Politicians Focused on Undoing Dodd-Frank Law

House Financial Services Committee, this month is planning on working to dismantle the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.

According the the Hill, stated by Republicans; this legislation enacted in 2010 has excessive rules imposed on consumers and financial service companies.

“Supporters of Dodd-Frank sold it to the public as ‘tough Wall Street reform,’ but in reality its red tape hurts businesses and small-town banks far from Wall Street that had nothing to do with the 2008 financial crisis.”

The committee will hold at least two hearings on Dodd-Frank in the coming week.

See this site for information on some influences impacting society today and this teaching below on finances.

source from House Republicans Focus on Undoing Dodd-Frank Law.

British Bank, Barclays, Under Investigation for Rigging Interest Rates


The British Bank, Barclays, is the be investigated by the serious fraud office in the UK into allegations the bank was fixing the Libor rate. The Libor rate is the interest rate for inter-bank lending.

The scandal has already seen the banks chairman, Bob Diamond, leave; and the bank has been fined $451 million. However, there have been suggestions that the scandal goes much higher than the board  of Barclays bank- the Bank of England and whitehall officials have also been implicated. 

Egypt: Islamics suspected in student’s murder

While his girlfriend looked on, three suspected Islamic militants stabbed a university student to death.

This murder is fueling suspicions that various groups or individuals have been emboldened to apply strict Islamic laws and standards since the election of the new Islamist President, Mohammed Mursi.

This group who killed the university student, had confronted them and indicated that they shouldn’t be together if they were not married and that they must immediately go their separate ways.

from Egypt: Militants suspected in student’s murder | Concord Monitor.

For more in depth insight see the Building the Warrior Teaching Series or prophet.tv

Lesbian Reverend at heart of Presbyterian gay marriage quandary

Jane Spahr, won’t be present at the Presbyterian Church’s legislative body meeting this week where they will discuss whether or not Presbyterian ministers will be allowed to perform same-sex marriages.

Jane Spahr-69, a lesbian evangelist, resident of San Francisco and… a Reverend, has a history of defying the church and for being rebuked by the church court for performing same-sex weddings in California.  She states: “I’m hoping that the General Assembly will be touched by the spirit, and they will see our marriages not as second class but as equal with our brothers and sisters”.

from Lesbian reverend at heart of Presbyterian gay marriage quandary – chicagotribune.com.

For more teaching on the Spirit see prophet.tv or the Building the Warrior teaching series.

California Senator D-Mark Leno, Proposes Bill to Allow Multiple Legal Parents

A same-sex marriage battleground state is considering an unconventional law which would allow children to legally have more than two parents.

California bill SB1476 is proposed by State Senator Mark Leno, Democrat-San Francisco.  The bill has already passed the State Senate and is awaiting the Assembly vote.

The bill appears to give legal protection for adults to create a radical family, according to Glenn T. Stanton, director of Global Family Formation Studies who is with Focus on the Family.

see California Considers Bill to Allow Multiple Legal Parents – ABC News.

For more information about influencing society see the Building the Warrior teaching series and Prophet.tv

Dozens Hurt in I-95 Tour Bus Accident | NBC New York

State police are investigating what caused a tour bus to slam into a guardrail and then a concrete wall on  I-95 in New Rochelle early Wednesday, injuring dozens and wreaking havoc on traffic. Authorities said it does not appear any other vehicles were involved in the accident between exits 15 and 16 at about 6:30 a.m. Multiple lanes on the highway were blocked off as authorities transported two dozen passengers, most of whom suffered minor neck, back and head injuries, to hospitals and tried to piece together what happened. State Police Captain Evelyn Mallard said the bus hit the center guardrail while traveling south on I-95. The forceful impact sent it veering right across three lanes and smack into a concrete wall a tenth of a mile away. No other vehicles were hit.

At some point, the bus driver got out of the vehicle or was ejected, Mallard said. He was bleeding when police got to him, but was conscious and alert. Other passengers were described as the “walking wounded.”

Mallard said the speed of the bus when it first struck the guardrail was unknown. It also wasnt known if the driver was cut off or fell asleep, or if the weather played a factor, but she said the accident could have been far worse. Deputy Fire Chief of New Rochelle Robert Benz said the bus remained in gear after hitting the concrete wall and was still coasting on the highway. A state trooper moved his cruiser in front of the bus to bring it to a halt, investigators said.The bus was headed for a hill and if it hadnt been stopped, “it would have been catastrophic,” said Mallard. According to federal safety records, the Star Tag bus company has not had any reportable accidents in the last two years. The company has a satisfactory safety rating. Investigators are reconstructing the accident at the scene.

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Read the full story: Dozens Hurt in I-95 Tour Bus Accident | NBC New York.


Scientists reveal findings on God particle – Earth – FRANCE 24

Scientists reveal findings on God particle – Earth – FRANCE 24.

Physicists in CERN, Switzerland, have announced the discovery of a Higgs-like particle. The Higgs Boson, also known as the God particle, is missing link in the foundational model of particle physics, the particle that gives mass to all other particles.

The discovery of the Higgs Boson is being heralded as the most important discovery in Physics for a generation.

The Large Hardron Collider (LHC) has already been used to create black holes, and is the most powerful particle accelerator in the world. It is still to reach it’s full operational capacity.

U.S. Adds Forces in Persian Gulf, a Signal to Iran – NYTimes.com

The Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf beyond it, as seen from the International Space Station in 2003. Iran is to the right. NASA, via Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The United States has quietly moved significant military reinforcements into the Persian Gulf to deter the Iranian military from any possible attempt to shut the Strait of Hormuz and to increase the number of fighter jets capable of striking deep into Iran if the standoff over its nuclear program escalates.

“The message to Iran is, ‘Don’t even think about it,’ ” …

Read More: U.S increases Forces, a Signal to Iran –

Avid Sells Consumer Audio, Video Divisions…

imgBurlington, MA (July 2, 2012)—Avid, the audio company behind Pro Tools, Venue live sound consoles and more, is divesting its consumer businesses, selling its consumer audio products, including its M-Audio line, to inMusic, the parent company of Akai Professional, Alesis and Numark. Avid’s consumer video editing line is being purchased by Corel Corporation. Avid will also reduce its permanent workforce by 20 percent.The consumer audio products being sold to inMusic include M-Audio brand keyboards, controllers, interfaces, speakers and digital DJ equipment and other product lines. Avid will continue to develop and sell its Pro Tools line of software and hardware, as well as associated I/O devices including Mbox and Fast Track.
Separately, the company’s consumer video editing line  being sold to Corel Corporation, a consumer software company headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, include, Avid Studio, Pinnacle Studio, and the Avid Studio App for the Apple iPad, as well as other legacy video capture products.

The divested product lines contributed approximately $91 million of Avid’s 2011 revenue of $677 million. As part of the transactions, certain employees of Avid will transfer to each acquiring company. Avid estimates that the proceeds from these transactions will be approximately $17 million, subject to closing inventory adjustment, with a portion held in escrow. Both transactions are expected to close today, July 2, 2012.

Avid also plans to reduce the number of its employees as it streamlines operations, with approximately 20 percent of its permanent employee base impacted by the divestitures and headcount reduction plans. The company currently expects to incur a restructuring charge of approximately $19 to $23 million related to these actions and other associated measures. The company’s cash balance on March 31, 2012 was $49.7 million. Avid expects proceeds from the sales to offset most of the restructuring charges paid in 2012.

“The changes we are announcing today make Avid a more focused and agile company,” said Gary Greenfield, CEO of Avid. “By streamlining and simplifying operations, we expect to deliver improved financial performance and partner more closely with our enterprise and professional customers. Our objective remains to provide these customers with the innovative solutions that allow them to create the most listened to, most watched and most loved media in the world. I’m excited about our future prospects.”

Fear released by killings in S.F.’s Visitacion Valley

Children’s discussion were darker than usual Monday.  Some of them were talking about the fourth fatal shooting in San Francisco’s biggest public housing development since May.

Police have released few details.  The victim, Jordan Jordan recently became a father.  He was the 39th homicide victim in San Francisco for this year.  Last year there was 50 homicides.

Many local residents say they are scared and are spending time away from their neighborhood and are keeping their kids indoors.

“I’ve never seen it like this, and I’ve been here for over 30 years,” stated Larry Jones, a neighbor of Jordan. “There’s no explanation for it.”

Reverend Amos Brown had been spending time in the neighborhood up to the point of the shooting.  He is the president of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) San Francisco Chapter.

from Killings spread fear in S.F.’s Visitacion Valley – SFGate.

For more on Fear see: Prophet.tv‘s Building the Warrior teaching Series

Bill O’Reilly Apologizes After Incorrectly Predicting SCOTUS Would Strike Down Mandate | Mediaite

Back in March, Bill O’Reilly proclaimed that the Supreme Court would not uphold the individual mandate in President Obama‘s Affordable Care Act. If proven wrong, he said he would “apologize for being an idiot.” On Monday night, he did just that, conceding that he failed to take into account Chief Justice John Roberts‘ taxation argument.

Bill “I’m not really sorry, but I am a man of my word, so I apologize for not factoring in the John Roberts situation. Truthfully, I never in a million years would thought the chief justice would go beyond the scope of the commerce clause to date and into taxation. I may be an idiot for not considering that”. (Note: ignorance doesn’t make you an idiot, just ignorant to the real reason listed below, now don’t be stubborn)

The apology and ensuing media critique below, via Fox News:

Read: Bill Apologizes

The reality is Fox many times tries to “seed” the viewers with a direction.

Over and over again they convince the viewers, we’ve beat up Obama and health care is stopped, it is only Nancy Pelosi who puts her faith in the Dalai Lama and the sand mandola occult cerimoney being performed right on Capitol Hill, and guess what, Nancy is attributed for pulling that off single handed… well she actually had a little help from those dark friends that were evoked during the tibetan ritual.


Then once again, Bill says: don’t worry, don’t worry the Supreme court will strike it down… and once again, Nancy turns to her god, the Dalai Lama and the tibetan dark arts, and guess what? All the Fox viewers are caught completly off guard once again…

Why? because of the level of witchcraft being used. Glenn Beck was also warned he would be off Fox if he didn’t listen… he didn’t, he’s off Fox…

Anyone else tired of listening to Fox trying to stir it up once again but not willing to deal with the root of the problem?

Perhaps it’s time to stop putting all your faith in Fox as if they alone can save you?

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About 50 years ago when the picture perfect English city of Rochdale was prospering Pakistani Muslims started moving in.  Mosques sprang up and the site of bearded muslims with caps and woman in black robes and veils became commonplace.  Now, shops are boarded up or have converted to pawn shops or dollar stores.  Even the local Mc’Donalds has left.

The government has shown that over half of the Pakistani’s in Britain are in poverty, much higher than the general population.

In 2008 a local young 15 year old girl became caught in the ring of predators.  She first attempted to break out of the pit by acting out at the kebab shop where she first had met her “boyfriend”.  On police arrival she indicated that she had been raped repeatedly showing the proof of her semen stained underwear

The police believed her but lawyers did not prosecute and after 11 months the case was dropped.

Things worsened, the predators expanded as did the amount of victims.  The first girl was driven around at night and forced to have sex with ever more men, up to five a day.

Health workers continued to report an increasing number of underaged girls who claimed to have been sexually abused.  A new regional chief of the Crown Prosecution Service (Afzal) reversed the earlier decision to ignore the case and chose to follow up on the allegations.

Eleven men were charged.  Offenses ranged from conspiracy to rape with more individuals being suspected of involvement.  British Parliament suspects that the abuse is far more widespread than originally thought.  Afzal’s office indicates that there is about a dozen other similar cases ongoing, one of which involves 13 men with 24 girls.

Almost all the perpetrators are Pakistanis who are either 1st or 2nd generation to Britian.  Few of them had prior sexual charges.  One of the charged, Abdul Rauf claimed that he has been a Muslim preacher.  Others had contact with local politicians.

For more on a possible reason this went on for so long before it was brought to the open and exposed, see the information below or, linked here from prophet.tv

from UK underage sex ring sparks racial tensions | Fox News.

Random Events, Free Will, Pre-destiny or Something Darker ?