IRS Corruption

The IRS deleted a job posting Wednesday seeking a Special Agent “willing to use deadly force” for its law enforcement division, Criminal Investigation (CI). The deletion came amid renewed scrutiny of the IRS in response to a Democrat-backed spending bill that would double the size of the agency.

Read More:  National Review

California Deep In Drought

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, whose district is in California, called out Democratic Governor of California Gavin Newsom on Sunday over his handling of the ongoing drought in the state.

“They haven’t built any new water storage. No new dams. They don’t have any desalination,” he continued. “They continue to let water go out into the ocean. So in a drought year, you do not have the reservoirs to be able to supply the water that’s needed,” McCarthy told Fox News.

Read More:  Daily Wire

U.S. Dept Of Energy Gives Game-Changing Battery Tech To China

An American company called UniEnergy developed revolutionary battery technology that could theoretically allow a house to be powered by solar energy.

The company that made this breakthrough ten years ago is dead and gone because the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) inexplicably gave its tech to China while preventing American companies from manufacturing it.

Read More:  Breitbart