China leads education putting Apple out front

One school revolutionizes China's approach to education.In a country where education has emphasized test taking and memorization, RDFZ XISHAN in Beijing is the first school in China to participate in a Mac one-to-one program, and has transformed learning into a collaborative and engaging experience — without sacrificing test scores.


2 thoughts on “China leads education putting Apple out front”

  1. Really interesting, as an educator I find it amazing the apathetic attitude to education in the West. The Chinese beat us hands down in the general level of education their students achieve. The one area the West has managed to keep a competitive edge is in producing students who are innovative and creative- vital skills in producing entrepreneurs. If China can couple their amazing work ethic, high standard of general education, and instil the ability to be innovators then we’ll be in even bigger trouble!

  2. This is the same case with students from India leap frogging ahead with a strong desire to be the best. US students need to get their act together. On a recent visit to a cancer research agency I was surprised to see that 90% of summer interns were of either Indian or Chinese descent. Makes you wonder why the regular locals were not aiming for high end academics?

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