Tag Archives: Artificial Intelligence

AI Tech Being Used For Stalker-Like Activities

Forget Big Brother. A stranger in a coffee shop can watch you and learn virtually everything about you, where you’ve been and even predict your movements “with greater ease and precision than ever before,” experts say.

All the user would need is a photo and advanced artificial intelligence technology that already exists, said Kevin Baragona, a founder of DeepAI.org.

“There are services online that can use a photo of you, and I can find everything. Every instance of your face on the internet, every place you’ve been and use that for stalker-type purposes,” Baragona told Fox News Digital.

Read More:  Fox News

Congress Debating Bill To Block Ai From Nuclear Missile Systems

A group of three Democrats and one Republican have introduced a bill in the House aimed at preventing artificial intelligence systems from progressing to the point where they could autonomously launch a nuclear attack.

The bipartisan lawmakers’ measure would preemptively stymie any future Defense Department policy decisions that could lead to AI being capable of firing off nuclear weapons on its own.

Read More:  Fox News

Chinese Scientists Claim Success Controlling Pigeon Brains

According to a recent report by the Chinese media, a team of researchers in their country, recently claimed to have utilized a solar-powered brain control gadget to lead a pigeon in flight for almost two hours.  Allowing for applications in espionage, bomb-sniffing, weapon transport in anti-terror ops, among others.

Read More:  TimesNowNews