania for an assassination attempt against President Obama.

Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, 21, is accused of firing a rifle at the White House, with one of the bullets hitting the window of the First Family’s residence.

In a new development Ortega-Hernandez posted a video to Oprah Winfrey, in the hope of it being aired on her hugely popular television channel. In the recoding he calls himself a “modern day Jesus”. In his 45 minute ramble he says, “You see Ophrah, there is still so much more that God needs me to express to the world. It’s not just a coincidence that I look like Jesus. I’m the modern day Jesus Christ that you have all been waiting for.”

Although he does not mention the President by name he goes on to say, regarding the American government, “fighting, or should I say bullying those other countries for their oil, our freedom is at stake.”

Since the Dalai Lama conducted the Kalachakra (the occult event which evokes demons of destruction into the region) in Washington DC last summer a lot has happened in that region, which is motivated by the demons evoked.

In this latest attack, the devil has sought to attack the Church as well as the President. Often he uses “Christians” by motivating them to do or say foolish things, making the real church look crazy or stupid, as the secular mind makes no distinction from those who use the name of Jesus and those who truly walk with Jesus.


French Satirical Magazine Fire Bombed

The French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, was fire-bombed this week, just after  our prophet mantle left the city.  The magazine planned an edition with an image of the prophet Mohammed and the caption, “100 lashes if you don’t die of laughter”. The magazine announced that Mohammed was the “guest editor” for the day, after Islamists made significant electoral gains in Tunisia and post Gaddafi Libya announced it will be run as an Islamic state, getting rid of regulations that do not conform to Islamic Sharia Law.

The Charlie Hebdo magazine Paris offices were completely destroyed by a “molotov cocktail” bomb. Their website was also hacked the same day and warning messages posted on its homepage in French and Turkish from Islamist extremists.

The attack raises serious questions about freedom of speech. With groups like the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), who aim to make western states legalize any “criticism” of Islam. The OIC, plan to lobby the UN as well as western governments to “criminalize” critics of Islam. If such laws were introduced, it would make it very difficult to say or print anything opposed to Islam, thereby gagging freedom of speech and the media globally.



G20 Meeting Cannes 3rd-4th November

World leaders will meet at the next G20 summit to take place in Cannes, France, 3rd-4th November 2011. With the world on the brink of global financial meltdown, this meeting is being seen as one of the last chances the world leaders will have of formulating a plan to avert financial catastrophe.

The date has galvanised resolve amongst Europe’s leaders to come prepared with a plan for the European Debt Crisis.  President Sarkozy and Chancellor Merkel have set a dead line for the end of October to come up with a “comprehensive” response, in time for the G20 summit. Their talks have come as the US, UK and developing world have placed increased pressure on the Eurozone to come up with a plan, criticising Europe for thus far “doing too little, too late.”

Merkel and Sarkozy are seeking to put together a package that will massively recapitalize the European banking sector in order to re-establish global confidence in Europe’s banks, as well as to bolster the European Financial Stability Facility bail-out Fund (EFSF), provide strong action on Greece, and plan ahead to avoid this happening again.

Major problems to find a solution exist. In particular, France is reluctant to use tax-payers money to help the banks, and Germany does not want to continue to pour money into the EFSF. The IMF has estimated that the European banks have a black hole of €200bn, and that the EFSF requires at least an extra €440bn.

The chairman of the Bank of England has said that the current financial crisis is “the most serious… since 1930s, if ever.” Never in history has the global financial system been so interlinked and integrated; meaning that if one part of the system fails, the knock on effects are felt everywhere. If Europe falls, she will take America and the UK with her!

The 1930s financial turmoil led to social meltdown as well as serious political problems. The economic woes of the 1930s helped Hitler’s rise to power in Germany and Communism take hold. However, there is still hope. The west does not need to revisit that type of social and political meltdown. We can yet find a way forward. Key to a solution being found is strong leadership, collective international resolve, and nerve to make tough choices. The G20 meeting in Cannes may be the last chance for the world leaders to show these attributes. Up until now there has been a lack of leadership, unwillingness to act and confusion.

The current raft of measures being considered may help avert economic meltdown, but what is also needed is a workable solution to resolve the fundamental problems within the Eurozone. Until the issue of imbalances between creditor and debtor nations are resolved, any measures will prove to be a sticking plaster on the problem, and we simply stave off disaster for another day.

This is the hour our leaders need wisdom and an atmosphere controlled by the Spirit of God. Support Prophet TV so we can run an intercessory prayer trip into Europe at this key hour of decision making; It will impact upon your life as well as the lives of the next generation.


EU Threatens To Sue The UK

November 2011

The European Union has threatened to sue the UK if the British government do not  relax their benefit rules. Currently EU nationals must pass a “right to reside” test in order to claim the generous welfare benefits available. The EU argues that the UK criteria is too tough and ought to come in line with the more generous EU rules.

For many years now, there has been an open border system in operation between the member states of the European Union, and this has made travel between the nations readily accessible. As the EU has expanded in recent years, to allow less affluent nations to enter, nations like the UK have been anxious to stem the tide of EU wide immigration.

When Poland joined the EU in 2004, over 600,000 Polish economic migrants came to the UK. This massive wave of immigration was not supported in improvements to health care provision and school places. As a consequence some areas are struggling to cope with the massive influx of people seeking to access services.

As a consequence, the UK government has sought to limit EU immigration, especially since other eastern European nations have become members. If the EU is successful in changing the UK rules, it will cost the UK government an extra £2.5 billion, at a time when the government is seeking to drastically reduce the nations welfare bill.

The British government are incensed by this interference from Brussels, with the Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, saying “These new proposals pose a fundamental challenge to the UK’s social contract. They could mean the British taxpayer paying out over £2 billion extra a year in benefits to people who have no connection to our country and who have never paid-in a penny in tax.

“This threatens to break the vital link which should exist between taxpayers and their own government.” He added: “I sense this is part of a wider movement, coming in the same week as the proposals for a financial transactions tax across Europe, which threatens to punish UK banks by decreasing their competitiveness abroad.”

Brussels have given the UK two months to comply, or the nation will be taken to the European Court, although Britain has been supported by France and Germany in opposing this move.

European Bailout Fund- Oct ’11 updated

Monday, 31 October 2011 updated to June 2012

Last October we ran a mission into Europe. This was a crucial time as European Union leaders were about to hold a key summit to deal with the ongoing debt crisis.

The week leading up to the summit the negative headlines continued, yet the stock markets across Europe rose each day, resulting in the highest market gains in 11 months.

The summit was also very fruitful, a way forward was presented, including: a hair-cut for Greek debt, a €1 trillion bail-out fund, and a deal to re-capitalise the banks.

However, within days of the mantle leaving Europe the optimism evaporated and the deal struck seemed to fall apart as Greece called for a referendum, and investors backed off from contributing to the bailout fund. One partner watching the news, and unaware that the Europe mission had ended and the mantle had returned to America said, “I knew DP was out of Europe, it all just fell apart suddenly, and the hope left.”

Since then, we have seen a change of government in France, Spain closer to financial ruin, and threats of a breakdown in the pact made during Sarkosy’s Presidency with member nations over the fiscal pact.

However, now the mantle is back in Europe, decisions have been made to enable financial support to Spain, and Greece is continuing to work through her financial difficulties, with the new French president working with EU member nations for a way through the debt crisis.

A sustained Prophet.TV presence is essential.

Support Prophet TV so we can maintain our mantle regularly in these regions.

Video link to cartoon: general financial explanation of debt crisis

Eurozone Debt Deal…

At the much anticipated meeting of European Union heads of state in Brussels a deal was reached to hopefully solve the continuing debt crisis threatening the world economy.

Leaders agreed that the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), used to bailout nations like Greece when they are in trouble, has been increased to €1 trillion. Leaders also managed to reach a deal which will see a Greek debt haircut of 50%, and a plan was also reached to recapitalize the European banks. The problems in Italy were also discussed, with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi giving assurances to the EU meeting, that his government will continue with it’s austerity drive and will seek to have a balanced budget by 2013.

When the deal was announced global stock markets rose at the signs that action had finally been taken. However, it very quickly became apparent Europe was by no means out of the woods. The deal is very short of detail. Nothing was said about how the EU will find the €1 trillion required for the EFSF and since then EU officials have been in talks with China to raise the loan. It was agreed that the fine detail of how to raise the money would be discussed at the next EU summit of leaders in December.

Furthermore, despite stock markets rising on the news, the global bond markets did not follow. The bond markets treated the deal with a great deal of caution. Since it is the global bond markets that lend to governments this is not a good sign. Put simply, investors are not investing in Europe, it is too high risk. If bond markets stop lending to large western economies, it means public sector wages go unpaid, schools close, and hospitals run out of cash. This would result in  serious civil unrest.

As for the recapitalization of the banks. When the details were looked at it was found the amount agreed upon is woefully inadequate. Analysts at Credit Suisse, after looking at the figures, concluded that this is not really a bank recapitalization at all. The recapitalization was so important because the banking sector in Europe makes up a significant proportion of GDP. If the banks fail, and require sovereign nations to bail them out it will be very difficult, and would likely have a snow ball effect on that nations credit rating. This is a particular problem for France, whose banks have a high exposure to the Greek debt.

The haircut for Greece also comes with undesirable consequences for Greece. They are to have EU officials installed in Athens, who will not oversee the running of their economy, in effect Greece has lost her economic sovereignty. This is the fate of any nation now, that requires a bailout.

With the recent attention being given to Greece and Italy, we cannot forget Portugal. Portugal is beginning to show the same signs that Greece had before it went into financial meltdown.

Behind all the deals and negotiations are the citizens of Europe, who are becoming increasingly angry at the whole affair. Solvent nations are seeing their citizens angry that they are having to bailout out the wrongs of others, and those nations in financial difficulty are seeing increased civil unrest due to the crippling austerity packages put in place. Across Europe nationalism is growing.

The deal may succeed, but there are a lot of factors at work which could cause it to unravel very quickly. This is not a time for us to be putting our faith in the politicians to find a solution; It is the time to support the work of Prophet TV, to enable the missions in Europe to continue. Economic meltdown need not happen, but we must protect Europe to ensure that it doesn’t.




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European Bailout Fund- Oct ’11

This October we ran a mission into Europe. This was a crucial time as European Union leaders were about to hold a key summit to deal with the ongoing debt crisis.

The week leading up to  the summit the negative headlines continued, yet the stock markets across Europe rose each day, resulting in the highest market gains in 11 months.

The summit was also very fruitful, a way forward was presented, including: a hair-cut for Greek debt, a €1 trillion bail-out fund, and a deal to re-capitalise the banks.

However, within days of the mantle leaving Europe the optimism evaporated and the deal struck seemed to fall apart as Greece called for a referendum, and investors backed off from contributing to the bailout fund. One partner watching the news, and unaware that the Europe mission had ended and the mantle had returned to America said, “I knew DP was out of Europe, it all just fell apart suddenly, and the hope left.” A sustained presence in a region is essential, Support Prophet TV so we can have a sustained presence in these regions.

UN Human Rights Committee

Geneva, Switzerland is home to the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

The UN prides itself on upholding the human rights of the poor, oppressed, and marginalised of the world. In the Charter of the UN, they lay out their purpose as that of promoting world peace, freedom of religion, freedom from all forms of discrimination, the promotion of democracy and harmony across nations.

If only it were that simple! Often the “rights” of one group can be in opposition to the “rights” of another. Take abortion as an example. In 1981 the UN passed the “Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief” They have also passed similar declarations on woman’s rights. Now, Anand Grover, UN Special Rapporteur for Health, has said that it is the right of all women to be able to legally access abortion facilities within their country: “Criminal laws penalising and restricting induced abortion are the paradigmatic examples of impermissible barriers to the realisation of women’s right to health and must be eliminated. These laws infringe upon women’s dignity and autonomy by severely restricting decision-making by women in respect of their sexual and reproductive health.”

The reality of this is that poor nations where abortion is illegal will find themselves bullied into changing the law, regardless of the religious convictions of the general population. Governments of these poor nations will fear the loss of the aid packages the UN has to offer, for refusing to comply to their dictates.

Abortion is not the only area the UN have passed articles on. Recently the UN Human Rights Committee passed, “UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity”  How will this be used to change the laws of nation states?

Also in the pipeline for the UN Human Rights Committee is a declaration to see the death penalty outlawed internationally.  They are already using their power to pressurise states with death penalty laws to have a formal moratorium on the death penalty. Whatever ones personal views on these matters, do you want a group of bureaucrats sitting in Geneva, Switzerland deciding how your nation is ran? has been highlighting the importance of Switzerland in the global scheme of things. Be aware that this seemingly insignificant region of Europe has a lot of influence over what is happening globally in these days.