A joint U.S.-Iraqi military operation killed multiple ISIS terrorists in a newly revealed strike in Iraq on the Islamic terrorist group late last week.
Read More: Daily Wire
A joint U.S.-Iraqi military operation killed multiple ISIS terrorists in a newly revealed strike in Iraq on the Islamic terrorist group late last week.
Read More: Daily Wire
President Joe Biden’s administration allowed the Islamic Republic of Iran to have access to more than $10 billion in electricity revenues, which comes just weeks after Iranian-backed terrorists carried out one of the worst terrorist attacks in world history against Israel.
Read More: Daily Wire
Rocket and drone attacks on Thursday targeted military bases in Iraq that host U.S. and coalition forces.
Read More: Breitbart
Rocket and drone attacks on Thursday targeted military bases in Iraq that host U.S. and coalition forces.
Read More: Breitbart
ISIS to Christians… “there is nothing to give them but the sword.”
Throughout northern Iraq, Christians are hunkered down in refugee camps, trapped in the desert, or in their homes, awaiting death.
Despite the presence of Christians in Iraq and Syria for two thousand years, today they face extinction in this region.
Canon Andrew White, head of the Anglican Church in Iraq “It looks as though the end could be very near,” he told the BBC.
Last week, Christians were warned to either leave the city of Mosul and other areas under Islamic State control, or they would have to pay a tax or be put to death.
The group, Human Rights Watch, reported on July 14 that homes in Mosul were painted with red letters to indicate homes of Christians.
Those Christians who have escaped have reported being deprived of all their belongings but for their clothing. Escaping Christians were forced to pass ISIS checkpoints at town edges who also and additionally confiscated jewelry, money, automobiles, even food and water. As they left they were warned “don’t even dream of returning.”
ISIS / Islam is very clear on this deal. For those who live under the rule of a fundamentalist Islamic state, the options are laid plain and simple. Run, convert, pay a fine, or be put to death. There will be no coexistence.
Like the Nazis only a few short years ago, ISIS is glorifying and reveling in their killing and believe with all sincerity that they are doing the work of Allah. Nobody is immune, fathers, mothers and children are being rounded up, beaten, beheaded or otherwise killed.
WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES FOLLOW, VIEW WITH DISCRETION. Many viewers will find these images VERY disturbing.
A sample…
A child is photographed, waiting to be killed by militantsCapt. Peter J.N. Linnerooth was an amazing Army psychologist who served in Baghdad, Iraq. He was nicknamed “The Wizard” by his colleagues because of his “magic” ability to help people through the most horrific situations by creating a rapport with empathy and a big heart. He had been concerned with the mental health and suicide rate of soldiers even before working with them.
Many soldier leaned on him as he served thousands in the camps and was called on to do a myriad of jobs that he was not trained to do, but did anyway just to help out. He blasted heavy medal music to drown out the outside world while in his office. Yet, when he was able to sleep, he took all of his personal images and those of the soldiers he talked with and dreamt of them vividly.
There were only three mental health personnel for the camp, and he was the only one with a Doctorate of Psychology. While on tour, he ended up on anti-depressants, as did one of his colleagues. He had finally come to the point where he just didn’t know how to handle all of the stories and things he had seen any longer. He went to one of the doctors. The doctor asked if he was going to hurt himself. He responded he didn’t know. He would be leaving as a suicide risk. His own demons and those of others had become too much for him to bear.
In 2007, just a few months short of his 15 month tour, he was sent to Germany and then home. In 2008, after 6 years in the army, he tried to get back into the life he had left behind as a professor, but the trivialness of the concerns of the students and his inability deal with what he had been through made that tough. He nearly overdosed on pills in 2009 in an attempt to just make the pain stop. He realized his mistake and regretted the pain he brought to his wife and kids. He went to marriage counseling to try and save what was left of the life he knew, but he still wasn’t able to talk. His marriage crumbled and ended in divorce.
His behavior at work had brought a friend to suggest a leave of absence so he could get himself together. He headed out to California to get help from his friend Brock McNabb whom was one of the others on the mental health team in Baghdad.
Linnerooth joined McNabb at the Santa Cruz County Vet Center. There he seemed to turn his life around. He lost some weight, shaved his long beard, and spent his evenings talking with McNabb. He kept in contact with his children on the phone nightly and by Skype, sometimes just watching them watch TV. He was helping vets while he himself was also dealing with his PTSD.
In 2010, he started to speak out more on the pressures and stress on military psychologists. He talked to the New York Times and Time Magazine about how there just weren’t enough mantel health experts to deal with all the needs of the soldiers. In the magazine, he also accused the Army of being criminally negligent. He then joined another former Army psychologist, Bret Moore whom he had befriended in Iraq, to write an academic paper about professional burnout. He was finally getting all of the things he had held in so long out of him in a more productive manner.
In July 2011, Linnerooth seemed happy enough and became married for the second time in Lake Tahoe to a woman he had met a decade before. This marriage became strained as well though. He also began missing deadlines for the academic paper. Moore had to go over all of Linnerooth’s work because there was so much anger toward the military as well as his personal life reflected. An American Psychological Association journal published the paper in 2011.
He moved to Reno to be with his new wife and to work for the Department of Veterans Affairs. Unfortunately, as he approached a two-year deadline for a state license required by the VA, he did not go take the test, even at teh urging of McNabb. He felt betrayed once again when the VA was forced to let him go, even though they had stated they would rehire him when he completed the requirements necessary for the position.
Last summer Linnerooth moved back to Minnesota so he could see his children daily. He did travel back to California for the birth of his son with his second wife.
During the holidays things were busy. Texts to his mother thanking her for the kids gifts. Pictures of his infant son sent to his sister. January 1, 2013 was spent with his older son and plans were being made to visit his infant son again.
On January 2nd, a lethal combination of too much alcohol, a fight with his wife, and a gun ended his life at the age of 42. He left a note giving instructions of what he wanted done from there, but nothing about why he had done the unthinkable, committed suicide. It seemed all the demons he had taken on had finally become too much for him to bear.
Mc Nabb stated Linnerooth did not want to die, he just wanted the pain to end. The man whom had taken on the burdens of so many, never learned how to let his own burdens go. He wanted to help others and not be a burden himself. From the time he was a child, his adoptive mother noticed how he would not open up and instead locked himself in his room to deal with things from a very young age.
Linnerooth’s Army buddies came in from all across the country and celebrated him. They placed a Motorhead T-shirt over his urn as they toasted him with rum and scotch. The next day, his family and friends gathered at Fort Snelling National Cemetery to say their final good-byes.
On a cloudless, 4-degree morning in Minnesota, amid taps and a 21-gun salute, Captain Peter J.N. Linnerooth was laid to rest. McNabb presented Linnerooth’s Bronze Star to his older son and reminded him how proud his dad was of him.
McNabb was given the responsibility of the writing on the headstone. He grappled with how to sum up a man’s life whom had helped so many in 30 characters or less. When the headstone arrived in February, it had the traditional name and military service engraved on it. The epitaph summed up his great deeds to those with the fortune to come his way in few words:
The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) actually approved a course teaching 25 illegal aliens how to fly planes from a school owned by… another illegal alien. 6 of them actually went on to acquire pilot’s licenses.
Discovery of this was made by local police on a routine traffic stop of the owner.
The illegal alien owner held two FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) pilot licenses, also known as FAA certificates.
Chairman of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation Security, Rep. Mike Rogers finds this “… amazing. We have cancer patients, Iraq War veterans and Nobel Prize winners all forced to undergo rigorous security checks before getting on an airplane,…at the same time, ten years after 9/11, there are foreign nationals in the United States trained to fly just like Mohammed Atta and the other 9/11 hijackers did…”
For more on Homeland Security in the spirit style see prophet.tv and this teaching on Building the Warrior.
See for source article TSA Let 25 Illegal Aliens Attend Flight School Owned by Illegal Alien | CNSNews.com.
In Obama’s time, he has had plenty of positive press coverage. When he was elected President, the media clearly gave him glowing coverage.
Now the media is less favourable and Obama has attacked them as being sensationalist…..
The truth is, there is only one business that will not allow you to hold politicians accountable, and that is the media.
Their job is not to report the news, or any news, but rather to create news, which they often do when there is no major news. If CNN were interested in reporting news from our country, or the world, they would have reported Bush going into IRAQ, as the one Liberating the IRAQI’S from a dictator who used weapons of mass destruction on his own people; and tell the Iranians Bush was bringing to justice, the very one who murdered millions of their 12 and 14 year old boys, armed with only a Koran, which is why there is a fountain that runs red, with the blood of the martyrs to this day in Iran. It is why, to this day Iran are the main source of terriorists, but instead, CNN, having several gay and lesbian people are in “key” places of influence. In their world “programing” agenda, it was more important to dis-credit the “christian” president who wouldn’t get behind same sex marriage perversion.
This is only one example, but clearly shows that news media and the few people that run this “powerful” programing tool, are clearly about their own agenda.
Why should Obama be suprised, if the hand that fed him, suddenly turns around to bite him? For more, stay tuned to Prophet.TV