Tag Archives: gnawing

On Wild Rampage, Bloody Naked Man Chews Woman’s Head

Hawley, Pennsylvania.  State Police report a Doylestown man, while naked and bleeding excessively, was “screaming like an animal” and was “gnawing” on a woman’s head.

The incident occurred early September 7th in Hawley Boro, Pennsylvania.

The suspect Richard Ciminio is 20 years old.

According to investigators, Ciminio unsuccessfully tried to break into a home while dressed only in underwear.  After his first attempt, he then stripped down completely and succeeded in breaking into another home.

While in the property, he jumped out of a second floor window which led to his many injuries.  Apparently unfazed, he continued down the street where he approached two women walking.  Again, according to reports, Ciminio “tackled” one women and “began to gnaw” on her head “while screaming like an animal”.

Upon Police and medic arrival it was reported that Ciminio’s “delusional and confrontational behavior” did not stop, despite being tasered.

According to the investigators, they are not sure if anything caused Ciminio’s behavior.

This report is eerily similar to a Florida story earlier this year.

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Rudy Eugene is the Naked Man

Rudy Eugene eating mans face

A man in Baltimore, Maryland, was arrested after the body of his room mate was discovered.

What makes this case unusual is that the man’s heart and brain were removed, and eaten.

But this is not the only case of cannibalism in the news.

Another man was shot dead by police in Miami, after Police found the man naked, and gnawing off the face of a homeless man.

Police are putting this grizzly crime down to LSD.

The first known account of cannibalism came following an expedition to the West Indies, led by Christopher Columbus,

usually in rituals connected to tribal warfare. Columbus and his crew supposedly discovered that the Carib West Indies

tribe participated in a particularly gruesome practice of ritualistically eating the flesh of other humans.

So, are these cases a manifestation of the increase in witchcraft activity in our nation?

Read more: People who do Cannibalism

Student ate roommates heart and brain

Miami Cannibal Attack