All posts by Joe Scarborough

Iran Plotting to Kill Officials from Trump Administration

It has been revealed that two Iranians from the covert action wing of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, Quad Force, have been plotting to assassinate top officials who served in President Trump’s government.

John Bolton is one of those who the Iranians have plotted to kill. Similar threats have also been made against former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

However, Biden has resisted publicly indicating the men, for fear it will derail the nuclear deal talks currently underway in Austria.

Read More: The Washington Examiner

Russia points to 2014 article to justify Ukraine invasion

The Russian Foreign Ministry is pointing to a 2014 article, described as “anti-Israel” for the invasion of Ukraine. The Foreign Minister tweeted: “Why the Ukraine Crisis is the West’s Fault” article by John J. Mearsheimer (@ForeignAffairs, 2014).”

The article in question was  written for Foreign Affairs in late 2014 by Mearsheimer:

“According to the prevailing wisdom in the West, the Ukraine crisis can be blamed almost entirely on Russian aggression. Russian President Vladimir Putin, the argument goes, annexed Crimea out of a long-standing desire to resuscitate the Soviet empire, and he may eventually go after the rest of Ukraine, as well as other countries in eastern Europe…”

“But this account is wrong: the United States and its European allies share most of the responsibility for the crisis. The taproot of the trouble is NATO enlargement, the central element of a larger strategy to move Ukraine out of Russia’s orbit and integrate it into the West.”

Read More: Newsmax

Trump Seeks to Ban TikTok

President Trump has announced he plans to ban TikTok in the US. The social media app is highly popular with young people. However, there are concerns that the Chinese owned app is gaining access to US teens personal data, and is a security risk.

TikTok has also seen calls for its ban in other countries over safe guarding issues. Children have been targeted by paedophiles on the app. TikTok have been criticized for not doing enough to protect children from being groomed.

Read More: Fox News


Ex-Satanist John Ramirez shocked the world when he claimed his discovery of hell in 2014.

Ramirez claims he went to hell and that the devil was trying to end his life before God stepped in and protected him.

In an exclusive interview, Ramirez tells News 12 that he was trained to be a Satanic cult (Santeria and Spiritualist) high ranking priest in New York City that cast powerful witchcraft spells and controlled entire regions.


How to hide in plain sight- A growing fashion trend

Artists and fashion designers are coming up with novel ways to stay private in public

Emily Roderick, 23, and her cohorts in “The Dazzle Club” walked around the British capital last week with blue, red and black stripes painted across their faces in an effort to escape the watchful eye of facial-recognition cameras.

The artists took their silent stroll through the city’s King’s Cross area hoping their bold make-up would act as camouflage and confuse the cameras.

“We’re hiding in plain sight,” Roderick told the Thomson Reuters Foundation, explaining that bright colours and dark shades of make-up are known to hamper a camera’s ability to accurately recognise faces.

In Hong Kong, for example, protesters against a bill that would have allowed people to be sent to mainland China for trial have sought to avoid surveillance by wearing masks and dressing in black.

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Protesters in Hong Kong Sing Hallelujah to the Lord

A simple hymn sung in Hong Kong’s churches has become the anthem of the protesters across the city. The protests are about new extradition laws that China want to impose on Hong Kong.

At first the Christian protestors hoped the hymn would release tensions with the police. For Christians the protests are not only political but also religious. They can see the new laws being used to limit religious freedoms they enjoy, but are not shared by the church in mainland China. Many Christians in Hong Kong have smuggled Bibles to the mainland, and the new laws could see them arrested and sent their to face trial. Hong Kong is also a safe haven for Chinese believers who have fled the persecution of the mainland.

However, the hymn has quickly been taken up by all the protestors, not only those of faith. The Hong Kong authorities have said have suspended the bill, however protestors say they will continue until the bill is scrapped entirely.

Read More: BBC