Cities in Italy at Risk of Bankruptcy

There are ten Italian cities facing a high risk of bankruptcy. Most of them are in the south of the country, and have long histories of financial mismanagement, corruption and mafia infiltration. However, there are some from the more prosperous north.

The warning comes after Mario Monti, the Italian Prime Minister, warned that the Italian island of Sicily is at risk of default. Sicily has a high degree of financial autonomy, but the Italian government are poised to take over the financial affairs of the island.

Default for these cities could mean trash is uncollected and schools fail to reopen after the summer vacation.

Could France Become Another Greece?

It seems a week does not go by without more pictures of Greeks rioting and protesting their current economic situation. Just this week the Greek Prime Minister has said that Greece is in the midst of a Great Depression.

Now economists are looking closely at the French economy; France numbers are pointing towards the same outcome as Greece. France currently has an eye wateringly high debt to GDP ratio:  86.1% of GDP (146% if ECB liabilities and bank guarantees are included). Although the UK and America have similar levels of indebtedness they have the mechanisms to do something about it. They also have far more political will to change the socialist policies causing the problem.

In France there is no political will at present, to change the labor laws, and encourage free enterprise. Since coming to power in May, Francois Hollande has already reduced the pension age, increased taxation on the wealthy, increased public spending, and increased the money governments are to pay to the EU. He has also opted out of EU regulations to cap nations budget deficits.

If France continues on this present course the economic death spiral seen in Greece will come to France some time soon.

For more analysis of the situation see The Telegraph

Aurora shooting suspect James Holmes followed by murder

James Holmes, the suspect of the mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado jailed in the Arapahoe Detention Center remains irrational and is becoming even more so according to an inmate released recently.

“He was spitting at the door and spitting at the guards…He’s spitting at everything.  Dude was acting crazy.”

Holmes remains in his “murderous Joker persona” according to a jailhouse worker.  “Let’s just say he hasn’t shown any remorse… He thinks he’s acting in a movie.”

Other recent inmates describe Holmes’ first night in jail where prisoners were chanting “kid killer”.

“All the inmates were talking about killing him…Everyone was looking for an opportunity. It’s all they could talk about…”.

See Aurora shooting suspect James Holmes jailed in solitary: ‘All the inmates were talking about killing him’  – NY Daily News.

Batman Premier in Paris Cancelled

After the tragic shooting in Denver, Colorado, where 12 people were killed during the Premier of the latest Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises, Warner Brothers decided to cancel the Paris Premier of the film.

The Premier in Paris was to be a star-studdied event, with director Christopher Nolan in attendance as well as cast members from the movie: Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine .

Warner Brothers issued a statement saying they are “deeply saddened” by what has happened.

U.S. stocks fall as Europe ‘fear’ overrides earnings

Friday’s selling spree wiped out any gains made in July for both the Dow and the Nasdaq.

Investors are taken by fear and worry over the European financial position according to Frank Fantozzi, president and senior adviser at Planned Financial Services.

See U.S. stocks fall as Europe fear overrides earnings – MarketWatch.

In Aurora, the Clergy of ‘faith’ seek answers

Mitch Hamilton is a pastor of the Mississippi Avenue Baptist Church.  The church is located near the theater of the shooting that killed 12 and wounded dozens during the midnight screening of Batman.

He is not sure if any of his church members are among the dead.

Other clergy across the city of Aurora are struggling to respond to the tragedy.

“It’s impossible to be prepared for actions that reek of such evil… It’s not as if any of us have answers… Evil is in our midst…” said Rabbi Richard Rheins of Temple Sinai in the city of Denver, Colorado.

Another Rabbi, Joe Black from Temple Emanuel understands that his congregation will be looking for answers.  “I’ve been a rabbi for 25 years, and I know that I don’t have any answers. And if anybody says they do, I’m concerned,”

See In Aurora, the agonized seek answers through faith – CNN Belief Blog – Blogs.

Midnight Movie Massacre: Survivor of June mall shooting killed in Colorado theater

It turns out that Jessica Ghawi, aka Jessica Redfield who was killed at the Batman movie premiere in Aurora, had just escaped a Toronto mall shooting on June 2, 2012.

Her experience was documented in her blog.  Her entries describe the sense/feelings that she had before the shooting occurred.

“This empty, almost sickening feeling won’t go away…I noticed this feeling when I was in the Eaton Center in Toronto just seconds before someone opened fire in the food court. An odd feeling which led me to go outside and unknowingly out of harm’s way. It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around how a weird feeling saved me from being in the middle of a deadly shooting.

See Midnight Movie Massacre: Survivor of June mall shooting killed in Colorado theater | Fox News.

Louie Gohmert: Aurora Shootings Result Of ‘Ongoing Attacks On Judeo-Christian Beliefs’

According to Republican Louie Gohmert of Texas, the shootings that occurred in Aurora, Colorado are the result of “ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs”.

The Heritage Foundation’s show, Istook Live interviewed Gohmert and asked him why he believes these acts take place.  Gohmert indicated that the Christian values in this country have weakened.  “Some of us happen to believe that when our founders talked about guarding our virtue and freedom, that that was important…People say … where was God in all of this?”

Gohmert goes on to say “It does make me wonder, with all those people in the theater, was there nobody that was carrying a gun that could have stopped this guy more quickly?”

Source Louie Gohmert: Aurora Shootings Result Of ‘Ongoing Attacks On Judeo-Christian Beliefs’.

Fear grips movie goers, Aurora, Colorado

The Dark Knight Rises indeed.

“People were running everywhere, running on top of me, like kicking me, jumping over me. And there were bodies on the ground… I froze up. I was scared. I honestly thought I was going to die.” recalled Christopher Ramos at the midnight premiere of Batman.

“The image in our heads is stuck in there. I still have the ticket right here and honestly, I’m never going to forget this night at all. Because it was the first time I saw something that was real. Like a real-life nightmare that was there, not dreaming of,”

“I’m with coworkers and we’re on the floor praying to God we don’t get shot, and the gunshots continue on and on, and when the sound finally stopped, we started to get up and people were just bleeding,” according to another theatergoer.

see Aurora, Colo. Batman Shooter James Holmes Was PhD Student – ABC News.

Mass Shootings, Aurora Denver

The masked gunman responsible for the Denver shooting has been named as 24 year old James Holmes.

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Eyewitnesses report that Holmes entered the packed cinema, during the midnight premiere of the Batman film “The Dark Knight Rises”, and threw smoke grenades into the crowd, before opening fire, with four guns. He was wearing a gas mask and body armor.

He appears to have shot at random, killing 12 and leaving 38 wounded; Holmes shot men, women and children. His youngest victim was a 4 month old baby.

One of those killed was 24 year old sports journalist Jessica Ghawi, she had survived another mass shooting last month in Toronto, Canada.

Holmes was then arrested at his car, which he had parked at the rear of the cinema. When arrested he told police, “I’m the Joker.”

The Joker is Batman’s arch enemy in the comic book series. Holmes had painted his hair red. His mask and body armour also resembled the villain, Bane, in the film “The Dark Knight Rises”. Some eyewitnesses said when they first saw him, they thought he had come dressed as Bane – as many other movie goers had dressed up in Batman costumes for the Premiere.

Investigators are working on the theory that Holmes was acting out scenes from the Batman comics in his attack.

When FBI later raided his home they found it booby trapped, and stacked with high explosives.

It has emerged that James Holmes was a neuroscience student, who dropped out of university last month, giving no reason for doing so. He had no previous convictions, and is not believed to be affiliated to any terrorist group.

Colorado is no stranger to mass shootings. The Columbine High School shootings took place less than 30 miles away 13 years ago, when 13 people lost their lives.

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And it was only a few weeks ago that the Colorado Springs area was devastated by wildfires. Are these events random coincidences or are they linked?

NHL writer among dead in Colorado theater shooting

Among those killed in Aurora, Colorado was a hockey writer Jessica Ghawi, aka Jessica Redfield.

The tragedy hits close to home for those in the hockey business.  She was involved with the website Busted Coverage, an intern at 104.3 FM a Denver radio station and also with the You Can Play Project.

“The thing that stood out to me most about Jessica was how sharp-witted she was, and funny at that,” per Sporting News NHL (National Hockey League) writer Jesse Spector speaking with People Magazine. “It’s what made following her on Twitter so much fun. She was amazingly enthusiastic about hockey, journalism and life in general.”

See NHL writer among dead in Colorado theater shooting – – News.

» Death-Obsessed Culture Blamed For ‘Batman’ Shooting: “There’s a war on for your mind!”

Hours after the Batman shooting in Aurora, Colorado, politicians started pushing for gun control.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, “stand up and tell us what they’re going to do about” these shootings, in a demand to both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama.

Piers Morgan with CNN “America has got to do something about its gun laws. Now is the time,”

“Perhaps the more fundamental question that needs to be asked as to why America keeps experiencing mass shootings, when as recently as twenty years ago they were few and far between?”  Asks Paul Joseph Watson, editor and writer for

Source article» Death-Obsessed Culture, Not Gun Rights, To Blame For ‘Batman’ Shooting Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!.

Pelosi Threatens Media: ‘Maybe The People Writing These Stories’ Should Release Their Tax Returns

If you ask me this then maybe I will do this… what do you think about that!?

In response to being asked by a reporter if Nancy Pelosi would release her own tax return even though recently she had been “adamant” in having Mitt Romney release his tax return.

For more on current government threats see this article on the FDA threat to whistleblowers, that is those who are exposing corruption.

See also this article on the ATF for the same threat to whistleblowers who also would even attempt to think about exposing corruption.

see Pelosi Threatens Media: ‘Maybe The People Writing These Stories’ Should Release Their Tax Returns « Pat Dollard.

SF Considers Strict Outdoor Smoking Ban – Except For Medical Marijuana

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors could be trying to legislate that “…everybody must get high”.

If you actually inside city hall, its okay to smoke medical pot.  Likewise if you are on the street at a fair, festival or any other outdoor event that occurs on city property.  What is not okay is smoking anything else.

Eric Mar, San Francisco Supervisor sponsored this proposal which is being considered in the city.

See. SF Considers Strict Outdoor Smoking Ban – Except For Medical Pot « CBS San Francisco.

Random Events, Free Will, Pre-destiny or Something Darker ?