Information in a federal report that pointed to the COVID-19 virus being leaked from a Chinese laboratory rather than coming from nature was “silenced” from being included in discussions with President Joe Biden and in a final report in May 2021, according to sources close to the situation.
Read More: Newsmax
The Biden administration announced Wednesday that it is providing $600 million in funding to produce new at-home COVID-19 tests and is restarting a website allowing Americans to again order up to four free tests per household.
Read More: Newsmax
A court in Alberta, Canada, sentenced Pastor Artur Pawlowski on Monday to 60 days in prison for a speech to Freedom Convoy truckers in February 2022 in which he supported their protests against repressive lockdown, vaccine, and other mandates related to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.
Read More: Breitbart
The Central Intelligence Agency offered six analysts money to change their position on COVID-19’s origin after they originally stated that the virus likely originated from a lab in Wuhan, China, a whistleblower told the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Read More: Newsmax
Newly released emails show that since at least January 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci was aware of extensive research on coronaviruses conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Read More: Newsmax
U.S. intelligence agencies found no direct evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic stemmed from an incident at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a report declassified on Friday said.
Read More: Newsmax
FBI Director Christopher Wray said during an interview on Tuesday that the FBI assesses that a laboratory in Wuhan, China, is responsible for the outbreak of the COVID pandemic and that there is classified material to back up the bureau’s assessment.
Read More: Daily Wire
There is clearly documented evidence that China sought to cover up the Coronavirus outbreak in it’s early days. Failing to contain the outbreak and even arresting the whistleblowers who sought to alert the world.
Some democrats where appalled when the President referred to the virus as the “China Virus” or “Wuhan virus”. Naming the Coronavirus Covid-19 the WHO has taken the spotlight off China, something Beijing is keen to see.
Despite Beijing’s failure to act, many in the West say blaming China is racism. However, not only did China fail to act, they actively censored information, and then spread misinformation by trying to blame the U.S. military for the outbreak.
After this pandemic has been brought under control and economies rebuild. Other nations need to address how they will conduct business with Beijing.
Read More: The Atlantic
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