Ex union president in Occupy event: Goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’

Mike Golash, who was a president with the Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 chapter, and is now an organiser for the “Occupy” movement describes the agenda…

“… is a revolutionary communist organization… It’s objective is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.”

“An organization has to be built which can bring down capitalism..”

“The capitalists — they have their organizations: the FBI, the CIA, the secret police, the military, the army, etc., etc. They have organizations to maintain their power. It’s foolish to think that without a disciplined organization made up not of a few people but of millions and millions of people, [we] can bring down capitalism.”

This event by Occupy D.C. was located in the Luther Place Church, downtown Washington, D.C.

See Former union boss at Occupy event: Our goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’ | The Daily Caller.

One thought on “Ex union president in Occupy event: Goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’”

  1. Communism never worked…all of Russia and the eastern block were in economic hell trying to make this happen. Even the famous economic revolution in the world second largest economy -China is not a product of communism. China’s success is part leeching off the US economy and part semi-capitalist policies. But you would never know that being a member of the Occupy freak show.

    On a side note, ever consider if you could throw a protest like in this in Communist Russia or even today’s Russia led by Putin and get away with it? Try protesting against Saddam when he was ruler or Iraq and you would have your head chopped off. But here in the west every entitlement seeking person can freely bad mouth everything that they think is wrong with the system and live to tweet about too!

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