Drepung Gomang Monks Release World Peace Sand Mandala in Kansas City

Tibetan monks from Drepung Gomang performed a sand mandala in Kansas City this last Friday, August 31, 2012 at the Unity Temple on the Plaza.

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The intention is to create world peace.  As stated by a previous monk who performs mandala ceremonies, they pay homage to “gods of the underworld”.  This homage influences the region in which it is performed.

see Drepung Gomang Monks Create World Peace Sand Mandala | Unity Temple on the Plaza | WDAF^Jackson County | Kansas City Events at www.kctv5.com.

Tibetan Monks do NYC Sand Mandala Ceremony in 1 Day

New York, NY.  Welcoming the Tibetan Buddhist monks to perform their religious ceremony of a sand mandala is Baruch College.

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The event is sponsored by Baruch-Rubin Museum of Art Project.

Monks from the Namdroling Monastery located in Southern India will build the mandala in one day.  Usually the creation of this ceremony is 4-7 days.

A mandala represents some kind of deity or deities.  For instance the Kalachakra mandala contains 722 deities.  The mandala ceremony honors these deities which can also be known as or called gods.  It is intended that the ceremony will release a blessing into the region from these deities or gods.

Source TibetanMonksToBuildSandMandala.

Venice Film Festival: Hollywood shines a light on Scientology – Telegraph

Venice Film Festival: Hollywood shines a light on Scientology – Telegraph.

Paul Thomas Anderson’s new movie “The Master”, which premiered at the Venice Film Festival tells the story of the early days of Scientology.

It has been revealed that Tom Crusie requested a private viewing of the movie before the premiere. Anderson would not disclose what Tom Cruise thought of the movie, saying only, “we are still friends”.

Tom Cruise is Scientology’s most famous follower. The movement has been called Hollywood’s cult with celebrities like John Travolta and Lisa Marie Presley also members.

The movie The Master is tipped as a potential winner of the Golden Lion, the Venice Festival’s most prestigious award.

Scientology was founded by L. Ron Hubbard in the 1950s. Hubbard also came up with the idea of “Project Celebrity” to promote his ideas. He targeted the big names of Hollywood at the time: Greta Garbo, Howard Hughes and Orson Welles. Hubbard was unsuccesful at gaining their support, unlike modern day Hollywood.

Scientology are also planning on launching a broadcasting service from near their Hollywood headquarters, to promote the teachings of Scientology to a global audience.

Hurricane Isaac Hit’s New Orleans on Katrina Anniversary


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When the tropical storm, began to develop in the Gulf, which would become Hurricane Isaac, meterologists began to warn that they thought it would hit land in Florida, as a category 1 storm. However, the storm turned and began to head straight for New Orleans.

As Isaac travelled through the Gulf, it hitting Haiti and the Dominican Republic, killing 24 in Haiti and 2 in the Dominican Republic.

Hurricane Isaac hit land at New Orleans exactly 7 years after Hurricane Katina devastated the city.

Although Isaac did not cause the damage of Katrina the new multi-billion dollar levee protecting the New Orleans coast was breached.

New York Fashion Week

New York is gearing up for fashion week, starting September 6th.  We have previously reported on the impact fashion week has on the industry as a whole, and how it influences the lives or ordinary women.

John Galliano, former Director of Fashion for Dior. Galliano has been convicted of anti-semitism.

Fashion week occurs at Lincoln Centre New York, close to the location of the recent deaths in the city: the suicide of a man at the Peninsula Hotel on 5th Avenue, on the 8th August; a man shot by police in Times Square the following day; and the tragic shooting outside the Empire State building. The Empire State building shooting involved a man shooting a former work colleague, who worked in the fashion industry, nine others were injured, the gunman was also shot by police.

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French writer says Anders Breivik was what Norway deserves’ – Telegraph

French writer says Anders Breivik was what Norway deserves’ – Telegraph.

Last year Norway was shocked, when Andres Breivik killed 77 people in a bomb blast and shooting rampage at a youth camp.

Breivik has said his actions were politically motivated and an attack at the rise of Islam in Europe, fuelled by high immigration.

Now a highly respected French writer, Richard Millet, says Breivik is “without doubt what Norway deserves”.

Millet says he was commenting on Breivik’s 1,500 page manifesto which is an attack on the last 20 years of mass immigration, social democracy, and multiculturalism in Europe, though he in no way condones Breiviks actions.

Many have been highly critical of Millet’s comments, with one writer Annie Eraux, saying his comments are “a politically dangerous act.”

Last week Breivik was sentenced to 21 years in prison.


BBC News – Controversial preacher Todd Bentley refused entry into the UK

Controversial preacher Todd Bentley refused entry into the UK

A controversial Canadian preacher, who claims he can cure illness by kicking people in the face, has been refused entry to the UK, the Home Office has confirmed.

Todd Bentley describes himself as a “healing evangelist, revivalist, and author” and is based in the US.

He had been invited to preach at Portadown Christian Centre, County Armagh, next month.

However, local clergy had raised concerns with his unorthodox methods.

These are said to include choking people and pushing them over.

For more information


Tropical Storm Isaac Heads for Louisiana

Tropical Storm Isaac is heading through the Gulf of Mexico towards New Orleans, Louisiana. Some meteorologists have predicted Isaac could make landfall as a category 2 hurricane on the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina was the most expensive natural disaster to hit America.

Tropical Storm Isaac, already caused the Republication Party convention in Florida to be delayed a day.

Isaac has already killed at least 20 people in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and has caused oil production in the Gulf to be halted.

San Francisco archbishop-elect in DUI arrest

Reverend Salvatore Cordileone was arrested and jailed after being suspected of drunken driving in San Diego this Monday.

Cordileone is the archbishop elect of San Francisco and has been an ardent figure in the fight against gay marriage.

He relates his feelings of condemnation…”I apologize for my error in judgment and feel shame for the disgrace I have brought upon the Church and myself,”

See San Francisco archbishop-elect in DUI arrest – KNOE 8 News; KNOE-TV; KNOE.com |.

Astronaut Neil Armstrong dies, aged 82 – Telegraph

Astronaut Neil Armstrong dies, aged 82 – Telegraph.

Neil Armstong, the first man to walk on the moon, has died aged 82. Armstrong had undergone heart surgery earlier this month.

Armstrong was commander of the historic Apollo 11 mission in 1969, when on July 21st he was able to state these immortal words: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” He spent nearly three hours walking on the moon with fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin.


Manhattan, New York, has seen a number of unrelated incidents this month. Firstly there was the suicide of a man on August 8th. The man from Florida jumped to his death from the roof of the exclusive Peninsula Hotel on 5th Avenue.

The following day on the 9th August, police shot a man in Times Square. The man had been wielding a knife, threatening the public and police officers. Police tried using pepper spray to stop him, but were unsuccessful. Police said he wiped the pepper spray off his face despite being sprayed six times, and they described his behaviour as “wild”. Police then opened fire on 51-year-old Darrius Kennedy killing him.

And finally there has been the shooting at the Empire State Building, where a man shot an ex-colleague over a work place dispute, before being shot by police himself. However, before police were able to shoot the gunman, Jeffery Johnson, he was able to wound at least nine other people.


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