Chick-fil-A operating permit in dispute over LGBT issue in Chicago

The discrimination disputes continue as local politicians use their power to try to block commercial enterprise and religious freedom.

Who’s rights are being violated here?

Read on and you decide…..

7/25 Alderman to Chick-fil-A: No deal
Moreno tries to block restaurant that opposes gay marriage from opening in his Northwest side ward

“If you are discriminating against a segment of the community, I don’t want you in the 1st Ward,” Moreno told the Tribune on Tuesday.
Moreno stated his position in strong terms, referring to Cathy’s “bigoted, homophobic comments” in a proposed opinion page piece that an aide also sent to Tribune reporters. “Because of this man’s ignorance, I will now be denying Chick-fil-A’s permit to open a restaurant in the 1st Ward.”
The alderman has the ideological support of Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

“Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values,” the mayor said in a statement when asked about Moreno’s decision. “They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents. This would be a bad investment, since it would be empty.”
Moreno is relying on a rarely violated Chicago tradition known as aldermanic privilege, which dictates that City Council members defer to the opinion of the ward alderman on local issues. Last year Moreno wielded that weapon to block plans for a Wal-Mart in his ward, saying he had issues with the property owner and that Wal-Mart was not “a perfect fit for the area.”
“I think it’s important that the city sends a message that we want business here … but what we can’t have and don’t want are businesses that have discriminatory roles,” Garcia said, adding that he’s a defender of free speech.
Moreno, meanwhile, said it will take “more than words” to get him to reverse course.
“They’d have to do a complete 180,” the alderman said. “They’d have to work with LGBT groups in terms of hiring, and there would have to be a public apology from (Cathy).”

8/01 Chick-fil-A Supporters Turn Out for Appreciation Day

“You could easily imagine another jurisdiction someplace in which a business owner could express a view in favor of gay marriage and have his zoning permit pulled. Would that be OK? I mean, is that fair? I mean, of course not,” said Chicago GOP vice chairman Chris Cleveland. “We are all in danger if permits someone’s permits can be pulled, and if the government can engage in economic bullying.”
The Chicago Republican Party believes it has an airtight case, based on a statute that forbids unlawful discrimination in real estate transactions – even in an oral statement.
“(Moreno) has used government power to engage in overt religious discrimination against a person who has merely expressed a sincerely-held religious belief,” Cleveland said. “Under the Illinois human rights law, that’s illegal.”

Moreno also said last week that he is unconvinced that Chick-Fil-A will not discriminate against the LGBT community.
“If they are violating Chicago and Illinois law by discriminating against a section of our population, I think that has grounds for an irresponsible business, and that the community would not want that in there,” Moreno said.
But in a statement, Mayor’s office spokeswoman Tarrah Cooper said this does not mean the mayor will be involved in trying to block the restaurant.

8/02 Chick-fil-A plucks one-day record from gay marriage blowup,0,5563468.story

The chain restaurant had a “record-setting day” on Wednesday, according to a spokesman, as customers descended on its roughly 1,600 locations across the United States in support of its president’s contentious stance against gay marriage.

8/04 Same-sex kiss day at Chick-fil-A draws kissing activists

Parade of Chariots – Venice Beach today

Procession starts at 10:00 AM Sunday at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium and proceeds south on Main St, with three fully decorated four-story tall chariots leading a parade toward the Ocean Front Walk Plaza at Venice Beach. The festival will arrive at Venice Beach at noon. Festival ends 6pm.

Main points:
Worship of 3 deities of Hare Krishna hence 3 chariots.
Started in USA by their guru in San Francisco in 1967.
Distribution of food to public from their gods.
Chanting and dancing as forms of worship.

Here’s some history from the Festival of chariots website:
“Sometimes referred to as Ratha Yatra, literally meaning Chariot Festival. Ratha Yatra originated 5,000 years ago in India, on the East Coast state of Orrisa, in a city called Jagannatha Puri. 

The Festival celebrates Lord Krishna’s return to Vrindaban and is held annually to honor Lord Jagannatha, which means Lord of the Universe. Lord Jagannatha is a particular Deity form of Lord Krishna, fashioned from neem wood and brightly painted. The residents of Puri have been worshipping this form for many centuries. Five hundred years ago, Lord Chaitanya, the reincarnation of Lord Krishna used to daily visit Lord Jagannatha in the temple and see Him in a mood of intense separation, much like Srimati Radharani who was parted from her beloved Krishna most of her days. 
For the festivities; there are three chariots, one for each of the three deities; Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balarama and Lady Subhadra. The canopied chariots are decorated with flowers and balloons and are pulled with long, thick ropes by hundreds of people. The chariots are accompanied by a procession of devotees who are ecstatically dancing and chanting the Lord’s Holy Names: 
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
The first time the Festival of Chariots was performed outside of India was on July 9, 1967 in San Francisco, under the supervision of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1896-1977). Srila Prabhupada, as he is more affectionately known, is the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) and is the tenth generation from Lord Chaitanya. Srila Prabhupada lead the Hare Krishna Movement, guiding his disciples to open temples and perform festivals all over the world.

 Prabhupada first got the idea for performing the festival in San Francisco, while looking out the window of his room above Frederick Street. Noticing flatbed trucks passing below, he thought of putting the Jagannatha deities on the back of such a truck and conducting the Ratha Yatra festival. He had even sketched a truck with a four-pillared canopy on the back and decorated it with flags, bells, and flower garlands. And he had called in his disciple Syamasundara: Make me this cart for Ratha Yatra, Now, ready and sitting outside the temple on Frederick Street, was the cart – a yellow Hertz rental truck, complete with five-foot columns and a pyramidal cloth canopy. 
When the devotees asked what else they should do, Prabhupäda said that the devotees should make a procession, distribution of prasadam (food offered to Lord Jagannatha) and kirtana (chanting the names of the Lord). The people should get a chance to see Lord Jagannätha and chant Hare Krishna. There should be chanting and dancing in front of the cart throughout the procession. Do everything nicely,” Prabhupäda said. Do it as well as you can, and Lord Jagannatha will be satisfied.” 
From there in San Francisco, the Festival of the Chariots has been performed every year since, and now there are festivals celebrating Lord Jagannatha in every country in the world. The Festival of the Chariots was first performed in Los Angeles in 1977 and is now in its 30th year. 

San Francisco Killing(s) Averted; Man Arrested In Haight-Ashbury

Somehow, police in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park averted what could have been a major high profile killing spree.

Robert Johns was only smoking a cigarette when he was arrested in the Golden Gate Park.  The police caught something about him which caused them to dig deeper and what they found was disturbing.

Police believe they diverted a major attack.

Johns had a number of guns, knives, 5800 rounds of ammunition and a list of a number of political leaders which possibly included President Obama in his car.

See Man With Bounty Of Firearms, List Of Politicians Names Arrested In Haight-Ashbury: SFist.

Markets crumble as Draghi bond plan deemed too vague – Telegraph

Markets crumble as Draghi bond plan deemed too vague – Telegraph.

The President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, had promised that the ECB would do “whatever it takes” to save the Euro.

However, after the latest round of talks his promises sound rather shallow.

Instead of a firm plan of action, yet again difficult decisions have been postponed. Draghi has hinted that the ECB will buy up Spanish and Italian bonds on a scale not yet seen, though no concrete plans have been announced. Draghi’s “whatever possible” at present is three teams of ECB experts looking at what can be done.

In the meantime: Spain, Greece and Italy are quickly running out of time.

A ‘Superpower’ That Couldn’t Keep the Lights On

Things are not so bright in India right now.

Initially we saw corruption of a magnitude not seen in the developed world.  Then we saw a tax on the job creators.  The economy therefore predictably slowed and the rupee devalued.

Now India’s infrastructure is showing its frailties and is demonstrating how it can’t keep the darkness at bay.

This has affected over 600 million people, maybe more.

See A ‘Superpower’ That Couldn’t Keep the Lights On – Business News – CNBC.


Through July the United Nations security council were meeting in New York. They were seeking to produce a UN Arms Treaty. Amongst those taking part in the negotiations were Iran.

The Arms Treaty would have had implications on the Second Amendment Right of Americans to bear arms. After the Colorado shooting many believed the arms deal would find enough support to be passed.

However, the conference has ended without agreement.

Nevertheless, this should not only be of concern to Americans but people in all nations. The United Nations has passed many bills in the past which impact on our lives. Do we really want Iranian diplomats deciding on the legitimacy of the Second Amendment, for example? Do African nations want US and European diplomats telling them they must legalise gay marriage?

The Arms Treaty has been defeated for now, but the UN has made it clear they want to curtail the freedoms of American citizens to own fire arms.

SAN FRANCISCO: Gay marriage ban backers seek Supreme Court review

Those who are trying to ban same sex marriages through the law, namely Proposition 8 are pursuing their case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In 2008 California voters approved a ban on same sex marriage through Proposition 8, but the legal battle just started.  The latest decision came from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals which is based in San Francisco.  They had ruled the Proposition Unconstitutional.

If the U.S. Supreme Court refuses to take the case this will allow same sex marriages to resume in California.

Source article SAN FRANCISCO: Gay marriage ban backers seek Supreme Court review | Nation |

Colorado gun man opens fire on Batman primer killing several of the cast and many in the crowd

Upper Westside of Manhattan NY, a gunman using several assault weapons threw canisters of tear gas into an unsuspecting crowd killing 72 people including Christian Bale during the red carpet opening of the third Batman film “The Dark Knight Rises”.

Mayor Bloomberg locks down the city and begins first a national then international campaign, vowing to get rid of all the legal weapons world wide completely, backed up by the new UN treaty.

The Hollywood movie community completely endorses the NO weapons ban on all guns on world wide television and within a few weeks the 2nd Amendment is superseded by the new UN world wide gun control. This marks the BEGINNING of the end.

This would have been the plan had the ascended masters had their way, fortunately the group once again spoiled their plan.

California lawmakers donate to campaign promoting bill for more taxes

Governor Jerry Brown’s (Democrat) Proposition 30 is a multibillion dollar tax hike aimed at increasing sales taxes on all (Californians) and taxing the high income earners a lot more.

Those who stand to benefit are donating large, namely the Democratic lawmakers themselves along with the unions in the name of “protecting schools and local public safety”.

Some large donors include:

  • the California Teachers Association $1.5 million
  • American Federation of Teachers $1.2 million
  • Service Employees International Union Local 1000 $1 million
  • California State Council of Service Employees $1 million
  • United Domestic Workers of America $800,000
  • California Federation of Teachers $800,000
  • John A. Perez D- Los Angeles, $100,000
  • Alex Padilla, Kevin de Leon, Ellen Corbett, Tom Ammiano (see source article for full list)

Source Capitol Alert: Dozens of lawmakers donate to Gov. Browns tax initiative.

Colorado gunman planned on killing stars of Dark Knight Rises at NYC premiere

The Colorado gunman planned on traveling to New York City for the premiere of “The Dark Knight Rises”, so he could shoot dead the stars of the movie and any innocent bystanders who stood in his way, it was claimed today. James Holmes had more grandiose plans than gunning down moviegoers at his local theater according to police sources, and only changed his mind at the last minute due to paranoia that police would catch him with a car-load of weaponry.

The National Enquirer reported that actors Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Anne Hathaway and Gary Oldman were Holmes original targets, with their deaths being in the very city the movie was filmed in, according to an initial police investigation.

more at: James Holmes: Did Colorado gunman plan on killing stars of Dark Knight Rises at NYC premiere? | Mail Online.

SF-LGBT Activists Shutting Down Government & Business: Keep Closed Gay Bar, Gay

SAN FRANCISCO – This last Monday, LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) activists prevented the San Francisco Supervisors Committee from continuing business.  That business was to approve a permit for another business to replace a business that shut down 3 months ago.

The problem, the new business is not gay.

The old business, the Eagle Tavern.  The Eagle Tavern has been a hub of sorts for the Folsom Street Fair and its openly displayed sensuality.  Many politicians hoping to win the gay vote have also made the Eagle Tavern an obligatory stop.

Openly homosexual Supervisors Scott Wiener and David Campos added their agreement.

See LGBT Activists Demand Preservation For Vacant Eagle Tavern In SF « CBS San Francisco.

Chick-fil-A vs gay marriage: how a chicken restaurant became a culture war battleground – Telegraph Blogs

Chick-fil-A vs gay marriage: how a chicken restaurant became a culture war battleground – Telegraph Blogs.

The mayor of Chicago and now the mayor of San Francisco have both said the fast food chain Chick Fil A are no longer welcome in their cities.

This has come after the founder of Chick-Fil-A announced that he supported biblical views on the family and was against gay marriage.

The Country of Texas

Subject: July 2013 – The Country of Texas

[If this were to become a reality, Texans would have to cope with an influx of former fellow Americans flooding into their country in the multi-millions. These, in turn, would insist that all south of the border illegals be deported immediately to make room for the newly arrived refugees from B. Hussein’s USSA dictatorship. Texas would become an economic GIANT and a terrific threat to the Hussein dictatorship Bto the north…………… ‘something to think about’ indeed.]

Please note that Texas is the only state with a legal right to secede from the Union. (Reference the Texas-American Annexation Treaty of 1848.)

We Texans love y’all, but we’ll probably have to take action if Barack Obama wins the election. We’ll miss you too.

Here is what can happen:

1: Barack Hussein Obama is President of the United States, and Texas secedes from the Union in summer of 2013.

2: George W. Bush will become the President of the Republic of Texas . You might not think that he talks too pretty, but we haven’t had another terrorist attack, and the economy was fine until the effects of the Democrats lowering the qualifications for home loans came to roost.

So what does Texas have to do to survive as a Republic?

1. NASA is just south of Houston, Texas. We will control the space industry.

2. We refine over 85% of the gasoline in the United States .

3. Defense Industry – we have over 65% of it. The term “Don’t mess with Texas,” will take on a whole new meaning.

4. Oil – we can supply all the oil that the Republic of Texas will need for the next 300 years. What will the other states do? Gee, we don’t know. Why not ask Obama?

5. Natural Gas – again we have all we need, and it’s too bad about those Northern States. John Kerry and Al Gore will have to figure out a way to keep them warm….

6. Computer Industry – we lead the nation in producing computer chips and communications equipment – small companies like Texas Instruments, Dell Computer, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor, Motorola, Intel, AMD, Atmel, Applied Materials, Ball Microconductor, Dallas Semiconductor, Nortel, Alcatel, etc, etc. The list goes on and on.

7. Medical Care – We have the research centers for cancer research, the best burn centers and the top trauma units in the world, as well as other large health centers. The Houston Medical Center alone employs over 65,000 people.

8. We have enough colleges to keep us getting smarter: University of Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Texas Christian, Rice, SMU, University of Dallas, University of Houston, Baylor, UNT (University of North Texas), Texas Women’s University, etc. Ivy grows better in the South anyway.

9. We have an intelligent and energetic work force, and it isn’t restricted by a bunch of unions. Here in Texas, it’s a “Right to Work” State and therefore, it’s every man and women for themselves. We just go out and get the job done. And if we don’t like the way one company operates, we get a job somewhere else.

10. We have essential control of the paper, plastics, and insurance industries, etc.

11. In case of a foreign invasion, we have the Texas National Guard, the Texas Air National Guard, and several military bases. We don’t have an Army, but since everybody down here has at least six rifles and a pile of ammo, we can raise an Army in 24 hours if we need one. If the situation really gets bad, we can always call the Department of Public Safety and ask them to send over the Texas Rangers.

12. We are totally self-sufficient in beef, poultry, hogs, and several types of grain, fruit and vegetables, and let’s not forget seafood from the Gulf. Also, everybody down here knows how to cook them so that they taste good. Don’t need any food.

13. Three of the ten largest cities in the United States, and twenty-three of the 100 largest cities in the United States are located in Texas. And Texas also has more land than California, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode Island and Vermont combined.

14. Trade: Three of the ten largest ports in the United States are located in Texas.

15. We also manufacture cars down here, but we don’t need to. You see, nothing rusts, so our vehicles stay beautiful and run well for decades.

This just names a few of the items that will keep the Republic of Texas in good shape. There isn’t a thing out there that we need and don’t have.

Now to the rest of the United States under President Obama: Since you won’t have the refineries to get gas for your cars, only President Obama will be able to drive around in his big 5 mpg SUV. The rest of the United States will have to walk or ride bikes.

You won’t have any TV as the Space Center in Houston will cut off satellite communications. You won’t have any natural gas to heat your homes, but since Mr. Obama has predicted global warming, you will not need the gas as long as you survive the 2000 years it will take to get enough heat from Global Warming.

The People of Texas

P.S. This is not a threatening letter – just a note to give you something to think about!

Random Events, Free Will, Pre-destiny or Something Darker ?