A three-judge federal appeals court in Georgia has rejected an administration request for permission to keep releasing illegal migrants into Americans’ society via the parole pathway.
The rejection is a win for Florida’s Attorney General — Ashley Moody — because it narrows the parole gateway that President Joe Biden’s pro-migration border chief is using to let poor economic migrants compete against Americans for jobs, housing, and school attention.
The NAACP Board of Directors issued a statement on Saturday warning black Americans that the state of Florida was not a safe place for them and included an official “travel advisory” calling the state “openly hostile” – but the board’s chairman, Leon Russell, apparently lives in Florida himself.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation into law this week that banned the federal government from ever being able to introduce Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the state of Florida.
Florida lawmakers approved a bill to prevent state and local government entities from offering debt or investing public funds in accordance with the environmental, social, and corporate governance movement, also known as ESG.
The Florida Board of Education on Wednesday approved Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ request to expand his Parental Rights in Education law, which currently prevents school employees or third parties from giving classroom instruction on “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” in elementary school.
The move will expand the rule, which currently only applies to kindergarten through 3rd grade, to all grades unless required by existing state standards or as part of reproductive health instruction that students can choose not to take.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis approved major changes Friday to the state’s tort laws, cutting down so-called frivolous lawsuits by limiting injury and insurance litigation and attorney fees.
Florida’s move to expand its prohibition on teaching about sexual orientation or gender identity in the classroom comes as Republican lawmakers in other states are pursuing their own versions of the Sunshine State’s Parental Rights in Education law.
The proposal will block the collection of real-time information about a user, including GPS location and biometric data. The proposal will also protection from unfair censorship, manipulation of search results and children from various online harms.
The decision by a federal appeals court Friday to uphold a Florida school district’s policy barring trans students from using the restroom corresponding to their chosen sex could set up a showdown in the U.S. Supreme Court over the contentious issue.
The Florida Supreme Court will convene a grand jury at Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ request to investigate any wrongdoing with respect to the COVID-19 vaccines, the court announced Thursday.
The full measure of Hurricane Ian‘s coast-to-coast trail of death and devastation in Florida was revealed as dawn broke Friday, including at least 19 deaths, countless homes washed out to sea, and millions without power in what may go down as the most devastating natural disaster in Sunshine State history.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) announced new executive actions and legislative proposals on Thursday aimed at combatting the influence of China and other hostile foreign nations in the state.
The new actions from DeSantis are aimed at addressing threats posed by China, Cuba, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela in cyberspace, real estate, and academia.
In the swing state of Florida an ex-felon can have their voting rights returned if all fines have been paid off. Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is paying thousands of dollars to pay off these fines, to enable them to regain their voting rights in time for the election.
The amendment, known as the Voting Rights Restoration for Felons Initiative, would see the voting rights of 1.4 million felons reinstated. The amendment was championed by American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Brennan Center for Justice. Both organizations are heavily funded by George Soros.
Bloomberg has already raised $16,000 to pay the fines of 32,000 felons it has been reported.