ISIS to the Christians… Kill them

ISIS to Christians… “there is nothing to give them but the sword.”

Throughout northern Iraq, Christians are hunkered down in refugee camps, trapped in the desert, or in their homes, awaiting death.

Despite the presence of Christians in Iraq and Syria for two thousand years, today they face extinction in this region.

Canon Andrew White, head of the Anglican Church in Iraq “It looks as though the end could be very near,” he told the BBC.

Last week, Christians were warned to either leave the city of Mosul and other areas under Islamic State control, or they would have to pay a tax or be put to death.

The group, Human Rights Watch, reported on July 14 that homes in Mosul were painted with red letters to indicate homes of Christians.

Those Christians who have escaped have reported being deprived of all their belongings but for their clothing.  Escaping Christians were forced to pass ISIS checkpoints at town edges who also and additionally confiscated jewelry, money, automobiles, even food and water.  As they left they were warned “don’t even dream of returning.”

ISIS / Islam is very clear on this deal.  For those who live under the rule of a fundamentalist Islamic state, the options are laid plain and simple.  Run, convert, pay a fine, or be put to death.  There will be no coexistence.

Like the Nazis only a few short years ago, ISIS is glorifying and reveling in their killing and believe with all sincerity that they are doing the work of Allah.  Nobody is immune, fathers, mothers and children are being rounded up, beaten, beheaded or otherwise killed.

WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES FOLLOW, VIEW WITH DISCRETION. Many viewers will find these images VERY disturbing.

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A sample…

A child is photographed, waiting to be killed by militants. ISIS uses these images to terrorize others and to glorify their spree of terror.

A child is photographed, waiting to be killed by militants