All posts by Bill Maher

Elon Musk Becomes Biggest Share Holder of Twitter

Elon Musk has taken a seat on the board of Twitter after becoming the biggest single shareholder. Musk bought a 9.2% share in the social media giant.

Parag Agrawal Twitter’s chief executive said:  “Through conversations with Elon in recent weeks, it became clear to us that he would bring great value to our Board.

“He’s both a passionate believer and intense critic of the service which is exactly what we need on Twitter, and in the boardroom, to make us stronger in the long-term. Welcome Elon!”

Read More: Sky News

President Trump’s Six Page List of Successes.

In an interview with Breitbart news the President handed the media outlet a six-page document listing the accomplishments of his administration.

The document begins with:

“The Great American Comeback is already underway.” It cites how the Trump administration added 1.8 million jobs in July, “exceeding expectations for the third straight month.” It also notes that Trump oversaw the addition of nine million jobs since May, “surpassing market expectations by a total of 12 million new jobs.”

“Over the last three months, we added over four million leisure and hospitality jobs; 1.47 million retail jobs; 1.17 million education and healthcare jobs; 743,000 service jobs; 623,000 manufacturing jobs; and 639,000 construction jobs,” the document continues.

Trump Accomplishments by Breitbart News on Scribd

Read More: Breitbart

Ari Melber, MSNBC, says Dems Didn’t “Provide Enough” Evidence on Impeachment Case

During a panel discussion on the liberal MSNBC Ari Melber argued that the Dems did not provide enough evidence  for the article of impeachment of obstruction. He did believe the democrats gave a good argument for abuse of power.

Melber, an attorney, went on the say that  it’s “not a removable high crime” based on what Democrats presented at the Senate trial.

Read More: Fox

When the enemy comes in like a flood

A sign of things to come?
Are you listening?
Do you have eyes to see?
How obvious does He need to make it?

If the one raised and sent to occupy 19 years ago to “stop greater destruction” loses position if the missions are not supported adequately to hold position, who’s fault is that?

The obedient one with unsustainable debt donated to the people to get in and hold position out of obedience to protect and raise up others believing if others saw 20 years of miracles they would understand the importance of providing enough support to keep the prophet in the zone?

Does anyone actually read or believe the bible? You remember the woman who provided the room for the prophet when he came into the city? SHE KNOWS GOD BETTER THAN MOST and why this is important !

Note: If he who was raised and sent and plowed and poured out his life for NY city was completely unaffected and indeed directed in an entirely new direction this day and didn’t even know this was happening, ie.. his life was completely unaffected by this, then this message is clearly not to him.

It has nothing to do with his obedience or laying down his life in obedience to Him, for others.

Boris Johnson to Become New Prime Minister of UK

Boris Johnson has won the race to take over the leadership of the Conservative Party, meaning that he will become the new Prime Minister of the UK.

The current PM, Theresa May resigned after her party’s dismal performance in the European Elections, and her failure to deliver on Brexit.

Johnson campaigned on his pro-Brexit credentials. Vowing to take Britain out of Europe by October 31st.

Read More: BBC

Project Veritas Uncovers Google’s Plans for Social Engineering and To Stop Trump in 2020

Project Veritas has received confidential documents from a Google insider. The documents and information, from the insider, show that since the 2016 election Google have been training their learning algorithms to ensure the narrative fed to those using the platform contains the content they [Google]  want to be heard.

The “Fairness” algorithms are being trained to return searching that fit with the narrative and idea of society they wish to create, thus programming the thinking of their users to agree with that narrative. This also affects YouTube, also owned by Google.

Furthermore Project Veritas has secretly filmed an interview with top Google executive, Jen Gennai, Head of Responsible Innovation, at Google. In the interview she is heard saying:

We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.

We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?

Read More: Breitbart