Tag Archives: muhammad

Sam Bacile, anti-Muslim filmmaker in hiding following anti-American Violence

The Israeli filmmaker who created the film “Innocence of Muslims” which ignited ultraconservative Islamist violent acts, is now in hiding.

There have been assaults on the U.S. Embassy in Egypt and the U.S. Consulate in Libya.

Sam Bacile states “Islam is a cancer, period” and that his film is a provocative political statement which condemns the religion.

Claims are made in the film that Muhammad was a fraud, a “feckless philanderer” and an “approver of child sexual abuse”.

Bacile was warned that he might be the next Theo van Gogh.  A Muslim extremist killed Van Gogh after making a film that appeared to be an insult to Islam.

Source Filmmaker Sam Bacile in hiding after anti-Muslim film sparks violence in which American diplomat was killed | Fox News.

US ambassador to Libya and 3 other American staffers killed

Benghazi, Libya.  The U.S. ambassador (J. Christopher Stevens) and three staff members at the American Consulate were killed on Tuesday following an attack by ultraconservative Islamist protesters.

The staff members were killed after they returned to the Consulate to help other staff members evacuate according to Fox News.

The Islamist protesters are angry over a film that is critical of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.

Dozens of protesters climbed the walls of the Consulate.  After taking down the American flag, they tried to burn it.  Unable to do so they then tore it apart and replaced the flag with a black flag with a Muslim statement…”There is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet”.

Source US ambassador to Libya, 3 American staff members killed in attack | Fox News.