All posts by Jim Acosta

despite its big earnings is Facebook going down?

…The Facebook Research VPN app put on you’re smart phone, sucks up all incoming and outgoing data. Not just Facebook data — all data, from web browsing to texting to activity on other apps. According to TechCruch, “Facebook went so far as to ask users to screenshot and submit their Amazon order history.”

So who has a problem with Facebook paying people to harvest their data?

Apple, that’s who.

With its pay-to-play research app, Facebook broke those rules. The Cupertino boys weren’t happy.

Punishment was swift — Apple revoked Facebook’s access to its “enterprise developer” program…

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Israeli Scientists Predict Cure for Cancer Within a Year

Israeli scientists say they will likely have a cure for cancer within a year, according to The Jerusalem Post…

…”Our cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a few weeks and will have no or minimal side-effects at a much lower cost than most other treatments on the market,” Aridor said. “Our solution will be both generic and personal.”

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Colorado gun man opens fire on Batman primer killing several of the cast and many in the crowd

Upper Westside of Manhattan NY, a gunman using several assault weapons threw canisters of tear gas into an unsuspecting crowd killing 72 people including Christian Bale during the red carpet opening of the third Batman film “The Dark Knight Rises”.

Mayor Bloomberg locks down the city and begins first a national then international campaign, vowing to get rid of all the legal weapons world wide completely, backed up by the new UN treaty.

The Hollywood movie community completely endorses the NO weapons ban on all guns on world wide television and within a few weeks the 2nd Amendment is superseded by the new UN world wide gun control. This marks the BEGINNING of the end.

This would have been the plan had the ascended masters had their way, fortunately the group once again spoiled their plan.

Obama Camp: Romney Committed a ‘Felony’ or Lied to American People – By Katrina Trinko – The Corner – National Review Online

By Katrina Trinko

In a conference the Obama campaign focused on Mitt Romney. The Romney campaign has called the story “not accurate.”

“Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony, or he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investment,”

Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter asserted, “If he was lying to the American people,” she added, “then that’s a real character and trust issue that the American people need to take very seriously.” Read This


We all stand to benefit by simplifying refinancing | The White House

The President’s Refinance Plan

President Obama wants to help millions of responsible homeowners save hundreds of dollars each month by refinancing their mortgages.

Why refinance?

Today, home interest rates are at historic lows—on average, below 4 percent. The average homeowner could save $3,000 a year by refinancing at today’s low rates, but far too many borrowers are locked out of a chance to do so. Complicated application processes and eligibility requirements, costly appraisals, and the fact that many homeowners owe more on their mortgage than the value of their home make refinancing all but impossible for millions of Americans.

What is President Obama’s plan to help homeowners?

President Obama’s plan is simple: make it easier for millions of responsible homeowners to refinance, even if they are underwater, regardless of who owns their mortgage. The President’s proposal would establish a quick and hassle-free process for homeowners who are current on their mortgage payments and want to refinance—no more tax forms, and no more appraisals—just a lower interest rate, and lower payments each month.

Refi: In 60 Seconds

What about underwater homeowners?

When the housing bubble burst, home values dropped, and millions of homeowners who did the right and responsible thing—shopped for a home, secured a mortgage, and made their payments on time each month—were left with houses worth less than they paid for them and mortgages worth more than their homes. Today, many of these homeowners are locked out of refinancing because they are underwater.

President Obama’s proposal is specifically designed to reach underwater homeowners, and no borrower would be locked out of refinancing because they owe the bank more than the value of their home. In fact, underwater homeowners can choose to refinance into a loan that will help them rebuild equity more quickly.

Ask an Expert:

Can borrowers who are underwater refinance

under President Obama’s Proposal?

How does refinancing help the economy?

Millions of homeowners who refinance could see hundreds of dollars in savings each month, but that money does more than just help individual families. Those homeowners will have more money pay bills, more money to spend in shops and restaurants in their communities, or more money to save for college or new car. In turn, this spending—made possible by refinancing—will benefit our entire economy, and help spur the growth we need.

Ask an Expert:

How will refinancing help local economies?

Ask an Expert:

Will tax dollars fund the President’s refinance proposal?

Where’s my “refi”?

President Obama’s refinancing proposal requires Congress to act, and until they do, millions of families will be prevented from refinancing and saving hundreds of dollars each month.

Use the refi tool on this page to find out if you qualify.

Speak out to let the President know you support his plan.

You can use the hashtag #MyRefi to add your voice on mortgage refinance policy. Jump to the tool to see if you qualify.

via We all stand to benefit by simplifying refinancing | The White House.

U.S. Adds Forces in Persian Gulf, a Signal to Iran –

The Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf beyond it, as seen from the International Space Station in 2003. Iran is to the right. NASA, via Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The United States has quietly moved significant military reinforcements into the Persian Gulf to deter the Iranian military from any possible attempt to shut the Strait of Hormuz and to increase the number of fighter jets capable of striking deep into Iran if the standoff over its nuclear program escalates.

“The message to Iran is, ‘Don’t even think about it,’ ” …

Read More: U.S increases Forces, a Signal to Iran –

Italian Bank on unscheduled holiday?

Original Italian language version

BNI depositors unable to make withdrawals / payments, payments of utility bills, mortgage payments, taxes

Peter Giordano, Adiconsum: “Grave of the Bank of Italy’s attitude that takes action without considering the impact on depositors, and especially on single-income families and pensioners”

The Bank of Italy authorized the suspension of payments by Bank Network Investments SpA (BNI) without communicating anything to the depositors.

Very serious and unacceptable – says Peter Jordan, Secretary General Adiconsum – the attitude of the Bank of Italy SpA in each BNI, because highly prejudicial to the interests of customers.

Bank of Italy, in fact, after extending the receivership of the bank, thus giving the impression of an imminent rescue, then gave the green light for compulsory winding up, without giving any prior notice to the depositors, leaving them in no condition to perform any type of operation, even basic ones for daily survival, such as withdrawals / payments, utilities payments, rates, taxes.

We must unfortunately note that offensive measures as those adopted to customers BNI – Giordano complaint – not an isolated case. Decisions without taking into account the heavy impact, particularly on savers in possession of a single bank account on which accrediting salary or pension, are not new to Bank of Italy, and also affected depositors of Banca MB.

The attitude of the Bank of Italy – Jordan continues – is bureaucratic and deed and as Adiconsum we asked in a letter sent to the Bank of Italy and the lifting of the BNI and an urgent meeting to define the way in which customers, especially Fixed-income families and pensioners, can perform normal daily operations.


A few years ago, Google sent out an army of cars with cameras on top, to photograph images of streets at eye level, no matter how remote or obscure. To date they have covered an impressive area.

At the time, some believed Google were also collecting private data from residents wi-fi connection. Like emails and passwords.

However, Google denied it.

But now, an investigation by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), has found that Google cars did carry software, which harvested data being transferred from unsecured wifi networks, as their cars passed by.

According to the reports, the cars could collect 250 kb of data per router, or 25 emails each.

Some have said, this is the fault of the residents for not securing their wifi networks.

But why would Google allow software to be installed in a car meant to be just taking photographs?

If I walked into your front door, even if you had left it open, and opened your mail and read it, would you not be mad? Is that not illegal?

Is this so different?

And what now? Are street view cameras still harvesting our data? Do they still have this data stored, along with all the other data they harvest from their customers every second of every day?

And how are they using it?

Col Gaddafi Killed

This mission into Europe, as the mantle re-entered Paris, Sarkozy gave orders to end this Gaddafi battle and for the air force to stop his escape so the people could catch him.

This is a testimony from DP, of a vision he had on returning to Paris:

In a vision I saw them screaming at me, ” your a dead man, your a dead man” and that within 72 hours it would be over and it all happened on the pavement.  God never does anything but that He first reveals it to His prophets. Prophets are not picked by themselves, but by God and God always confirms something “Before” it happens, especially when He puts His prophets in “Key” gateways that influence the entire world. This is God’s strategies and how He affects things to come into power. Prophets in the Gates, are the way God does this, and smart business men, support Prophets in the gates to keep them in the gates. Watch to “See the News Before it Happens” and  Thank you for supporting

As partners of Prophet TV will recall, it was on a previous European mission in March, that President Sarkozy suddenly took the lead in forging an international partnership to help the rebel forces in their fight for freedom against the long and bloody Gaddafi regime.

Prophet TV gatekeepers were involved in the intercession for France and allied forces throughout the enforcement of NATO’s no fly zone at the time.  And now again, when the mantle comes into the region we see the conclusion of the matter- Gaddafi was killed, on the pavement, by rebel forces, just as in the vision.

We do not like to see the death of anyone, however God brings swift conclusion to free the people.

Thursday, 27 October 2011



European Bailout Fund- Oct ’11

This October we ran a mission into Europe. This was a crucial time as European Union leaders were about to hold a key summit to deal with the ongoing debt crisis.

The week leading up to  the summit the negative headlines continued, yet the stock markets across Europe rose each day, resulting in the highest market gains in 11 months.

The summit was also very fruitful, a way forward was presented, including: a hair-cut for Greek debt, a €1 trillion bail-out fund, and a deal to re-capitalise the banks.

However, within days of the mantle leaving Europe the optimism evaporated and the deal struck seemed to fall apart as Greece called for a referendum, and investors backed off from contributing to the bailout fund. One partner watching the news, and unaware that the Europe mission had ended and the mantle had returned to America said, “I knew DP was out of Europe, it all just fell apart suddenly, and the hope left.” A sustained presence in a region is essential, Support Prophet TV so we can have a sustained presence in these regions.