Category Archives: Corruption

US government hack stole fingerprints of 5.6 million federal employees

Office of Personnel Management hack, which US believes China is responsible for, originally thought to have compromised prints of only 1.1 million workers

The Obama administration has not publicly blamed China or taken any public action in retaliation for the hack.

The number of people applying for or receiving security clearances whose fingerprint images were stolen in one of the worst government data breaches is now believed to be 5.6 million, not 1.1 million as first thought, the Office of Personnel Management announced on Wednesday.

The agency was the victim of what the US believes was a Chinese espionage operation that affected an estimated 21.5 million current and former federal employees or job applicants. The theft could give Chinese intelligence a huge leg up in recruiting informants inside the US government, experts believe. It also could help the Chinese identify US spies abroad, according to American officials.

The White House has said it’s going to discuss cybersecurity with Chinese president Xi Jinping when he visits Barack Obama later this week.

The Obama administration has not publicly blamed China or taken any public action in retaliation for the hack. Intelligence officials have called the data a fair intelligence target, one the US would pursue if it had the chance.


Jewish High Holy Days invite Tibetan Monks to create an inter-dimensional Gate to the Underworld at Pico Union Project- 21 days later sudden destruction ?

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) September 02, 2015

Tibetan Buddhist monks from Drepung Loseling Monastery will construct a inter-dimensional gate to the underworld Sept. 21 to Sept. 27 at the Pico Union Project, 1153 Valencia Street, in Downtown Los Angeles, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The public is invited to come and attend special ceremonies whereby people are encouraged to open their chakras to invite wrathful deities to enter their bodies and city.

It will take the “Tibetan Buddhist Monks only seven days to create this inter-dimensional gate to the underworld at the Pico Union in the middle of our 10 holiest Jewish days,” said Craig Taubman, founder of Pico Union Project. “On the 7th day of creation, they will dissolve their art, then distribute the sand and instruct the easily deceived simple minded who have gathered, to disperse the sand into a fresh body of water.” This is to evoke wrathful water spirits into LA to bring the same destructive forces into the world that was over NAZI Germany.

From all the occult traditions of Tantric (sex possession) Buddhism, this ritual ranks as one of the most damaging to families.

To date the monks have created mandala portals in more than 100 museums, art centers, and colleges and universities in the United States and Europe.

California is also in a drought and the USA has changed dramatically, all from locations where they have opened these inter-dimensional gates and evoked wrathful spirits into peoples hearts, minds, sexual chakra’s, and cities then released into the worlds water ways. Powerful Voo-Doo

The Sanctuary@Pico Union is launching in time for the Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah (Sept. 14), Kol Nidre (Sept. 22) and Yom Kippur (Sept. 23). Services will be led by Taubman together with musical and lack of spiritual understanding artists and educators including Shy Blakeney, Josh Goldberg, Martin Storrow, Deanna Neil, Rabbi Scott Westle, Ayana Morse, Stuart K. Robinson, Ron Wolfson and Shany Zamir.

The mandala underworld portal creation begins with an opening ceremony, during which the lamas consecrate the site and call forth wrathful deities, convincing the gatekeepers of the city to be in one accord and open their heart to invite these destructive forces into their cities believing these wrathful deities are forces of goodness. This is done by means of chanting, music and mantra recitation, and will be held on Monday, Sept. 21 at 9 a.m.

Ritualistically sand mandalas are destroyed shortly after their completion as the evil spirits that have been evoked into this temporary house or containment field must find moisture very rapidly. This is an important part of the ritual. The sands are swept up and placed in an urn; half is distributed to the audience at the closing ceremony, while the remainder is carried to a nearby body of water, where it is deposited.

These wrathful deities that came through the inter-dimensional gate to the underworld do not like to be in dry places so they seek to inhabit men or go into the oceans of the world increasing the darkness over the planet.

These rituals were performed extensively throughout Nazi Germany and the very Swastika that Hitler said had the dark influence that drove him, was indeed from Tibet. The closing ceremony will be held on Sunday, Sept. 27 at 5:30 p.m.

Doors for the exhibit at Pico Union Project will be open Sept. 21-22 and Sept. 24-27 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. In addition to the opening and closing ceremonies, the Tibetan Buddhist monks are offering a lecture on Thursday, September 24, at 10:30 a.m. on meditation.

About Pico Union Project
The Pico Union Project is dedicated to the Jewish principle to “love your neighbor as yourself.” (Which actually came from a teaching of Jesus whom they deny) It elevates this teaching into practice by further denying the Law of Moses (thou shall have no other gods) and instead does what the Jewish have always done, make golden calfs and worship other gods including the god of their intellect, in this case wrathful deities from the underworld.

Typically 750 principalities come through these portals at one of these rituals, times 100 gates to hell done throughout San Francisco, Washington DC, Schools in the US and Europe that is an additional 75,000 destructive gods released into the worlds oceans. Oh yeah.. problems seem to be mounting everywhere don’t they.

It’s kinda like some child wanting to help put out a fire so the Tibetan Monk keeps giving the child gasoline telling the child to douse the fire with the gas. Then the fire gets worse, so the monk convinces the child to throw even more gas on the fire, and the ignorant cycle continues.

By agreeing with this, you will help bring more destruction into the world. DO NOT agree with or partake in spiritual darkness that you do not understand.

After they did these rituals up the east coast, hurricane Sandy brought 25 billion dollars of destruction into the USA. Same with Hurricane Katrina.

Global warming or inter-dimensional invasion?
Depends who you ask.
Politicians who can tax tax tax, money money money
Or Tibetan monks, VooDoo witch doctors or Jesus who had power over the spirits hiding in the sea and stopped the hurricane.

How about all the Jews that were killed by men under this “spiritual” influence?

And now the very Jews are repeating history as they always do… Amazing simply amazing

Christianity, Islam and Yoga

YOGA has been in the news a lot recently. As colleagues have written, the establishment of International Yoga Day, celebrated for the first time last Sunday was a significant milestone for India’s “soft power” and on balance, a personal success for Narendra Modi, the prime minister who led 37,000 people in a display of the spiritual exercise.

Yoga also generates headlines in countries far from India, both because of its widespread appeal and the mixed feelings (to put it mildly) that it engenders among followers of the world’s monotheistic faiths.

Malaysia and Iran stand out as Muslim countries where yoga is both quite popular and controversial. In 2008, when Malaysia’s supreme Islamic authority told Muslims to eschew the practice, this was widely greeted with dismay as a symptom of a hardening theological line in a country where many faiths have to rub along.

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the (devoutly Muslim) prime minister at the time, later specified that it was permissible to do the exercises as long as people held off from Hindu chanting.

In Western nations which are historically Christian but increasingly diverse in their approach to things spiritual, the very ambivalence of yoga (call it flexibility if you like) is one of its selling points. Depending on which school of yoga you follow and how far you go, it can be a way of limbering up the body and easing tensions, or it can involve the pursuit of extra-ordinary spiritual experiences, culminating in samadhi, variously described as union with, or absorption into, ultimate reality.

It is agreed that yoga has its roots in the Hindu tradition, and that it constitutes one of the main schools of Hinduism; but it can of course be practised as a physical and even mental discipline by people who are ignorant of, or even mildly resistant to the teachings of Hinduism.

That point is made defensively by many Western yoga teachers, and with dismay by purist advocates of the Hindu path.

Traditional Christian clerics still see dangers in the practice.

In the Northern Irish city of Derry-Londonderry, a Catholic priest caused a local furore in February by telling his parishioners that yoga, and even Indian head massage, could open people to demonic influences.

Around the same time, a Church of England priest in Bristol told a yoga teacher who had been instructing hundreds of people on church premises to find other quarters.

The teacher, Naomi Hayama, complained bitterly, on grounds that her kind of yoga, at least, was certainly not an alternative faith. “They are trying to say that is a spiritual practice but my classes are not. I respect people who are religious but I am not,” she said.

Even in North America’s culturally liberal West, yoga attracts controversy. albeit for different reasons. In Vancouver last weekend a plan by the provincial government to have a yoga event on a central city thoroughfare was cancelled at the last moment: some people thought it would distract attention from National Aboriginal Day, and others resented the fact that two of the event’s corporate sponsors were also big donors to the Liberal party which runs British Columbia.

Across the United States, there are plenty of advocates of “Christian yoga”; but an evangelist and physical education instructor, Laurette Willis, has also had some success with a a system of body postures called PraiseMoves which is explicitly linked to Christianity; she says she dabbled in Eastern religions for a long time before coming to the conclusion that yoga postures were prostrations before Hinduism’s multiple deities and therefore incompatible with belief in Jesus of Nazareth.

At a more senior level, some Christian leaders have held back from attacking yoga as such but urged followers not to treat it as an easy alternative to their own spiritual calling.

The former Pope Benedict, in his earlier days as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, observed that “some physical exercises automatically produce a feeling of quiet and relaxation” and warned people not to “take such feelings for the authentic consolations of the Holy Spirit.”

Pope Francis, in a homily earlier this year, was more tactful, but still edgy: he included formal Catholic instruction or catechism, along with yoga, on his list of things which should not be seen as a proxy for the mysterious power of the Holy Spirit to stir human hearts.

You can take a million catechetical courses, a million courses in spirituality, a million courses in yoga, Zen and all these things. But all this power will never be able to give you the freedom of being children of God.

And if you are looking for more categorical denunciations of yoga from top Christians, you can certainly find them. Albert Mohler, an influential leader of America’s evangelical camp, has told Christians to stay away from stretches, and the Orthodox church of Greece issued a similarly clear-cut prohibition last week.

On the other hand if you are a Christian or Muslim who loves the lotus, you can find plenty of well-rehearsed arguments for the compatibility of the Indian practice with Abrahamic monotheism.

A Christian web-site, for example, argued that evicting yoga-lovers from the premises in Bristol would do more harm than good. “Doing yoga doesn’t make you a Hindu or a Buddhist any more than singing along to George Harrison does.”

In his attack on yoga, Mr Mohler described India as “almost manically syncretistic” in other words, prone to the mixing of religious ideas.

But the fact is that most Western societies, insofar as they think about religion at all, are pretty syncretistic too. That puts traditional Christian or Muslim leaders on the back foot when they try to argue against the asanas.

To be a certified Yoga teacher, which all Yoga teachers are, you have to be a trained in how to open you’re students up to be filled with many types of deities. Buddhists and Hindus call this enlightenment, Jesus calls this demon possession.

Buyer Beware !

Hollywood Entertainment gods, force young boys to have sex, promising to make them stars, exposed!

A film documentary covering actual court cases and law suits, about what has been going on in the media, how soon to be “Boy Scout Leaders” were pushing their (according to the bible) “Sexual Perversions” on the rest of the world, comes a bit late in the game.

Isn’t that called “a day late and a dollar short”.

Still a good watch for those that want to understand the power of the media to influence a culture even away from the Bible, which America was based on originally.

The U.S. government launched an attack on what it called deep-seated and brazen corruption in soccer’s global governing body Wednesday, pulling FIFA executives out of a luxury Swiss hotel to face racketeering charges and raiding regional offices in Miami.
Swiss officials also invaded FIFA headquarters, seizing records and computers to investigate whether the decisions to award World Cups to Russia and Qatar were rigged.
Scandals and rumors of corruption have dogged FIFA throughout the 17-year reign of its president, Sepp Blatter, but he was not named in either investigation. He is scheduled to stand Friday for re-election to a fifth, four-year term, and the organization said the vote would go ahead as planned, despite the latest turmoil.


Real time Calculator of the destruction of CO2 to Oxygen Converters world wide.

Global Warming is a money scam lead by governments so as to find new ways to tax people even more money, driving the cost of energy up and passing that cost on to the consumer.

Science Lesson 101 forests breath in CO2 and exhale Oxygen.
Kind of a cool thing God created.

If Obama and Al Gore (made and set to make millions off Global Warming scam) really wanted to address the CO2 levels wouldn’t they simply deal with the junk mail going into Manhattan NY for example?

Since Man keeps destroying the CO2 converters is it any wonder the CO2 levels would rise?

Look at this real time calculator to watch and get an understanding of just how much wasted wood / paper / junk mail is going into your box…

I thought we all had digital “free” environmental friendly email ?

Check out in real-time what is happening around the World. Here are some events and their frequency after you visited the page!

Source: 15 events and their frequency of happening