Category Archives: Science And Technology

FTC Study Reveals Widespread Use of ‘Dark Patterns’ in Websites and Apps

A recent study conducted by the FTC and international consumer protection networks has uncovered alarming statistics on the prevalence of “dark patterns” in subscription-based websites and apps. Dark Patterns are a collection of manipulative design techniques created by Silicon Valley to make it difficult to separate yourself from subscription services.

Read More:  Breitbart

Apple Explores Partnership With Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta

The potential partnership with Meta could serve multiple purposes for Apple. Firstly, it would reduce the company’s reliance on a single AI partner, diversifying its technological resources. Secondly, such a collaboration would provide validation for Meta’s generative AI technology, potentially elevating its standing in the competitive AI market.

Read More:  Breitbart

Apple Creates Partnership with OpenAI

Apple’s has announced announced a partnership with OpenAI to bring ChatGPT technology to devices ranging from iPhones to Mac computers. Mike Benz, the founder of anti-censorship organization the Foundation for Freedom Online, harshly criticizes the partnership, tweeting, “Apple merging together with Microsoft’s ChatGPT today on a Woke Death Star AI is basically like Coke + Pepsi merging to create an inescapable death drink.”

Read More:  Breitbart