Tag Archives: Obama

Obama Comes Out in Support of Gay Marriage

In an interview with ABC, President Obama has given his support for same-sex marriage.
Before when quizzed, the President had always dodged the question, saying his view was “evolving”. However, a day after North Carolina rejected gay marriage, as unconstitutional, in a state referendum,  Obama has openly declared what most already believed was his opinion, on same-sex marriage. Obama said his view changed after discussions with his wife and children; that his daughters worldview was an important factor in forming his opinion.

Vice-President Biden had earlier given his support for gay marriage, triggering Obama’s statement.

His support has delighted his liberal supporters, and opponents have pointed out that Obama’s gay marriage endorsement, may help his fundraising from big money homosexual supporters.

Prophet TV has been teaching on spiritual dynamics, and how that sodomite spirit gained influence in America’s political system, through figures like Harvey Milk in San Francisco.

US Opposes Proposed International Organisation for R&D to Meet the Health needs of DEveloping Countries

The World Health Organisation in Geneva have been meeting to try and set up a fund which would see all nations commit to contribute 0.01% of their GDP. The fund would be used for the research and development (R&D) into neglected diseases, and to help meet the health needs of developing countries.

Currently the WHOs R&D fund is 70% funded by America. If European countries were to contribute the the current fund in the same way it would see their funding increased 5 fold, India would have to increase their funding 5 fold, Brazil 10 fold.

However, the Obama administration appear to be opposed to the new fund.

For further information see The Huffington Post


In Obama’s time, he has had plenty of positive press coverage. When he was elected President, the media clearly gave him glowing coverage.

Now the media is less favourable and Obama has attacked them as being sensationalist…..
The truth is, there is only one business that will not allow you to hold politicians accountable, and that is the media.

Their job is not to report the news, or any news, but rather to create news, which they often do when there is no major news. If CNN were interested in reporting news from our country, or the world, they would have reported Bush going into IRAQ, as the one Liberating the IRAQI’S from a dictator who used weapons of mass destruction on his own people; and tell the Iranians Bush was bringing to justice, the very one who murdered millions of their 12 and 14 year old boys, armed with only a Koran, which is why there is a fountain that runs red, with the blood of the martyrs to this day in Iran. It is why, to this day Iran are the main source of terriorists, but instead, CNN, having several gay and lesbian people are in “key” places of influence. In their world “programing” agenda, it was more important to dis-credit the “christian” president who wouldn’t get behind same sex marriage perversion.

This is only one example, but clearly shows that news media and the few people that run this “powerful” programing tool, are clearly about their own agenda.

Why should Obama be suprised, if the hand that fed him, suddenly turns around to bite him? For more, stay tuned to Prophet.TV

Camp David: G8 Leaders Hope Greece Will Remain in the Eurozone

The G8 leaders met at Camp David before the Nato Summit in Chicago. The G8 is made up of the leaders of: America, Canada, Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Italy and Japan.
The financial crisis was at the centre of talks.

This was the first time newly elected French President Francois Hollande and President Obama have met. The two men are said to have agreed on the need to concentrate on growth, seen as Obama’s approval of Hollande’s policy, of moving away from austerity, towards stimulating the economy with more borrowed money.

Obama’s endorsement of Hollande has left Germany’s Angela Merkel more isolated in Europe


The West and Israel have believed for a long time that Iran are seeking to build a nuclear bomb.

It should not come as a surprise that Iran have enriched their uranium to a higher level then they had previously said.

Iran have said this is due to an “error”.

Prophet TV has taught previously that the Iranian administration in Tehran believe they are appointed by Allah to bring about the reign of the Mahdi.

The Mahdi is a messianic figure within Islam.

They believe he will be revealed at a time of great distraction when Israel is destroyed.

Despite Obama’s assurances to stand by Israel, many still believe Israel will attack Iran in a bid to stop them achieving their goal of a nuclear device.

If Israel attacks Iran, it would likely leave her even more isolated, as Obama and most of Europe are against military action being taken against Iran by Israel, so who will stand with her?


This is not turning out to be a good week for the President in terms of news stories, as Breitbart.com continue their vetting process.

Before his death, Andrew Breitbart said they were going to vet Obama in a way the media failed to do, before he was elected President.

So far, they have uncovered plenty about his past which should have been discussed 5 years ago.

The latest revelation is Obama’s biography in a promotional booklet, produced in 1991 by his literary-agent,

which describes Barak Obama as “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

The booklet promoted Obama’s first book, entitled “Journeys in Black and White”, but was never published.

Although it would be the agents job to write the biography, it is hard to believe Obama did not read what they wrote before going to print.

Breitbart always said he believed Obama was born in Hawaii, but argues that the booklet exposes Obama as creating a different persona, to suit his audience – one where it served him to be more racially exotic as a budding author? Or was Kenya his true birthplace?


If you think the economic problems in the world are only European – then think again! American debt is colossal. Our debt stands at $15.566 Trillion, and is now over 100% of GDP. With such massive debt, you’d think we’d be trying to balance the books? Last year our budget deficit was $1.3 trillion, and this year is projected to fall to $901 billion.

That means, as a nation, we owe more than we are getting in in revenue. Obama’s spending policies for a second term have no plan to create a balanced budget, instead current projections would see national debt hit $20 trillion by 2016. Debt has risen more under Obama than Bush. We have seen how the socialist policies, popular in Europe, are just as popular here. But could we see the same things that are happening in Greece, here in America? Socialism will bankrupt us. You cannot keep promising people free everything on borrowed money.

If America falls it will be Suicide of a Superpower.

Is the Socialist Hollande More Economically Compatible than Sarkozy

Americans and Europeans are not so different after all.
Obama is promising the same as Hollande has promised the French, and it won Hollande an election.
Free entitlements and high taxes on the rich.
Both Hollande and Obama argue that if you build up the public sector, you will stimulate the economy.
That is not exactly correct.
Some government funded programs will do that:
– Government investment in infrastructure
– High speed internet.
– Quality education
These help the economy, because they support private enterprise.
Taxing your job creators at 75%, like Hollande wants to do, does not support business and does not stimulate the economy.
and having the government do everything for you, does not stimulate growth …… it leads to bankruptcy.
Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said “socialism fails when you run out of other people’s money”


A new biography on Barak Obama revealed Obama’s “New York girlfriend”, in “Dreams From My Father”, was a composite made up of different women. An excerpt of the biography, published in “Vanity Fair”, also revealed Obama ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia. The media thought they had exposed a scoop, but were soon corrected.

The beginning of Obama’s biography “Dreams of My Father”, clearly states that some of the people featured are a composite of different people, and the dog eating revelation was already in the public domain.

So what’s the point of all this? There’s no story here, ….or is there?

The point is WHY, as Obama’s first term in office ends and he seeks re-election, are these issues about his past being discussed?

When Sarah Palin ran for Vice President, every stone was unturned, and her private life was studied in microscopic detail. The media reported everything they could find about Palin. Evidently large parts of the media have never read Obama’s first biography, or these issues would have been questioned sooner. And they certainly failed to research his past in any great detail.

As Andrew Breitbart pointed out before his recent sudden death, the liberal media failed to vet Obama properly. These trivial revelations are of no real importance, but questions do need to be answered.

Who were Obama’s acquaintances at college?

Who formed and influenced his political ideologies?

Friends from the far right?

How connected was Obama to communist hardliners in Chicago?

Would the media let a Republican candidate off the hook as lightly?

The media informs the opinions of this nation, and therefore, is a powerful influence over the people, that is why Prophet TV establishes churches in key media regions, to break the spirit over these places, which influence the thoughts of the those programming America.Via The Telegraph


After Obama and Biden came out in support of same sex marriage, Republican Presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, clarified his views, saying “marriage is between a man and a woman”.

As the debate continues, pollsters wonder how this matter will impact the election.
We have a President who openly declares same-sex marriage is alright.  This would be unthought of a few years ago. It shows that American public opinion on homosexuality has been so programmed by the liberal left, that this appears to be no longer a problem, for the majority of American people.

Is that true, or will this become a major election issue? The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transexual community began to make progress in politics in San Francisco in the 1970’s with Harvey Milk……..

And Hollywood used it’s influence to program the minds of the youth with pro-sodomite imagery. With this level of political endorsement and the continual bombardment of homosexual and lesbian propaganda,……. consider what the attitude of YOUR children will be towards same-sex marriage?

This is why Prophet TV needs to be in key media areas, and why we have established a gateway in San Francisco. We must break the spirit controlling these regions which impact the entire nation and the world.

How Many Trade Deals Has Obama Negotiated?

To date President Obama has failed to negotiate any free trade deals, despite his “commitment” to job creation. Free Trade Deals are an important way of creating jobs and helping the economy.

Whilst in office, George W Bush, negotiated 11 free trade deals; and Bill Clinton 5.

However, Obama has actually hindered deals negotiated by Bush (deals with Columbia and South Korea). These deals were not ratified by Congress until 2011.

Trade Unions oppose Free Trade deals, because they open up American markets.

Read more at White House Dossier

Obama talks gay rights at Clooney fundraiser

As the Presidential elections are only 5 months away Obama is busy on the fund-raising trail, building a substantial war chest.

Recently George Clooney hosted an Obama fundraiser at his Hollywood home, which raised nearly $15 million.

Tickets cost $40,000 each and amongst the 150 guests were Barbara Streisand, Salma Hayek, Tobey Maguire and Jack Black.

Obama delighted the crowd with his speech endorsing gay-rights, which came only days after he came out, openly expressing his views on same-sex marriage, after conversations with his children.

Since Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage, he has been free in expressing his support of Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues.

With so many big money democrat supporters – passionate about same-sex marriage, or homosexual issues, – Obama has seen this position pay off with significant donations pouring in.

Although his strong black support base tend to hold a traditional view on marriage, Obama seems to be hoping they will vote according to race, and not moral conviction.


Andrew Breitbart Dies aged 43.

The conservative journalist, author and well known Hollywood political blogger, Andrew Breitbart died unexpectedly aged 43, from a suspected heart attack, March 1st whilst walking near to his Los Angeles home.

Breitbart was a champion of conservatism in Hollywood, as well as famous for his attacks on the liberal establishment.

Throughout the social media sites liberals have rejoiced over his death. However, as some in the left celebrate, many are asking difficult questions. Three weeks ago, whilst speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington DC, Breitbart said “Wait til they see what happens March 1st”.

Breitbart was referring to tapes he said he had, showing Obama in his college days. These tapes are allegedly a game changer in the forthcoming election. His death, hours before he was due to release these tapes, have caused many to speculate as to whether he was actually assassinated or died of natural causes as reported by the media.