So How Much Will This Fiscal Cliff (tax increase) Really Cost You?

That depends, of course, on how much you make. The more you make, the more it hurts.

The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center (TPC) says the average household would have to fork over an extra $3,400 more to Washington next year.

Here’s the average taxpayers will have to pay in addition to last years taxes, broken down by income group, according to the TPC:

–Lowest fifth of households (average income: $11,239): $412

–Second-lowest fifth (average income: $29,204): $1,231

–Middle fifth (average income: $49,842): $1,984

–Second-highest fifth (average income: $80,080): $3,540

–Highest fifth (average income: $178,020): $14,173

–Top 1 percent (average income: about $1.3 million): $120,537

2 thoughts on “So How Much Will This Fiscal Cliff (tax increase) Really Cost You?”

  1. And you still voted Obama knowing this would happen. People should now stop whining that life is more expensive and there is less money in their pockets.

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