San Bernardino: This Would Never Happen at a Real Terrorist Shooting Crime Scene

(Truthstream Media) Just in case you weren’t absolutely sure, the dog is absolutely being wagged in San Bernardino.

Never in a million years would what you are about to see happen at a real terrorist mass shooting crime scene.

Reporters from every mainstream media outlet you can think of swarmed the apartment of mass shooting suspects Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik, the couple we have been told are the ISIS-pledged terrorists who shot 14 people at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino just two days ago.

In one of the most insane things you might ever see, dozens of “journalists” with camera crews rampaged a fresh crime scene, stomping all over everything, touching stuff without gloves as they rummaged through the couple’s belongings like it was a flea market going out of business or a Black Friday Christmas sale instead of part of an ongoing investigation of what America has been told is the deadliest shooting since Sandy Hook and an ISIS-linked terror attack on U.S. soil.